I Will Gladly Give Up A Raid Tier for Player Housing

hire more people i guess or manage your people better idk other games do it and blizz by far has the most money.


Did you play WoD? Your party members could visit you in your garrison. We did that a lot during WoD

The technology already exists. No reason to make up stuff.


Why not both? Ion is a muppet if he thinks that Blizzard (or Activision/Microsoft) wouldn’t be willing to hire a large number of short-term contract staff to implement player housing if he thought it was actually going to increase player engagements.

Even with low sub numbers, 5 million subscribers gets them nearly US$1B on top of all the shenanigans like boosts, cosmetics, collectibles, character services and tokens. This idea that they would have to take existing devs/coders off the team to create patch/tier content and move them to a new team to make housing is absurd.

I’m not saying it would be an easy task, but it wouldn’t be as difficult as Ion is making it sound. There are plenty of people with player housing experience they could offer contracts to (ninja some of the people who did Wildstar), and it would likely only take 6 months considering all the assets already exist.

Start small, increase options and features as the expansion progresses, and keep it going in the next expansion. If it keeps players engaged and playing the game it’s an absolute win and worth the relatively small cost of bringing in 10-20 new people or 6 months.


These folks just want to sit around playing little dolly dressup.


called Garrisons, and people did not like it during WoD

this is your colleagues at blame


They’ve already said it would take more than a Raid Tier to implement Player housing.

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it was also the reason why people “were bored” cause they refused to do anything besides garrisons

it was a mediocre feature and it should stay in the past


Ion literally said it would take multiple EXPANSIONS to do player housing right, imagine thinking you can get it for a raid tier LOL.

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Me too. I still feel like that’s a bs excuse though. Blizz is a big company and those “opportunity costs” are a joke. They could definitely do both at the same time if they really wanted. Might as well start with a basic but good enough version of houses and update them with time.


The problem with player housing in WoW is partially due to it’s age.

If housing released in Dragonflight, think about how much they would have to add systematically, economically, and visually in order to produce that bit of content to support the age of the game. I mean, do they make thousands of furnishings, hundreds of locations, or do they keep it simple to start and disappoint the “player housing” crew?

As someone who wants player housing, I would rather wait until Blizzard is ready to make it happen. Unfortunately, the trade-off of likely “never” getting it means we just have to “wait and see.”

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and how many of them are good, useful or dont require " extra " purchases -heres a hint none --player housing is teh most useless thing there is


Maybe they could put those subcontractors they had create the Zereth Mortis locked chest and jumping puzzles on it.

I think the issues are that…

  1. Ion doesn’t value this, just as he doesn’t value any part of the game besides elite end content. He doesn’t do professions, doesn’t play alts, doesn’t do transmog, doesn’t even log in anymore.
  2. The player population has not only fallen so low but it’s continuing to fall, which means they can’t justify investing lots of money into a game that has been driven into the ground with no sign of recovery. It’s like, a year between now and 10.0. The population will only continue to fall between now and then.

would rather they focus endgame than something people won’t like to do cause “its too boring/hard”

dragon riding is a feature they want to try and already people are upset its not “real flying”

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If they said they’re going to update it with time I’m sure a lot of people would be fine with it. There’s always gonna be complainers sure, but the rest is willing to make a compromise.

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Some people are always gonna be upset, who cares? Also they’re focusing on end game and I don’t see people being happy either. There’s like what, 29 guilds that killed mythic jailer on horde and 3 alliance… Lmfao. They could definitely have a broader appeal approach to the game.


There is some truth to that. Because there was nothing to do outside of garrisons, and very little of interest to do in them. That’s not actually the fault of the players. Your own personal quest hub full of hangers-on that had 1 quest for you…a week? People who didn’t do PvP were totally bored.

I didn’t much care for the garrison. The only thing I did in it was visit the Gladiator’s Sanctum.

The technological framework could easily be turned into player housing.


As evidence by how much of the community is reacting to the announcement of Dragonflight, I think it would be a catastrophic “no-go” for Blizzard to announce a feature that starts so small. WoW players always harken back to the “bar-of-gold” argument.

Sure, people would compromise… but would they? I think they would just whine about how player housing will never be good because Blizzard might release it in such a sorry state.

Let’s say they announced player housing and suggested that there were only 5 plots available and only fifty furnishings.

First of all, the servers would tank whenever you would go to one of these plots and, even when inside, any phasing would still cause some form of server lag. That’s a massive thing that works well in FFXIV because no two people can own the same plot on a server.

Second, do you really think WoW players would “compromise” as if Blizzard was going to actually add more to this system? Look at Allied Races and the Shadowlands customization overhaul. Nothing else has been announced or added since the demise of their appropriate expansions, and they haven’t even touched on them. Not one bit.

Housing is something that can definitely take many many years to develop, and will always improve with time - but the safe bet isn’t rush this one - it’s to release a finalized product.

So you’re saying if 10 people were to walk into their garrisons now the entire game would crash?

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First of all, housing needs to be instanced. The housing system of plots in ff14 is complete garbage. Rs has those and it works perfectly fine, no lag and everyone gets a huge house.

Also, maybe you’re right on that one part that Blizzard doesn’t really update some of their old stuff so maybe the same will happen to housing and maybe not but they don’t have to “rush it”. They can take their time and give us something decent enough. Sadly this is not gonna be the case with Dragonflight. No housing in sight just yet.

Also I don’t care about the players that whine. People are always going to whine about everything like I repeated 3 times already. No matter what Blizzard does, it’s not enough.


sorry but thats rubbish --during WoD I was playing at least 50 hours a week , on ONE toon only , I spent 15/20 minutes at the the start of each session and 10 at the end in teh garrrison , the rest i was out in teh world doing things --there was plenty to do but people just didnt want to do it for some reason.

What was there to do in end game WotLK for example ? 25 dailies was the only thing you could do beside dungeons and raids in PvE and yet people think it was a great expansion.

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