I will continue to grief even if it’s one life

You dont need to talk about yourself like that.

How brave of OP to post on a retail character.

I can’t wait to roll a hunter and pull extra mobs in raids


Good thing you’re open and honest that you aren’t good at the game and a trash person.

Why do I grief noobs you ask? It’s the right of passage to vanilla wow. That’s the way it’s always been. You get griefed by opposite faction and you start to learn ways around it and also pvp back, maybe even grief the griefer when you get good. If your going alliance there is a good chance I will find you and try to kill you. If your good I will fail and go about my journey, but if your a noob I will end your wow hc journey. You have been warned!


Lol, they’re going to put in safety rails for these HC player. No more kiting, no more unwanted flagging etc, and it’s a PvE server. It’s easy to make this claim when you know full well that you aren’t able to do any of it.

pvp on a pvp server is not griefing, but hc will not be a pvp server so your plan will fail, and ill just go ahead and report this post so youre forced to quit trolling

i love the internet. you get to see life from the perspective of someone who has never left their computer chair. straight internet andys. its great.

bold to assume you will live until raid level

nobody cares about mythic raiding :expressionless:
you’re not playing WoW, you’re playing some anime slasher action game.

Ohhhh it will be so easy to grief with the “once your dead, your dead rule”. They are taking out all the questionable ways to grief, so that means what ever they leave in the game is fair game. I will test the limits of what blizzard will allow for grieving and use that. Where there’s a will there’s a way. I will hunt you down if you get close to me as I level. There is nothing you can do about it except either outplay me, kill me first, or start over at level 1…. Ohhhh I can’t wait!

which will be nothing, because it’s a PvE server :expressionless: