I will continue to grief even if it’s one life

It’s easy to hit 60 without dying. I am about to hit 60 now and never the entire time found it difficult. The notion of thinking people are “good” for hitting 60 is dumb, it’s just playing slower and not alt tabbing etc


If you get to 60 without dying, it just means that you were patient enough to play like a pussy for 100s of hours.


Basher has died at level 7 to a Kobold Miner. His last words were “this is so easy, no idea how ppl die to this lmao”


I like the Last Words feature of the Deathlog. There’s been a few of those

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hahaha good 1 man… All these mouths and tongues that are only good at spiting …

Except that it didn’t happen? Creating your own reality to make yourself feel better kiddo?

Grinding green mobs to 60 is hard.


… Woosh …?


These classic andies think that getting to 60 is as hard as mythic raiding LOL. More time consuming doesnt mean harder…

If griefers cause bans then are you really playing “hardcore”?
No you’re not.
Griefing has been part of wow since its inception.
You want “HC” but please take certains aspects out of the game to make it easier.
This isn’t “HC” its “Hand Holding Core” = HHC

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Nobody said Classic HC 1-60 is harder than Mythic Raiding, only you have said that.

That being said, most people can’t do it, thus it adds a fun flair to the best part of WoW that WoW has ever created, their 1-60 Vanilla experience. Nothing in WoW’s history has been as good as 1-60 (And the initial 60 dungeon grind experience).

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I think you have some personal problems you might want to sort out.


Harassing players and generally ruining someone’s player experience is against ToS. To advocate for something because it’s “in the game” is to also advocate for ToS.
It’s kinda like… PvP on a PvP server is fine. Body camping someone for a week is not. That’s harassment.

The severity of most actions is amplified greatly when considering you have 1 life.

Mind you, I won’t be playing hardcore because I doubt Blizzard will step in.

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What’s the point of griefing official HC servers? I get messing with them on the current Era servers but there’s zero point on an official HC server.

I’m not a griefer OP, but I respect your right to grief anyone but myself :+1:t3:

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Because presumably there will be no appeal process so the stakes are higher (and the deaths funnier).

The same as griefing anywhere. Attention.

The urgency of a self ban

Thank you for your service, OP.


That doesnt make it ok or accepted. Why do you think mob leashing got changed over the years? Why do you think Horde can no longer attack the defias traitor? Why do you think these changes are implemented?

Its because its not ok or accepted.

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It changed because bad players crying

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