So MB was brought up by a guy a few days ago. Then I posted on it, then I made a thread about it. Than another thread was made by another guy about it.
It is believed by many that it is against the rules…it is not So here is when it is and is NOT allowed.
It is allowed if you are the primary account owner of all of the accounts that are under your control
I know a Blizzard GM who multiboxes and he told me the rules so they go as follows:
You CANNOT multibox Diablo under any circumstance.
You CANNOT multibox StarCraft under any circumstance.
You can own multiple accounts for either one of those two games, but multiboxing for them is not allowed.
The only software that you are allowed to use for multiboxing is a key-broadcasting software
Every movement of every toon must be your movements only.
You are required to maintain control of your toons at all times: meaning ,if your toons get feared, MC’d or any other form of CC, you are required to get them back under your control and not have them scatted all around.
So here is when it is NOT ALLOWED:
If you have toons that your are multiboxing and one or more of them /follow you but do no other actions.
You also are NOT allowed to split your group in order to spawn camp an area.
You are NOT allowed to run multiple separate raids or dungeons or battlegrounds with them. Every toon must be in the same instance. (yes a certain guy who I will not named did try running multiple accounts to obtain a rare drop mount, banned)
So as to why some multiboxers HAVE been banned in the past while others have not? As a multiboxer, you are NOT allowed to cause server disruption. So in other words if you are multiboxing so many toons that it causes server lag, THAT is when the ToA has been broken. Even if it is by accident that you do cause server disruption, it is NOT allowed.
You are NOT allowed to stand over multiple NPCs with your multiboxer toons to include mailboxes.
You are NOT allowed to multibox in an effort to block an area while you are on PvP such as forcing someone to go THRU you in order to get to a raid or dungeon that they wish to enter.
I was told by the GM that I talked to a while ago that the ONLY time that you are allowed to split your multiboxing group is when you have logged into one or more accounts and your toons have been separated. So according to the GM, when that happens, your lead group must stay put and the toon or toons that you are trying to get to them must go to them. I was told by the GM that you are NOT ALLOWED to use your toons for two different tasks while they are in two separate locations. This also includes having one group active while the other inactive group has a pet or minion out for defense.
As he put it, if you want to get your group together and one or more is in Northrend for example, and the toon you want to bring to it is in a different zone, then you must not allow your Norhtrend group to do any actions apart from talking in responses. You are NOT allowed to start sperate conversations as a multiboxer and I will get to that later and you are only allowed to use one to talk a time.
According to the GM once your toons have gotten back in the same zone, and are all under your control, THEN you are allowed to do sperate actions with them such as one checking your mail or banks while the others sit still.
The reason why you are NOT allowed to start separate conversations using one or more accounts is due to the fact that it has been used for spam in the past for selling raids, PvP stuff and other things which is allowed if it is all self play and in game transactions only. That also goes for guild recruitment. If you are logged into multiple accounts, only one toon at a time is allowed to recruit for your guild. That also is why the splitting your group intentionally is prohibited.
So there was a certain mass multiboxer who got banned, (there are more than one who do mass mutliboxing)
The reason that he was banned was because he broke the TOA by splitting his raid group to do one or more separate tasks and also. he caused server lag.
You may have seen him do his raids… he had so many toons that 10 shamans would go to kill some people and 10 more would split off in another direction to kill some others… THAT was breaking the TOA as I was told by the GM I talked to about this.
Regarding myth that people mutliboxed to sell their account:
As told by the GM who I talked to.
As for merging accounts with different last last names, that is a near impossible thing to do, but if it is done, then it is irreversible and it cannot be undone under any circumstances. AND you are only allowed to do so if both parties contact Blizzard directly and only IF there is only one account under their name. You cannot trade your account for money or for favors. If a multiboxer attempts to split an account off in order to sell it, then their entire battle net account is subject to ban.
You are NOT able to split off or merge any accounts or move toons too or from any account that has an active ban, suspension or investigation going on.
Proven family members are able to gift their accounts away and according to the GM I talked to, that means no transactions of any kind are allowed that is why it is called gifting your account. You are allowed to take over the account of a deceased relative or spouse.
That is what I was told about multiboxing.