I will accept the LFG system with a “teleport to dungeon tool” for pre wrath content

What we need is a way for low level alts and new players to efficiently get to and from dungeons since they don’t have fast mounts or teleports. This becomes a non issue in TBC when we get epic flying mounts and teleports but before then it’s a huge problem and the end result is many dungeons are simply bypassed

My suggestion is a “teleport to dungeon” button for all pre wrath dungeons.

So you use your lfg tool to list yourself for a particular dungeon, or for a group leader to find more people, then once group is formed the group leader hits “teleport to dungeon”.

Everyone is then teleported to their dungeon. Alliance can now experience ragefire chasm and horde can experience deadmines. Once the dungeon is complete and you leave the zone you will be brought back to where you were to continue questing.

Fast, efficient, and fun while preserving the “community elements” of having to organize ourselves into groups in the first place


I’d rather they just add RDF, and disable teleport for TBC/Wrath dungeons.


RDF isn’t happening. So we are better off trying to make LFG as good as possible

RDF is happening at P2 at the latest.

Your random frankenstein idea of combining multiple systems is never happening.

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Meeting stones!


Meeting stones are great in TBC and Wrath. Not so much in classic



Not even Blizzard is willing to say it isn’t happening.

Port the retail tool in, it’s significantly better.

What’s with the “disabling teleport” compromises. It’s cringe, that’s most of the point of RDF. You get rid of that, RDF is barely any better than the garbage LFG tool we have now.

Either add RDF in it’s entirety or don’t at all.

The teleport for Wrath isn’t really needed, since the zones are more consolidated and we have flight. That’s one of the biggest complaints of it, and I don’t really care for it personally.

The point of RDF is for grouping, rather than having to spam in chat channels and sit around waiting.

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wait 30 mins at deadmines stone for someone to come help summon
half the group gets lost and dies getting to the actual dungeon
group falls apart
you have spent an hour doing something RDF does instantly

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I think this is a better compromise than others that focus more on the group building automation that Blizzard has clearly stated that they don’t want, so I think that’s saying something.

Personally, I’m not for this, but hear me out. I’ve had a mostly active sub since 2004. I went through the transition, going from having to run to dungeons to being teleported to dungeons. I thought it was great in WotLK and Cata… I never left the capital city and I could just spam dungeons. Perfect, right?

It wasn’t until I started getting involved in M+ in late Legion and throughout BfA that I noticed that I was missing something. This was strongly reaffirmed in Classic. Running to dungeons and actually being a part of the world was… engaging! I find it actually more fun in Classic than in TBC and retail combined, because flying gets you there pretty quickly, but I dunno, even though it’s tedious it gives me a reason to be in the world. The game is more than clicking a button, porting to a dungeon, clearing it and repeat. Doing different dungeons means I travel there and experience the world for that. I think the meeting stones are a good compromise for this… I will happily be one of the folks to run out to the stone.

Now I know that not everybody sees it this way. I certainly don’t expect you to agree. But I wanted to share this perspective with you as someone who had no port do dungeons, got it, and then realized that it took something away from me. Making your fun fast and efficient takes something away from your experience.

The pursuit of convenience isn’t always bad. This isn’t a universal rule, not all QoL improvements are bad things. But some can be… and that’s absolutely a sliding scale for everybody.

Classic has 2 continents and dungeons are located in both. There are also no fast mounts or teleports at the lower levels. Meaning it’s damn near impossible for horde to run deadmines and stockades and damn near impossible for alliance to run ragefire, with or without meeting stones.

Come TBC, dungeons are located in the same zones you’re leveling in and players have access to super fast mounts and teleports. So in that case meeting stones are quite effective.

To create a 5 man group in classic and to successfully complete the dungeon it can take up to 2 hours. Most of us are adults with kids and other responsibilities, we simply don’t have time for that.

You’ll accept what you’re given. You will play. You claim you’ll quit - you won’t.


Bold words, when there’s already been players leaving. The only thing we can use to determine if players are leaving (since the subs are embarrassingly low and Blizzard won’t report them anymore) is activity, and it’s taken a nosedive.

Likely won’t get much better in Wrath due to a lack of RDF, and there’ll be less staying power. I look forward to raid logging faster.

But that’s the issue. we arent travelling there. we’re skipping them entirely. I’m also suggesting this is just for pre wrath and I don’t think people would just be sitting in cities. They’d be out questing or farming mats for trade skills

I’m in no way suggesting this teleport feature be available in wrath. Hell it doesn’t even need to be in TBC. It could be a feature for lvl 1-60 content only.

I’m saying that I, for one, like travelling there. As it is right now, once your group is formed, you have to go to the dungeon you want to do. Personally, I find this to be overall positive to my experience. I didn’t realize this until maybe 4-5 years ago but now that I have, I don’t want to lose it.

I know what you mean, I just wanted to relate my experience to you. I don’t expect you to agree :slight_smile:

In all fairness, this is what I do now when I’m looking for a dungeon. I go on about my day and scan LFG-BB for groups. Or, if no groups I want are happening, I just ctrl+v a posting to LFG periodically and invite whoever is interested. Once we have a full group, I head to the dungeon. I expect WotLK to be an experience than what we have now, but even in the absence of that it doesn’t detract from my ability to go on about my day while waiting for a group.

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Pity you can’t solo at-level dungeons.

see you in wrath

While alt-tabbed doing other things, of course. I’ve never minded chilling at the meeting stone waiting.