I went back to Retail

Also just getting leveled is a pain. Everything is buying a run. I have a tank that can’t even get groups.

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yeah if you want an easy game where every class performs the same so no need of team comps just smash button, yeah gO BacK tO RetAiL LosEr

I only paid for 1 boost. I needed a few thousand xp to hit 40, and no groups were around due to time of day. It was like 1am, and finding a Cath group at that time was impossible. Only cost me 3g, and then I hit 40 for my mount.

I’ve run in to a few players who obviously boosted, and had no idea how to play their class. A mage in UBRS didn’t know what buffing with Arcane INT was. >.> OOOOF

What’s ironic. You say you had problems getting a group. When I was dungeon running with groups, finding the tank was a challenge. I grinding my own way to 60.

Quests that wield high xp, easy xp, and only the kill 10 pigs type. None of the x amount of tusks etc. Those are time sinks. I’d do that and run dungeons multiple times.

I suppose boosting is ok IF it’s an alt and you have the gold, but I’m seeing quite a lot of players who are new to the game power their way to 60 without a clue how to play.

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Ah yes, smashing buttons, so much unlike this undead mage, who has the complex rotation of…

checks cue card



idgive a F about PvE. You don’t button smash a mage in PvP. PVE is easy everywhere, so yeah… HUMAN ret palading I assume? Brain size checks out.


No, I want the whole tray.

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You have no way of proving that.


it really does not need to be stated that retail is superior to classic in literally every aspect of the game. Luckily classic drained a lot of the toxic players resulting in a way better community on retail as well.

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You go ahead an play Retail then. Imma stay here and play Classic. There are a ton of people who just don’t understand ‘preferences’.

Like Gear RNG drops from molten core and all that?

By spawning mobs, nodes and so on?

Actually, what do you mean by AI progressing your character? Cause right now, i can tell you the way you phrased it, you were not talking about MTX. If you were, you would’ve been well served to specify what you’re talking about.


You mean the Auto-Attack which Classic also has?


I’ve told myself multiple times that I’d actually try retail if they’d stop trying to sell a poor expansion near its end for so much. Even when it’s on sale, it’s barely on sale…and there’s no bloody way I’m paying more than $20 for an expansion this far in; it’s too bad Blizzard/Activision don’t care for the small amount of players with the same mindset.

That said, I’m 50/50 on what OP is saying. there have been MANY cases where I go “Wow, this game is utter garbage,” but then I try leveling a character on retail (Legion expansion limit) and think the same, but for the opposite reasons.


  • Classic: mana efficiency sets good healers apart from the bad, but is also quite limiting; in early levels it can seem like you’re trading mana for life.
  • Retail: mana efficiency barely matters, but your utility makes it more interesting.

Running Dungeons:

  • Classic dungeons take a lot longer to make groups for, get to and clear. It’s a pain, but makes clearing them more fulfilling.
  • Retail dungeons are easy to clear with occasional challenges, quick, and you teleport to them. Very convenient, but it’s with strangers and I don’t tend to feel great upon completion.


  • Classic is an utter pain to quest in without questie, and some quests are just incredibly mind-boggling with how inefficient they are. Alliance has WAY too many “run run run” quests. However, they send you all over the world and are 10x better as a fresh experience; it’s the repetition that can become a drag.
  • Retail quests are on rails. You finish a quest and it teleports you back to the quest giver in many cases. Early mounts, many flight-paths and choices of where to do them. Similar to dungeons, it feels a lot better initially than classic, but eventually I get a hollow feeling from it.


  • Classic PvP has far too many cases of “guess I’ll die then” or cases similar. Being polymorphed for 15-20 seconds in a WSG team-fight cause your trinket doesn’t break it and there’s no dispellers is hilariously broken; being counter-spelled as a resto shaman and watching your team die for the next 10 seconds… :frowning: The positives are no doubt the fact that you get to play with your base character without 1,000 gimmicks.
  • Retail PvP…I have limited experience with it, but from what I’ve seen Corrupted gear has 100% ruined it. Before that, it seemed like people never died and healers took forever to go OOM; the polar opposite of Classic. All that said, classes have a ton more utility and are generally more fun to play…and the lack of batching is super.

Ultimately, both versions of the game make me want to play the other version. One is archaic, the other is a marshmallow hallway; I really miss the inbetween days of TBC/WoTLK, but I’ll no doubt complain about them when they come out as well.

There’s a lot more I could say, but will leave it here. I’m currently planning to get Shadowlands, (after BfA being the only exp I never got. Thank goodness.) but if it fails to learn and improve, I’m probably done WoW for good; yes, even new classic servers for TBC/WoTLK.

Phew, wall of text over. No one read it please, it’s my personal journal. :slight_smile:


This is not true at all. Some things are better, some are worse.

No true. Grobbulus where I am on classic is great. My problem is different. There is a rise of reserves, and premades making it hard for many to progress. What I want out of it are, finding a good raiding guild that is socially responsible in how it conducts itself, and support of its guild. They are out there. Mine is a kind guild run by a great person, but he’s so abscent.

At the moment, I am shopping for a raiding guild, as I like to interview people first before I join. There are many good people here. Problem is how the community allows reserving to continue etc. I haven’t left Classic, but I’m stepping away and playing retail until I see some changes in my own surroundings. Both games have good and bad people.

Kinda interesting that you left utility out in the classic side. Was the utility not interesting there?

Don’t you run with total strangers on Classic too? And if you run with friends/guilds, then you have that option on Retail as well. These two things exists both ways.

Your gonna have to explain how “they send you all over the world and are 10x better as a fresh experience” is that.

As for Retail’s, i hardly see teleportation used back to the questgiver.

War never changes.

But i do agree, the lack of batching is super, because it made the game feel responsive, like video games should.

Marshmallow Hallway? But Marshmallows are yummy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s like saying, comparing the 16th chapel to Universal studios theme park. One is more archaic, is the other is a waterworld attraction that nobody has saw. I don’t know, that analogy didn’t work.


looks at Cata and MoP


…Actually, it’s not too short. :thinking:

No promises. :rofl: :crossed_fingers:


I like both. I play both. But new the thing I am liking the most about Classic has been the no CRZ.

I can do a /who and find people in every zone and the same people for days. Hell, I’ve done group questing content…ran around lost for 3 levels…and I run into that same group and it’s like we’re friends.

Retail is great, fast groups but just as fast say good bye.

On flip side, it’s the same gankers, groups that never want help, and you run the risk of being labeled a trash player in a dungeon and that sticks with you now. In, retail, if I totally suck or am working at getting better, the stigma is gone.

For me, it’s all about leveling and not having time to raid. The lack of CRZ means you get to really belong good and bad in your leveling adventures in the Barrens. Etc.

There’s no community in retail and as such it plays like a single player game unless you are at the very last stage of current content.

Ughhh “fast” we are 220 days in mate.

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Retail is a steaming pile of garbage lmao


Gear RNG drops from MC but is dispersed to the player by a player not AI. In retail it’s all AI.

If you want to target specific stats in classic you know where to go and how to progress. In retail you play the lottery. You have very little to no control. That’s handled by AI.

In classic it’s battlegrounds. In retail it’s anything below mythic level dungeon difficulty.

In classic it’s auto attacks you can turn on or off. In retail it’s random procs and corruption gear doing 30% of your dps that you have absolutely no control over… Handled again by AI.

Utility was interested for the first person you brought. Your 6th paladin brings absolutely nothing to the table that the other 5 don’t already have covered. Really, except for cases where you want to stack might and salv, 1 paladin alone can cover pretty much all of the needed utility in a 40 man raid. Utility didn’t start having a place until it became specific to your spec.

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and… So go play retail.