I watched 2 new players quit pvp in real time

70s sync’d down are not what’s making low level bgs bad.

70s sync’d down more often than not don’t even have spells that they’re SUPPOSED to have in that bracket, and their stats are ALWAYS scaled lower than a max-level of that bracket meaning if you’re in the 19s bracket, an actual level 19 player (not upscaled) will have more max health and primary stat, than a level 70 wearing full pvp gear that’s downscaled.

This is all just the shadowlands gear exploit crap that blizzard refuses to hotfix because they don’t actually care about the game or the players, it’s a bank account for them.

LOL they prob will bcuz its blizzarrrrrd

Lmao found the e-girl leveling her MM hunter with shadowlands exploit gear.

yeah welll id add tons of tmog for different honor levels and also diff rating brackets and recolors and tabards and weapon illusions and mounts . you know stuff that keeps ppl interested . Maybe throw in some tender currency per honor level and or at diff rating brackets too .

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inemia is a dude not a egirl ahem

oh, usual stuff, zero barrier to entry, equal ilvl for all pvp gear, more rewards.

but on the rewards thing, you need more than just a really cool shiney at the high end, you need bread crumb rewards along the way. 1000 honor kills is an achievable goal even for the new players, 50 wins at 2400+ is not. you can’t just put an elite set and rated mount out every season and expect new players to last long enough to reach that without buying a carry. small breadcrumb goals give the player a realistically attainable goal which will keep them in the game long enough to start developing skills.

so in order to achieve this, i would restructure pvp like this:

pvp requires pvp gear, a standard issue set of pvp gear with templated stats could be purchased from a vendor for gold, players could use conquest to make pvp gear with custom stats. all pvp gear has the same ilvl in pvp, the pvp ilvl increases over the course of the season to add dynamic meta shifting.

conquest is account wide, and used as a currency that can regulate afking.

with gearing taken care of, you could now use the seasonal unrated mogs for the breadcrumb rewards. say 1000 hks unlocks the first item, 2000 the next, 3500 the next and so on. they should cap it off with a matching recolor of the seasonal rated mount.

additionally, they should add something like a MVP reward to unrated matches, things like top damage, top heals, top flag caps. not only would seeing their name called out on screen at the end of the match get players psyched and motivate them to keep doing that, but you could track the number and type of MVPs rewarded to the player on the armory.

so now, players look at the mog in their collection books and see that this item only takes 1000hks in pvp, they think to themselves “well i can do that, i know it will take a few games and i will lose some, but this grind is totally doable”. the goal is that by the time they get the mount unlocked, hopefully they will have gotten hooked on pvp and getting better. if people think the pain needed to obtain what they want is bearable in small bite sized chunks, they will bear it. thats how you get people in, the rest is just balancing and logistical issues relating to it being a sport like game for pvpers.


Four types.

You forgot the farmers. Those who cheat and those who don’t.

5 types, actually.

Forgot to mention the folks who insessantly cry about it on the forums…such as yourself.

If they are cheating, blizz will eventually catch up with them.


bro i - im mf ded :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull: :sob: :sob:

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Pvp would be better if entry level pvp was as smooth as entry level pve

Right now you’re just thrown into the sharks


Well thank god you’re not in charge of PVP reward and gear structuring.

What?? Lmfao.
Less so than ever before.

You can easily farm 12070 honor for a full set of near max-level gear before you even hit 70.
Why are people who don’t pvp commenting on this

I think you missed my point entirely

→ be new
→ hit level 15
→ Q up a dungeon
→ is super smooth, you get loots, everyone is relatively friendly, boss dies
dang that was fun

→ q up a bg
→ get farmed 4 people doing xpoff completely unable to do anything to fight back in any way shape or form
→ Have 0 fun
→ never touch bgs again

Conversation the next day
→ “yo did you do a bg yesterday??? pretty fun right???”
→ “Yea ima just pve that was awful LOL”
→ “It’s fun at max level though”
→ “nah im good I prefer to be able to play the game”


None of this draws people in or keeps them coming if their first games they get relentlessly hammerfisted with no idea why (or how). Or if they decide to come back after a break. Or give PvP a try after years of PvP.

Balance and accessibility are all that matters - if someone feels the goal is pointless or that they have no chance they simply won’t play.



Also, please no more rewards based on HKs. We’ve already seen how these things promote degenerate behavior in bgs.

And please no special praises/prizes for people topping scoreboards. Players will literally be fighting on the roads to pad their numbers. Meanwhile, the person guarding a node gets nothing.


at the end of the match, someone has to lose.

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guarding a node only has value if that node needs to be defended. if you did nothing, you get nothing.

this just seems like you don’t want rewards for high effort. if you don’t want the rewards based on effort and the outcome based on skill, what you want isn’t pvp, but a party game.

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if nobody is trying to cap the flag, then nobody needs to defend the flag. if you sit at a node all game and do nothing, why do you think you should get anything? its not like the other team made you do any work. on the other hand, if you sat at a node in continuous combat fighting and spinning, this will show on the combat log.

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That’s just not true

Skipping first teamfight in a game is the fastest way to get the good players on your team to stop trying

think his suggestion was fine then ad din my tmog suggestion and then it would keep players playing . Who wouldnt want conquest conquest account wide ?

he also did say the rest is balancing if you read it