I don’t like your hair. You’re being added to my blacklist. /s
I added yo mamma to my blacklist!
I added your gnome overlord to my black list TWICE
he’s out of control, the toxicity is… intoxicating
don’t forget to make a chat screenie that says he was yelling racist stuff in trade to make it really stick.
or even worse, that he trolled
and then, talk about them in discord 24/7 to really cement it
course, only bored and hypocritical people would do that.
Can it be misused no doubt as nearly any tool can. Just because you can kill someone with a hammer doesn’t mean the hammer should never be used for anything.
That is the broadest possible concept there is for this addon. Now how do you go about it? That will make or break the addon.
- Can the user apply their own criteria for blacklisting?
- Can the user remove black lists shared by people they don’t agree with?
- Is there a score?
- How do you go about creating that score so its as objective as possible?
- How do you confirm trolling?
- What is the punishment for trolls?
- and so on
What I find funny is that many of the people complaining about this are the very people who talk about LFD and czr ruining the community. How did those communities exist? By sharing information and blacklisting people who engaged in behavior we didn’t agree with. This is normal human behavior where we force people to conform to conventional behaviors. This addon attempts to recreate that by holding people accountable for their behavior.
Oddly with other social addons WoW players tend to rate each other fairly high.
In the end though you don’t have to use it. Nor is there any need to worry about others doing so. If people don’t want to group with you because of your behaviors thats their choice and your probably better off without that group anyway.
What is scary is the amount of “toxic” and abusive behavior towards someone who is in their own way trying to create something they like. In many ways this thread shows that there may indeed be a need for such addons.
Wish I could like a post more than once. Hit the nail on the head.
That app you linked isn’t even close to what this guy is advertising. This shouldnt be allowed to exist. Stop trying to imprison everyone else with this Garbo.
Its the same concept.
Its a beta addon. If you don’t like it provide constructive feedback and criticism.
What features would you like to see?
How could you make it more objective?
How can we solve the pvp problem?
Just complaining about it while others belittle, harass and at times even threaten the creator only prove to him that such an addon is needed.
And again how does it imprison anyone?
Do you use raider IO? If you do then how can you justify not allowing people who don’t meet your criteria to join your group?
And judging by these responses how popular do you really think it would be. Maybe a small portion of the wow population might use it. Oh no you might be black listed from 1 percent of anything you apply to if you act like an expletive.
if people don’t want to group with me because of my behavior, that’s perfeclty fine
the problem everyone has with these social tar and feather addons is not being held accountable to behavior, it’s that the submissions are easily faked, not reviewed by anyone with any authority to pass judgement on players, not unbiased, etc.
objective data
subjective data
they are two completely different things
how in the world do people not get this?
Okay, back to reality from someone who’s actually dealt with a community who tried this crap (without an add-on) and failed:
The person(s) making the report(s)/gossip/whatever will decide what behaviors needs to be held accountable.
The person(s) making the report(s)/gossip/whatever will decide what behaviors needs to be held accountable.
And I guaren-freckin-tee you that they will be control freaks, most likely a group of them, or one ‘popular’ individual with a lot of influence for whatever reason, who will be making most of these decisions, that others will follow blindly, because they’re the top dog and you need to follow them, or else.
These people will not held accountable for their abuse because everyone will become too scared of their wrath to challenge them.
The ones who NEED to be punished and face consequences the most, will not be until the very end, when they have no one left to abuse, and have to turn to each other to get their control freak kicks.
All you accomplish by giving them a tool like this is a way to construct, manage, and police their own little fiefdom for a short time.
It does absolutely nothing to ‘cleanse’ or help the community. If anything it causes it to die a very slow death via figurative choking and hemorrhage (of players/members).
So how do we go about solving these problems? I think socialIO did a good job by rating the group as a whole instead of the individual. In this way people who consistently irritate others get a low score while others in the group get a single low score offset by their normal scores.
As far as not being qualified to judge… Each and every single one of us judge others behaviors every day. If you don’t think the person is qualified to do so (or just don’t agree) look elsewhere.
Indeed I do which is why I asked in the exact same response how we can make it objective.
you are asking to make opinions objective
but it’s still up
I’m often amazed at the stupid things that people will support. I think that the average person is sort of stupid…but then I have to come to the conclusion that half the population is somehow stupider than that person.
You cant because its feed back opinions which by their very nature are subjective.
Case and point, if you wipe in your group and some one says “Ah man that was really gay.” its an subjective opinion if that is worthy of a report.
You know I don’t even disagree with you on most of this and thank you for posting it.
Completely agree. If such a system were to go live there would need to be punishments for false reports.
Again agreed. There would have to be very specific guidelines. Preferably there would be different categories that would allow users to ignore or set their own weights to various categories/topics.
And I agree with this and its one of the reasons I wouldn’t use this specific addon as is. What ways can we possibly limit it. Possibly by pairing it with another system like social IO that derives its score in an entirely different manner.
This isn’t against the terms of service?
So here is the issue, even with those things, becuase the moderators are not held to any accountable standards, it would turn into what happens to subreddit moderators, they become very VERY bias.
Becasue again, this is a very real thing that happens, a lot of mods will just stop caring, and as a result the only ones left that do moderate are the ones with very specific agendas/opinions on what is and is not ban/report worthy, and no way to combat it.
The fact we are promoting a social credit score system for wow, you know, that thing we laugh at china about having, is still boggling my mind.