I was wrong. NO RDF makes the game significantly worse for leveling

I didn’t see this and I started wow about the first week it was released and played all through wrath.

I see your problem. Why were you sitting in Dalaran spamming dungeons all day? I’d log on. Ask in guild if anyone wanted to do a dungeon. A couple would always join me and we’d queue into the dungeon group finder. Then I’d go quest or farm until the dungeon popped. If I was on my healer we’d get a dungeon in 5 minutes. If I was on a dps it might take 30 or 40. After the dungeon I’d get teleported back to where I was questing and quest or farm some more until I felt like running another dungeon.

So again why were you sitting in dalaran spamming dungeons. Didn’t you have any quests or farming to do while you waited in queue? It sounds like a you problem and not a problem with the dungeon group finder.


Thats a HUGE generalization and very incorrect and does not apply to assumedly a large portion of the player base. Its a player choice issue that exists currently anyway. What is different from sitting in dalaran and watching or spamming a chat channel compared to RDF? the travel to the dungeon?
You have no points and just vague generalizations.

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Do you actually play WoW or are you just a contrarian troll for the forums? Most puntable gnome ever.


Because I play tank/healer classes and my queues were near instant. There was no incentive to leave.

Hey, you can still do that! It will take you roughly 10-15 minutes to get where you need to go and if you want to cut down your travel time, quest or farm somewhere nearby. When you’re done, hearth back to wherever you need to be and carry on. Enjoy the world!

Correction… I have no points you are willing to agree with. I don’t need your validation, Blizzard seems to agree that taking people out of the world was a negative step for WoW and has taken steps to correct that course in Classic.

If WotLK is dead to you without RDF, please any of the many other MMO choices you have available to you.

This is most people’s goal. But you don’t have to be speed leveling to have the issues I outlined. Just normal, run-of-the-mill leveling will cause all of them.

Yes, it absolutely will, moving forward. Maybe right now, at this exact moment, it’s better than I described, but this is a particular and momentary high point for leveling dungeon runs and it’s going to go downhill from here until the expansion ends. I’m on a moderately populated server and was actively seeking dungeons and found exactly 2 in 50 levels. I did not play in any particularly efficient way besides just continuing to quest. I even have my professions leveled as much as I can having gathered exclusively by my own hand.

Not sure what you were playing but I only ever did this on a single character, which was a healer. In BFA. Even there it would have been more efficient to quest as well, but questing is horrific so hey. RDF takes a handful of people from out of the overworld to be sure, but most of the people who want RDF are just going to not level alts instead of being so sneakily tricked into being randomized NPCs for your own selfish gaming experience. I’ve seen the sentiment over and over, and I know that’s the boat I’m in. Instead of happily grinding out all my heirloom gear, and putting together a full suite of leveling upgrades for the character I was going to level, and then merrily questing while queued and running dungeons when they popped, and actually enjoying leveling for the first time ever, I’m just going to not do any of that or touch any alts. A very fond memory of actual Wrath of an activity that I engaged in multiple times, and instead of recreating it I’m going to be 100% absent from the overworld on alts, 100% absent from dungeons on alts, and even going to do far fewer dungeons at cap since I don’t need any heirloom gear.

And because of all that I’m going to be far less engaged with the game in general and far more likely to quit outright at some point. It’s not my intention, but that is the reality. Without RDF the game becomes much shorter and smaller because the replayability falls off a cliff. Instead of being on an alt in guild chat, interacting with my mates and being present if anyone asks to do something, I’m going to be offline doing literally anything else. Instead of having extended goals that keeps my impetus to run capped dungeons alive I simply won’t, and so I won’t be spearheading many groups that I would have otherwise formed. The lower anyone’s engagement is the more likely they are to just stop logging in at all. I am without question not some aberration in this regard. The exclusion of RDF is going to have a net damaging impact on the social sphere of the game.


If you love contrived tedium so much Classic Era is waiting for you with open arms. I’m here to play Wrath, not vanilla. Been there. Done that. Twice. Very much over it.


Then it has nothing to do with the rdf. Your queues are instant with or without a dungeon finder. You’re just making up bs to complain about it. Just another anti-rdf troll.

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So you were intentionally choosing to spam dungeons with instant queues.

This, but with regards to you wanting to not sit around in capital cities spamming dungeons. It seems like you’re the one with the issue just going out and “enjoying the world”.

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Its not, never said it would be. Wrath is already amazingly fun and its just prepatch

You need to present a real point before I can agree or not. assumptions and what if’s are not points.

I play three different MMO’s already besides WoW. People can play different games concurrently. This is also a horrible reply in general and shows you do not have a community mind set.

Let blizz know that people are already raid logging, sitting in LFG chat waiting for groups, etc. “taking people out of the world” is already a thing happening.

Something that rhymes with “I bold you go.” Enjoy it. This is what you asked for.

I said I did that… and so did so many other players. In 2010 I was right there with you, give us a way to automatically get groups and just get into dungeons. If you dig hard enough some of my old threads might still even be there.

I’ve learned my lesson though… the game wasn’t fun. I enjoy having incentive to go out into the world, to experience the content, and to do so with my party. I didn’t realize how much I missed that until Legion started making me go back out into the world for M+, and again when Classic launched in 2019.

Some conveniences we don’t need.

Sounds like you’re here for RDF, not Wrath. I wasn’t aware the two were synonymous.

Fabulous. Nothing is stopping you from doing just that while RDF exists.

You weren’t aware the the iconic systems of the expansion were heavily associated with it? Do tell.


Alright, between this one and some of your other zingers today, you’re on fire dude lmao

Yes, I wasn’t aware that a single convenience system added in the final patch of the expansion took precedence over all the other content it had to offer. I’m here to experience the content and the gameplay. If you’re here for a single system only so you can more conveniently level your alts, I have a hard time feeling anything even remotely approaching empathy for you.

Hahaha. Wait, are you being serious?

Then why cry preemptively?

Well, this would be valid if you weren’t entirely convinced of your own farts smelling great. No point can be brought to you if it isn’t agreement.

oh so you try to avoid the community on 3 different games?

“Well one bad things is already happening that means other bad thing must be okay”
-the post

That is a lot of lying in one sentence. Just to recap you wildly and disingenuously downplayed the impact of the RDF system right before presenting the timing of its introduction in such a way as to imply that it was a small part of the expansion when it was, in fact, live for half of the expansion.

fallacious statement, he presented no points. I regularly take in information alternate to my own views.

Don’t understand where you got this avoiding community thing. Im active in my guild on WoW and the variants there of in other games.

“ignoring that its already happening and not presenting any incentive to the contrary”
-the reply

Disappointment isn’t crying I’m an adult and got over it to i still prefer RDF to what we have now.

Coming in REAL hot for no reason?
Sounds like a WoW player.

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Everything I said in that quoted text was truth. We aren’t even at the point in WotLK Classic where RDF would have been added and your world is falling apart?

calls it like i sees it champ

They said while arguing for something that will actively diminish the quality of said community

“Missed the point entirely but still tries to act like they have the upper hand. Imitation is also flattering.”
-the concession

Evidence in this thread points to the contrary.

No reason? Son I’m always hot. I never needed a reason.

Everything I quoted was a type of lie. RDF isn’t some minor convenience feature like the auction house including more formatting search options. The impact it has on content accessibility is massive and beneficial. It was included in the last patch, technically, but the only reason you phrased it that way was to imply that it was a minor part of the expansion – maybe even effectively a Cataclysm system. That is a complete lie given the last patch of the expansion lasted half of the entire expansion. There are people who started WoW and proceeded to play for an entire year during that single patch.

The question is why are you so comfortable lying to try and buoy your position?