I was wrong. NO RDF makes the game significantly worse for leveling

To be fair, between boosts and DKs no one is going to be doing pre TBC content right now. I’m not sure LFD would help you much right now. I’m still in favor of it though.

This is a question, not an accusation. You can just answer it without getting defensive. I’m genuinely curious, because if leveling fast is fun, then it would presumably be your opinion that sitting afk and getting boosted would be the most fun.

I’m honestly trying to untangle your perspective, cause it doesn’t make sense to me.

Oh, I’m sorry, then why are you even commenting? Nothing you post that I’ve seen so far isn’t passive-aggressive or down right toxic, and you are in fact here antagonizing people just because you disagree with them. Please, tell us how you’re not doing exactly what people are saying you’re doing?


It’s a public forum. That means you’re going to have people commenting.

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Actually, I find it quite the opposite. You can find groups for a 10-12 min dungeon run…for most people it takes longer than the actual dungeon run to find it. And to quote a line from the game: “Time is money, friend” So while try hards, GDKP, min-max’ers, or anyone who might actually enjoy that form of social torture or extreme time waste it’s a great tool. But for those of us who don’t, it isn’t viable. Last time I tried to find a group for TBC Ramparts as a tank, I literally just gave up after about 45 min of nothing but spam, healers saying they’ll come for gold or item reserved, or the group would fall apart waiting for someone.

“Time is money, friend” And the saddest thing I think about all of this? RDF impacts dungeons. Even with the badges, you’d still only get so far, cause you know…Raids. That’s right, those things where the major content of the xpac happen. Everything else is roadmaps to those things. And everyone who thinks that the “tedium” is part of the experience…Blizzard owns your time, and your money, but not mine.


The bottom line here is, if you find running to dungeons a waste of time, don’t do them. You either like dungeons or you don’t. If you like them, the 10-15 minute run to the entrance isn’t really going to bother you much. If they’re just a means to an end (ie, get your latest alt to cap), then whether or not you do them is irrelevant. You can quest or you can do dungeons, for you it doesn’t really matter as long as the xp keeps flowing.

I can maybe see how, right now, dungeons would take a hit to efficiency because the XP buff is on, so running to them instead of questing might not be a fast as if you just stayed leveling. And I could understand how you could convince yourself that if RDF was present, you wouldn’t even have to leave you could just pop into a dungeon and go right back to questing.

However, that’s a passing activity. So making leveling dungeons an optimized xp factory activity isn’t a good tradeoff when you could just keep questing. Those who like to do dungeons will still happily run out to them. Even now when the XP buff is active and it would be more efficient, as you say, to skip them, people are doing them. So if that run is just too inefficient for you, I’d maybe examine why you want to do them in the first place.

I think there’s more to this story than you’re letting on. I never had any trouble finding a ramparts group throughout TBC as someone well behind the curve, on any role. If I do a “/who ramparts 58-65” on my server right now, I see 34 people. Obviously a lot of them are DKs, but this is consistent with my experience in the past.

I’ve asked this of a lot of people who are aggressively pro-RDF, but what kind of server are you on? How is the population? How is the community? If it’s low-pop or a toxic community, I would strongly consider checking out another server. Pagle-Alliance is ultra chill and has been pretty friendly. For the most part, throughout TBC’s cycle, I’ve had no issue finding groups. Even as a feral druid DPS (non-meta, low gear).

I do think that server connections need to be addressed. This approach just doesn’t work in today’s classic, but cross realm isn’t really the answer either. I really wish Blizzard would just link low-pop realms together into clusters like they did on Classic Era, to keep the population at a level that folks would find on your average medium pop realm.

Anyway, sorry you’re having a bad time, good luck though!

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Cool. Now go back and actually read my posts until you comprehend them well enough to respond in good faith and without misrepresenting what I said. It is positively exhausting to read your repeated lies.

Yes, we don’t need cross-realm RDF. What we need is to just play on a server that is almost the size of three combined “Full” servers from Wrath of the Lich King! Lol.

No, I stopped reading your posts after you just started replying to everything I posted calling me a liar. Wait! I can ignore you… cool :slight_smile:

Of course you do, you dont actually do anything. All you do is sit on the forums and disagree with everyone’s point of view that doesn’t align with yours. You’re a professional Forum troll.


How are people going to sm or silvepine as alliance daily honestly. I did it a few times but… if u have a job and family… its lost impossible. I wouldn’t mind but most people just don’t wanan do the walk. :man_shrugging: :cloud_with_rain:

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You are the one ignoring my posts and attacking strawmen which you’re attributing to me in their stead. Me telling you that you need to stop lying and converse in good faith is just me not letting you get away with that. If you respond to the things I’m actually saying I won’t be calling you a liar because you won’t be lying. It’s very easy.

I’m not playing some gotcha game. I’m not being difficult. No one who is honest and straightforward will have any issue with me. But even me, who produces a prodigious amount of text, has a limit on how wasteful I’m willing to be with it. I can only wrangle you people so much before I sometimes have to tell you to get your own house in order and do the work yourself.

Leveling is fine. Dungeons are accessible. Stop making mountains out of molehills.

Agree and more. What takes the most difficulty out of the game, teleport or lvl 70 character sale? Remove the teleport to make it difficult and sell boost. Blizzard just wants money.

The only primordial truth and we have to expect the worst if it makes them money they’ll do it.


And that, is the problem. It isn’t the system, it’s the playerbase. RDF allows us to circumvent the issues that you’ve pointed out that would necessitate a transfer. Is that my game now? When the playerbase gets too low or toxic just transfer? You’re trading one solution that doesn’t hurt anything (that anyone can prove empirically) for something that quite literally does. Doesn’t make sense to me.

Also, just because it’s not your experience, doesn’t mean it isn’t mine or the other players who’ve posted about it. There doesn’t “have” to be more going on. Do you play at 3AM like I do? Are you on my server? Do you toast your bread with the same toaster I do? Like, you can disagree with me about how you haven’t experienced what I’m saying, but to call into question my experience doing something in game with no basis other than your own experience isn’t the counterpoint. There are always nominal factors into anyone’s experience of any given thing, but then there should be systems put in place to mitigate the worst of them. Server xfers are not, and should not, be the solution to this issue.

I do agree with you that the low-pop servers need help, but the solution to that has already been created, but is being withheld because Blizz wants to spend as little money possible re-creating RDF on retail code. And they want that sweet boost monies and whatever else they can wring from the playerbase. I’m no longer subbed anyways, so it really doesn’t matter now, but it really boggles my mind how the RDF became this boogeyman instead of the real culprits: Blizzard greed and a small slice of the playerbase who are extremely toxic and ruin everything they touch.

Anyways, good chat, sir, or madam. Wish you the best.


This is the crux of the matter… it’s not RDF that does this, it’s cross-realm and that’s a whole different argument. If you were connected with other players on other realms, you would have a larger selection to choose from. Cross-realm isn’t really the appropriate answer, but maybe connected realms for low pop is? I dunno, but there should be solutions here so people can be connected… we just want those connections to be somewhat permanent, not transient.

When I said that I think there was more to this story, these are the details that you left out. You play on a low pop server at off hours. The bottom line is you aren’t really in the best place for your needs and you’re expecting to have these solved by RDF.

As it was implemented in WotLK, RDF would solve your problems too, but they take us right back to other problems that both a meaningful portion of the player base and Blizzard want to avoid. Perhaps instead of focusing on how wrong everybody is for not wanting RDF because of the clearly observable trends that actually occurred over the last decade or so since RDF style gameplay was introduced, perhaps we can focus on specific problems and try to come up with specific solutions. Solutions that not only keep communities together, but enable players who might not otherwise have access to communities in their current state to have access to those communities?

I understand how you might feel jaded here, and I do think that Blizzard is a corporation like any other and is absolutely financially driven; however, I genuinely don’t believe keeping RDF out of the game has roots there. It’s something at least some meaningful portion of the player base have asked for and it’s something Blizzard agrees is a better focus for Classic.

Maybe that will change or maybe it won’t, but I feel that there are more appropriate solutions here that should be advocated for instead of arguing about RDF. Like, any post having to do with RDF is instant controversy. Conversely, a post saying, “Hey, I play at 3am on my low-pop realm, I need to be connected to other players!” will likely be met with near universal support.

Only because you people are making it so. There’s controversy about RDF in the same way there was controversy about people smoking weed in the 70’s. It’s born entirely out of your group’s inability to both reason and keep your nose out of other people’s business. The fact that you are now literally pulling out the “Oh honey it’s impolite to talk about that” trope is just bananas perfect as a representation for the type of non-logic that drives your agenda.

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It should be in at the very least for pre-current expansion content. WotLK comes out then Classic and TBC content is in the RDF. Gives as leveling path, makes old 5 mans ran more often, and in general just is a fun thing.

Then in WotLK they need to cut the current LFD finder and put in the retail one. So you still have to make groups. You still have to be “social”. But its a tool that is actually worth not just tossing in the bin like the current one.

This all feels very workable. Current content is kept “classic” because for whatever reason people feel like wasting time and typing 123 in chat is critical to the game. But the rest of the good things RDF brought can still be a thing.

Then if they move on to class Cata, then WotLK stuff is moved into RDF and Cata stuff is moved into the “only LFD tool” crowd and continue. The tool should still be able to be used below the current content, but not required.

I can agree with a lot of what you’re saying. But I do believe that the RDF removal was driven by money, with all of the various reasons given by various players as a smokescreen. We already know that the old systems, like WG do not work on retail code. And, I’d put money down, that instead of making something like RDF, but even with changes that’d I’d be okay with (no extra incentives, keep it lower level, badge removal) they don’t want to dump money into a group to work it out, and they’re using what they currently have to make a version of the retail tool work, on retail code. But that’s neither here nor there, we can def wax poetic all day about the what if’s, at the end of the day, there is no current RDF, and the LFG tool needs some massive overhaul. None of which fix the current issues (maybe satisfactorily?) that we both agree on.

If the reasons behind the removal were open and honest from the devs, I’d be all about that. But the simple fact is wording my “Hey, I play at 3am on my low-pop realm, I need to be connected to other players!” to be met with near universal support doesn’t change the fact that there are real problems with the game and playerbase/servers that simply are not being addressed in any form. So, while I don’t disagree with you on may points you’ve made, I do believe that simplifying the rally cry for fixing these issues around a feature (RDF) that, while it wouldn’t necessarily address all of the issues, would alleviate the overwhelming obvious issues that are rampant.

Have you actually played any version of Classic? its literally the same min-max BS as in retail… Leveling boosts literally spammed everywhere, GDKP spammed just as much and most raiding guilds are only interested in speed-running the content… So the point you made is actually invalid

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