I was wrong about TBC flying

No business is going to say well I think i’ve made enough… They’re always looking for a new angle

Sure but those angles might make them less competitives or lose customers. Wow definitly knows that the ones remaining are the ones willing to pay more, but that’s a the cost of the game growing in term of players. They took many shortsighted solutions because that’s one way to do business. At the end, there are also many more ways to make money, wow makes more money than a lot of games. And if they really were just there for the money I would expect them to sell power on the shop.

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That’s their literal business. If the game dies it does

The game literally won’t die if they remove the wowtoken. But they just won’t make as much money. Even then, their CEO said they weren’t making much on the wowtoken overall.

So how many boxers and bots are there out there who actually finished all zone’s main stories and have all reps at 15+?

You just need one character in a bnet account for that to work for that. All the other accounts just have to be in the same battle net account.

That was removed:

Static flying makes this all to easy. “BoTs HAvE bEen dOInG tHiS alL ExpANSioN!” Spoken like a true bot

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Maybe Blizzard should just remove all gathering? No gathering, then no bots, right?

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In this economy??!!

This is slippery slope. That is not a solution, but re-adding a unnecessary flying mode that enables multiboxers (OP wasn’t talking about bots) to flock through all resources, yeah, that is bad.

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im about to multibox so hard right now

the usual troll is back i see

Ya, I’m over here on regular flying collecting the dragon glyphs. I’m a peacock, you gotta let me fly!

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TBC flying is good, we need more options in this game


It’s outdated and lets people destroy zones with multiboxing.

Remove TBC flight.

What a bad take, what about people with disabilities or accessibility issues? how are they going to fly?


They just added features to allow them to use dragon riding without motion sickness.
The problem is: TBC flying should never been unlimited and unrestricted like it was.
You shouldn’t be able to fly for hours without landing on that mount.

It should’ve been limited with a duration on how long you can fly until you have to dismount and have your mount rest.

It was a bad implementation back then and they couldn’t simply take it away. If it would’ve been implemented today, 100% it would be more similar to dragon riding.

Actually, dragon riding is the way they should’ve been implemented.

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I’ve seen some suspected multiboxing around events like the Superbloom and rares, but not for anything that would affect the economy.

I’ve seen very few players at all out gathering in the new zone even with the new mats turn-in weekly where you can blow hundreds of mats in a week.

kals a troll, just ignore em


I would tell them, they have implemented and are implementing more features and options to make dragon riding easier for those who “HAVE” issues.

TBC flight needs to go away.