I was wrong about FF14

I went back in and made a new toon and had a blast last 5 days.
I solo content out of choice and only join with others when a world event pops up, other than that it’s doable and fun.
I am so tired of the negative flagging trolls in here. They can’t stand any of us having civil discourse so will do their best to try to stop all freedom of expression. I leave the trolls here where they may fester away. A shame as I have met so many decent people here as well.


Sometimes it takes a couple of tries, trying out a new game can be overwhelming, new features, new UI, new gameplay, etc.

It also took me a couple of tries before I managed to permanently settle with the game, about three times to be specific.


Plus the environments are different. I like to be out in the open from the starts, but some races start in a large multilevel confusing place, and teleports are expensive for noobs.

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Arh, that too of course. I think the easiest to navigate is a competition between Ul’dah and Gridania. I think Gridania is the easiest, followed closely by Ul’dah and then you have Limsa Lominsa that can be very confusing.


Especially for continuous quest turnins…gah. LOL

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Hope you’re ready for your post to get flagged in about an hour because you’re not insulting the game. People hate hearing opinions they don’t agree with and hate them even more when they are powerless to stop people from enjoying different things.


Then go join your new cult and leave the WoW forums alone about FF


Yeah. The city is beautiful and all (I have an enormous hard on for coastal cities, I just LOVE the sea) but damn.

Luckily, if you take the time to attune to every aether crystal in the cities, you can at the very least teleport around within the cities for free, and you get to learn the lay of them.


Intra-town teleporting is free of charge. You just have to run to and attune yourself to all the Aetheryte Shards first.

The only teleports you have to pay for, are the ones out in the world outside of cities and to go to another city.

Easiest way to do quests, is to click on the quest in quest log which will bring up a map and then look at the closest Aetheryte Shard (which will tell you what it’s called when moused over) and teleport to that.


Its nice you are enjoying another game, but why not talk about your experiences on the FF forums? I mean, Im currently playing ESO but I dont come here and make posts about how much fun I’m having etc. Though maybe I should, because the MMO world is not just made up of Final Fantasy and WoW.

And it will be moved over onto the Off Topic forum fairly soon anyhow.


It’s nice that you’re being more civil about it, but you know, if you don’t like reading about it, you could just simply not click on the thread if you’re not interested in the subject?

And maybe he wants to talk about it over here on WoW, because he sees a lot of WoW players unfairly bashing the game and he’s trying to reassure people looking for greener pastures, that it is not as bad as people make it out to be?


Way too much story for me. Talk to someone… Talk to someone… Talk to someone… Talk to someone…Kill 2 things… Talk to someone… Talk to someone…

There is even a quest that after the third time asking you to go find that npc again it literally says, talk to npc yet again.

I mean if it were more open to questing like other MMO’s then I could see the attraction to it. It’s a beautiful game.


The story is a feature that the game is built around. And hey, if you don’t like story, that’s fine and all.

But, saying “I wish XIV didn’t have so much story” is like saying “I wish Call of Duty didn’t have so much shooting.”

I don’t play CoD because I’m not into military shooters. If I want a first-person game with a little shooting, but more other stuff, I’ll go to something like Fallout.


And you decided you had to come and announce it on the wow forums… because?

Oh your just stirring the pot. :roll_eyes:

Thankfully the forums have a mute button, but seriously why does anyone think we care about your final fantasy 14 opinion, and why are so many supposed “Final fantasy 14 fans” constantly feeling the need to spout off about it on another games forum?

Pointless spam.


Why do you click on things you obviously have no interest in actually reading?

Did some demon force you to move your mouse over the title of the thread and push the left mouse button down?

Who knows maybe there are some WoW players in here who are on the fence and are interested in reading about what others have to say.

/shrug Could happen.


Sometimes I click on a post so I can Mute it - which I often do for these off topic posts and you have open the post to do that.

So would it be better if I said something like “I tried FF about a year ago, played for a couple of weeks and left because there was very little about it that I liked”. Which happens to be true, but whats the point? Its a dead end comment because most of these posts arent made for discussion, just to make a point.

On the contrary, Final Fantasy receives a lot of positive input here. I see very little bashing, its mostly like my opinion, that it doesnt appeal for whatever reason each person has.

And anyhow, its reasonable to be dissatisfied with the topic of a post and say so, I feel.

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Just reminding the FF14 fan people that their opinions are pointless on this forums and belong in off-topic, and hoping that moderators will see it and move it like they generally do.


My pot needs stirred :honey_pot:

growls we’re making this thread grow


The problem with Off-topic is that hardly anybody even goes there. Everybody goes straight to GD and you see plenty of OT content here.

But it’s XIV stuff that people harp on about more than anything else, but yet other OT topics are fine?

I dunno, I’ve seen plenty of scathing, butthurt comments here in GD myself towards XIV.


It’s a fun game for sure without worrying about doing chores in WoW I’ve really had a chance to try out mmos I never did in the past.

Enjoying ffxiv and guild wars at the moment and might try eso again if those don’t work out. Either way WoW would have to excuse my pun WoW me again for me to resub.

And there going to have to do more then the same old “fix beta problems after a year and expect us to jump with joy” scenario.

Not going to pre purchase any expansion anymore and going to wait till launch to see if beta issues get addressed.