I was told to just enchant and buy greens off the AH

You geared up and could not perform, and the post was made.
Am I missing something here?

Some spec/class imbalance issues maybe?
Premade teams with ideal comps?

Because twinks deliberately pick those specs for being broken. And yes, it does happen that every game people are looking for how many twinks each side happens.

Yeah, you’re missing the screenshots. Intentionally.

Please. The twinks that are taking advantage of the power gap aren’t looking into “strats and comps” unless it’s with other twinks. You truly are lost.

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You are the one having massive problems that I personally have not had.
Who is lost?

lol you say twinks pick those specs is so wrong guess you didn’t play in legion when survival hunters and disc priests ruled low levels all exp pack like I said it all comes back to class balance and na it doesn’t

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Have you been doing BG’s while levelling lately? They are in almost every game.

Also, brokenly OP specs at certain brackets are specifically chosen by twinks so they can be even more OP.

If XPon players had their own queue, this would not be nearly be such an issue because people would just be levelling alts (not twinks). Very few people would continually level a class to 49 and gear it out just to be OP for 10 BG’s.


Indeed I have I decided to level a lightforge dreanei for the heritage armor and play marksman since everybody and there moms is playing broken specs infact I am actually level 32 atm and heavily disagree clearly the two of you don’t remember legion

Except those players were out of that BG bracket once they outleveled it. I’ve faced this exact same group over and over again in the 40-49 bracket and been queueing at different times.

Intentionally disregarding the big picture.

You are for posting in this topic, having no idea what you’re even talking about. You’re seriously defending the pic with the hunter? Like it’s just some FotM class issue? And I don’t doubt MM is FotM, but you’ll find that, FotM or not (and it usually is), it’s twinks that are doing these disgustingly high amounts of damage in BGs.

You can see right there, there’s literally nothing I can do to defend myself. From my max health (at the time was about 3.3k), that Aimed shout did 2.2k.

The Arcane Shot right after – an instant cast ability – did more than 1.3k.

That’s my whole health in one action.

That has nothing to do with “skill”.

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Try making a thread that will specify your needs be met in regards to low level MM Hunters.
MM just received a buff, maybe you can make an “Article” campaigning for a MM nerf?

Then I showed you an Elemental Shaman doing almost all my health in a proc and another instant-cast. Also a twink.

Nerf Elemental, there is another “Article”.

You’re just gonna keep trying to point at the specs and not that every one of these people are twinks, huh?

Yep because like I said it all comes back to class balance


I do the same thing while I level my characters while using a strong spec.
Strong spec, strong character.

Well it’s not the xp on/off switch that is killing you


Now we are getting closer to the real root of these issues.

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It’s just a coincidence it’s always a twink, too.

I’m a freaking Resto Druid. Look at the wall of top players on XP Off or anywhere else. The spec’s amazing.

Didn’t stand a chance to a LITERAL one-shotting twink.

There wasn’t even a point in here.

The root issue is your little circle here infecting every single post pointing out what’s going on and pretending your arguments haven’t been dismantled time and again. That people haven’t shown SS after SS proving that twinks being in levelling BGs is the problem.


From my perspective and through numerous observations within BFA, active players are doing just fine.
You can come on into our Battlegrounds in BOA gear while leveling through, and be completely viable.
This has been confirmed.

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that’s funny because several people that I know in game have leveled for heritage armor aren’t a twink and they haven’t been complaining as well as some people on forums as well {as well as my self on my level 32 hunter} sure 1 shots happen and I looked a few people up past few times due to these threads everyones around same gear as me and shocker can do those insane dmg including on my hunter cuz its broken and shocker we aren’t twinks but you guys love to pull that excuse when you lose


“BGs are just fine.” - Twink. Confirmed where?

Mines a thrift store druid too:
