I was told to just enchant and buy greens off the AH

So I did.

Then this happened: https://gyazo.com/2ea5c9bc36a5eeed97427303ad511ebc

As well as this: https://gyazo.com/c48fd34fa249780aecce0824941e1070

How is this even defensible? WHY are twinks back in BGs with questers?


Yeah I started lvling a hunter and ran into a bunch of mouth breathing back peddling keyboard turners at lvl 20-29.

All rocking arcane mages pressing missile all day.

Was a site to see 10+ gnome arcane mages in ab though, watched my entire team die with in 3secs.


Can never stop people who roll fotm always gonna be people that do that seen it happen to every class prot warriors disc priests shadow priest. legion survival hunters. Now its marksman hunters and arcane mages. will never forget the brief time we also had shockadins 1 shotting people >.>

At the end of the day if these clowns can’t balance low end because they are lazy, make everyone op.


Here’s another: https://gyazo.com/c44052e58507848b912602a60e2d0e67

Look at 'em all up there, GY camping us. And don’t let the bases count fool you; they intentionally left two of ours bases alone for the longest time to prolong the farming. Look at the time elapsed. You can even see them up there outside our graveyard in the pic.

This is the community you’ve enabled, guys. I got bored of endgame so decided to level characters for heritage armour, but if it’s questing/dungeons or this, it’s not worth it.

Checked the armouries on all those characters. Yeah, it’s TOTALLY just a coincidence their top killers are all twinks, right? Are you implying that I’d have stood a chance against that hunter that killed me in two shots – one being an instant cast – if I were a FotM class?

No. Twinks being back in levelling BGs IS the problem. They have TRASHED the experience.


I leveled my hunter in bgs yesterday from 111-119 in prideful gear then bought some blues in the AH I ended up 2-3 shotting most people and if they had around 50-60k it took a few extra hits blame the class balance specs broken.


Here’s another: https://gyazo.com/821fd168c11f4605560bc2831b75b6ed

This one’s an Elemental Shaman. I posted the death hit as well as the Lava Burst just before it. At this level, I’m hardly pushing 3.3k health in BGs. And I remind, this is after I went and spent gold on gear and enchants, like I was told would help fill the gap between twinks and myself.

When I post one of an Arcane Mage, they’ll say it’s them.

But no matter the class I’m posting, it’ll be blamed rather than the fact that they’re twinks.

And thus far, they all have been.


This is a player issue, if you cannot perform while geared it is not anyone’s fault but your own.
That Shaman is a level 19 in BOA and Dungeon/Quest/BG gear.
What did they do that you could not?

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that’s because it is a class issue twinks did not exist in legion yet people STILL complained about low lvl balance.


Look at the screenshots, various Brackets and OP has just cherry picked the worst SS to share.
This level 29 you have “Upgraded” was not even in those BG’s. :thinking:

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Um, no they’re not. You didn’t even look at their armoury. They’re enchanted up and even wielding epics for main and off-hands.

Yet every time at the top of these BGs are twinks. It’s just coincidence.

I’m on my druid. What are you even talking about?


I was looking at another character, wrong reference.
What has the 49 obtained that you could not?
Is there something in particular which other players can not obtain to reach similar levels of power?

Leveling through herbalism may suit you better.


Twinks have an infinite amount of time to gear because their experience is turned off.

Levellers only have until they’re out of the bracket.

They should be separated, as they were before. The gear difference is stupidly imbalanced.

Say something productive or don’t say anything.


So you didn’t actually want to level, you wanted to be carried. Noted.


Well mm hunters got buffed and they probably now overtuned at low level, so I would understand why a well geared hunter would be 2-3 shotting people.

Also in bgs people use potions and beserker buff, it can lead to 1-2 shots, I know because I do it at max level where gear is more even out.


There you are, we were waiting. :wink:

It seems that BOA items combined with upkeep via Dungeons,Quests,Crafting etc are actually fine for leveling through the lower brackets.
Just because “You” are feeling the lack of viability does not mean it is not achievable.
My most recently leveled character has had no problems becoming a force within instanced PVP. This was leveled through Dungeons and PVP while wearing BOA items, by level 50 I had amassed 20+ crates/satchels.
Killed some Twinks along the way, easy game.


Right but people wont accept that answer. class balance is the issue and it always will be there will ALWAYS be broken specs

No, I wanted to supplement my levelling with battlegrounds between the dull questing and dungeons. Being a tool doesn’t make your insult a valid point. BGs weren’t perfect when things were separated, but now it’s be a twink or die instantly. Levelling with BGs, the team with more twinks determines the outcome.

It wasn’t like that before because twinks were separated.

Did you just help my point by pointing out how often people post about this? Why, thank you.

Thanks for mentioning this story. It was really eye-opening because it tells me you’re an absolute liar. I’m at 18 BGs played on my druid and am knocking on level 50.



Excuse me?