I was told to just enchant and buy greens off the AH

You know I get some of you guys are angry and are forming some weird worgen group now for w/e reason but some of your guys suggestions are pretty stupid like this 1. the 1 good suggestion that was actually decent was the taurens about gems/enchants being removed/nerfed I think that’s the best compromise that both sides can agree on


That was actually my suggestion even before today. Not enchants, just gems

First of all we are not a group, I just wanted to do this. I do agree that the nerfing of gems and enchants would be a great thing. I would get behind it for sure. It may not be the overall solution but it is a great improvement.

Either way I still think its the best solution then follow that up with class balance which honestly probably will never happen but gems/chants have always been the main issue boom done no more problems. because lets be realistic its whats pretty much causing the issues they are already nerfing the broken weapons sets are disabled so they can disable gems boom done

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This conclusion was came to almost a week ago.

I get their frustration. I just think it’s directed at the wrong thing. It’s hard to suggest fixes to a group who think separation is the only answer.


yeah I am aware I have been reading this thread on and off. at this point its also a waiting game to see what its going to be like in like 3 weeks when patch hits too anyway

Both sides win people can play lower level people wont be 1 shot unless you play something broken like hunter atm as a example because I am sure that wont change but no more gems/chants will fix most of the problems

well after reading the back and forth for weeks now it seems to be mixed with premades Hunters/mages/fury warriors and few broken enchants/items that are actually getting fixed soon. that just leaves gems

For Gilneas.

I hope I’m not counted among that. While I would prefer separation, nerfing enchants/procs and making gems inactive in BGs would satisfy me personally.

Just seems like a lot of work that I don’t think Blizzard is reliable enough to pull off anymore. Especially since they have their hands full salvaging the expansion at the moment.

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What ever happens, seperation, or nerfing random items, boosting others, or whatever. One thing we all are working for is a better environment that we all can be in. Every change for the betterment and enjoyment for the majority is probably a good thing.

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Yes, this is what some of us are looking for.


Why the hell do you even care if ppl want to stay a certain level? like an item decay that cant be repaired. this is just so dumb rofl like greyhide level dumb.

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another question would be why the hell do you care about what I care about? Do you think you own me and want to control what I do and care about?

Repair costs go up 20g :clown_face:

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you missed the part I said about no repair lol

Turn xp on, repair, turn xp off. Repair costs went up 20g lol

e: It was more or less a joke…

In all fairness there should be some kind of sink in the twink game however. I know there is a monetary cost according to kang. He spends a lot of money buying tokens to sell for gold to buy stuff on the ah. But there should be an in game sink as well. No one gets a free ride! :slight_smile: And yes, thank you for the clarification of it being a joke. It really is hard to convey over text. I thought it might be. To be honest with you I get a good vibe from you and I think your pretty chill. :slight_smile:

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There is technically. They aren’t gaining experience/talents/abilities

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technically yes, then forever no cost but random silly repairs…Lets impose a huge penalty.