I was told to just enchant and buy greens off the AH

That’s ok Juga we are all allowed an opinion after all we do pay a sub to play this game we care about. Just because there is a difference in opinion that is not always arguing.


Yeah I’ve watched it before lol. I was in a relationship with one. Bad stuff.

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True and I will say you handle yourself far better than others :blush:

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Wait… are you seriously trying to say that WoW’s decline is due to low level bg imabalance!? :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Wow is on it’s way out, that’s pretty inarguable. But that is due to end game gearing and rewards systems being a dumpster fire of uninspiring, infinite-treadmill, slot machines. Azerite neck levels are simultaneously boring as mud and mandatory to keep your character up to par. Azerite talents on gear are, for the most part, boring passive things that come nowhere close to replacing the artifact weapons, legendaries and set bonuses they are supposed to take the place of. The process of gearing is random and very unrewarding, there is little to no deterministic path one can take to gradually grow their character’s strength. You ding top level, do some world quests, afk in a warfront or two, and boom your handed the majority of your gear for free, then you spend the rest of the patch wrestling RNGesus and his disciples, warforging and titanforging, for that last 5% in gear, while grinding your neck level of course so you can use your new gear even though you already had that same skill unlocked 5 levels ago. Oh and let’s not forget the pruing of more abilities and the whole GCD fiasco. Then there’s the factor that leveling a toon from 110 to 120 actually feels like a downgrade in character power. Etc, etc… could go on all day, but there is already countless posts, articles and youtube videos exhaustively going over all the problems with current WoW… go do some reasearch if you truly don’t get why WoW is dying, you’ll find not a single source will listed low level bgs or twinks as a problem. It’s end game that is killing WoW, that is where the vast majority of players spend their game time.

You are out of your mind if you think it’s low level bg imbalance that is causing WoWs decline.

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I’m speaking about the overall new player experience, bg’s are part of the game. For example I am playing ESO atm. It’s important that me as a new player to that game feels it’s worth playing, my first impression is important, or I will leave.

However having said that I got whooped in low level bgs in ESO last night ha ha.

Even without twinks, the new player will have a bad experience due to no heirloom gear. Due to class imbalance. Due to lack of pvp knowledge. etc… I wouldn’t say it’s good to balance around the new player 14 years into the game.


But if the new players dont come in, and experienced players leave…no game. No lowbies to pwn.

New players, or lack of, are not killing the game.

The die-hard WoW players leaving by the thousands is what is killing this game. End game gearing and class design being as bad as they’ve been a long time, maybe ever, is what is killing this game.

You are stretching so hard to make WoW’s decline the fault of twinks that you have lost touch with reality.

I have no clue what you are saying here. Low level queues are doing fine still, even with twinks

This low lvl bgs are definitely not what is killing the game.

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Difficult does not always mean bad IMO.
Facing the new challenge is what has brought this game into our hearts.
Some of the best games currently are well known for the difficulty, and overcoming it creates a great feeling.

Sounds like you need rated battlegrounds then.

Speaking of eso how is it nowdays? I have it but I have not played in a long time.

I twink and I use to que rbgs every day back in mop, its a different experience. Although I would recommend everyone try each aspect of the game pvp and pve included at least once.

Pretty sure rated battlegrounds are max level only.

Did I say otherwise? He speaks of wanting the thrill of overcoming hardships. Surely he does not think slaughtering sheep is hard right? Who cares what level is there as the feeling of overcoming odds is important to him.

Yep I hear some rated players also enjoy free time with friends in low level Battlegrounds. :thinking:

Overcoming twinks on the other team is pretty fun actually.

I’m sure, so they would have no problem in their own que with other twinks then.

There is a problem when they don’t get games though. We’ve been over this.

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Its a different system now with sharding. You do not know if they will or wont either.