There have been debates within these threads, as they are the place where we can all come to discuss what is on our minds etc. These forums are our social outlet for the game we love, and we deserve a fair environment to discuss.
I could not help but notice there are some questionable activities happening that are solely done for disrupting the efficiency of our “Liked” post system.
Upon reading this thread below, we can all take a look at the “Like” icon, and its results for popularity. There was a few names that have liked this thread, and the interesting discovery was of the same account “Like” on different characters. This leaves us with some solid reasoning behind the “Skewing” of the “Like” system.
There has been misrepresentation of the truth in these threads, time and time again. The act of altering threads “Like” has been documented before, same character.
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This has been documented before, and to see it happening again is very questionable.
I have lost all sense of any credibility from these players within these debates.
The constant elaboration of these misrepresentations has become quite blatantly obvious. There is an agenda in place and dishonesty has a common theme from one side of this debate.