I was scammed. GM wont give the gold back?

Hello! I am your local moron!

I got scammed for a Jaina carry, 25k gold. I submitted a ticket and the GM told me he caught the guy and took the gold away. Hurray!

Thing is now he wont give it back and I am worried he is keeping it for himself. I realize this sounds like a conspiracy theory. But I just got scammed so I am on edge I guess. He also wouldn’t connect me with someone else when I asked him too. That didn’t help my concerns.

Thing is, I just want to talk to someone normally. He keeps copy and pasting stuff from the blizzard website. He barely actually says anything at all.

This just feels bad. :frowning: Please help mighty kind GMs of the forums who talk like normal sane human beings. If you can’t give my gold I understand but help me out here.

“If we can verify a scam took place, we will take action where possible—this may not result in the restoration of lost currency or property.”

They simply remove the gold from the game. Destroy it in other words.


Your worried the Game Master is keeping it to themselves? Is that accurate, Reventor?

That isn’t how that works. A Game Master technically can create gold if they wish, and how much their GM character has really is not a factor. They don’t transfer that gold to their play character or are otherwise keeping it from you for the lawls. It is standard policy.

We take scamming very seriously and will do what we can to penalize those that we verify as scamming other players. However, these are unsupported transactions that you participate in at your own risk. We do not generally provide reimbursement in these situations. Sorry.


Nevermind ^
I know they action for scams, but I’m not sure they actually return the currency to the player. I read that in a blue post once but I don’t remember what post it was in.

Thank you. That is what I needed to hear. HA! I was actually clicking your name before this post to see if I could just send you a PM. Funny you were the one to respond.

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I kind of live here, so odds are good Monday through Friday, 10-7, if it’s blue, it’s me a lot of the time. :smiley:


Yeah I feel for you mane. I was just scammed out of 27k gold today via trade. Dude posted an item for sale and swapped the item on me then ignored me.

I do have a question. If a GM can verify scams and take action against scammers and generate their own gold then why can’t they reimburse the scammed? We go into the game playing by its rules and then someone comes along and breaks those rules and it costs us in the end. I understand if someone does a normal trade of services rendered or items sold and then changes their mind and wants their money back but this is not that case.

I think a lot of people think about it in a irl kind of scenario like you were scammed irl, authorities caught the culprit and gathered the evidence necessary to determine an individual was scammed. Now they arrest the culprit and have the ability to return your money but they can’t because you agreed to give your money to that person even though you had no idea their intentions were malicious and they were essentially robbing you.

Now I’m sure GMs have policies they have to adhere to just like any other job and I don’t expect a reimbursement for what I just went through. And maybe this post is better served as a vent. But I don’t think it would be such a horrible thing to reimburse someone that you verified was scammed. Not doing so is solving half of the problem and in the end takes something that people love and tarnishes it.

Sweet mercy…

My dear Dwarven friend - you are supposed to be one with the Light. Necromancy is not a fine color on you, I’m afraid.

Anything older than a week or two, it’s not kosher to revive such an old thread. The OP has not even logged into the forums on that character since December 2020.

Because it is a harsh lesson for people to learn that they should know the people they’re dealing with in unsupported transactions. Blizzard has never refunded someone’s gold in situations such as yours. If a scam is verified, the scammer will NOT profit from it, the gold is removed from their inventory too. And depending on their history, further sanction may take place as well.

But it is still an unsupported transaction that you chose to take part in. That is why your gold is not returned to you.

Then I would direct you to post in General Discussion, or through the in-game suggestion/feedback interface if you’d like it to be seen and collected by the staff.

Unfortunately, this forum is one for players to assist other players. It isn’t a point of contact with the staff, and our SFAs (the only Blues you will see posting here), do not make these decisions, nor do they relay this information along as there are other places better suited for your feedback.

I am sorry, for what it’s worth, that you got caught up in a transaction that went dreadfully south. It’s very much a bitter pill to swallow, but I do wish you well going from here.


Please make sure to use the tools the development team put in game to prevent this from happening. Verify all trades in the window before pressing accept. If you press accept, and the other party changes something in the trade, it clears the accept. At this point it is up to both parties to review the trade before continuing.