I was just suspended for 2 weeks for no reason

There could very well have been a banwave sweeping a bunch of accounts and caught some false positives. Unfortunately it happens.

All you or anyone else can do is appeal the account action. I know it’s frustrating but nothing can be achieved here in the forums. Just wait on the appeal, and continue appealing until you are told to stop.


I think you’re missing that I’m not selling gold and my gold amount has only gone up. And with tokens, who would even do that?

Appeal was sent. Now the agonizing wait for a response begins. I had my evening planned out and now that is completely disrupted and out of my control.


Yes, but unfortunately for all of us it’s not as black-and-white a situation. There are numerous different avenues they have to take in order to stymie the flow of ill-gotten gains, one of which is giving someone a smack on the wrist for simply taking the gold from a dirty source, for example. Again as stated in the beginning it’s simply speculative on my part, but it would not surprise me if this was another example.

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It says I exchanged IN GAME “property” for real money. It didn’t say I acquired it. My gold has only gone up. I have over 14m legit gold, I don’t need to buy it.

My last word on the topic is that I can understand your interpretation where the use of “purchase” instead of “exchange” would be more accurate. In this case it is simply referring to the swapping of one value for another, regardless of the order.

Ok, well I would hope they would use more precise wording if that’s what it meant. But regardless I didn’t exchange anything with another player in person, in a trade window, through the AH, or anything. So it wouldn’t apply to me anyway.

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This just happened to me. I have never cheated or done anything. I don’t even trade with people. I farm transmogs and play by myself. I sell stuff on the AH. The only time I sold anything to a person in the last few years was selling the Grunch pet during Christmas. Got a 2 week suspension now? How do I appeal?


If anyone else sees this and it applies to you legitimately please post.


Another one, I am noticing that we have quite a lot of achievement points too, which shows we spend a lot of time in the game (At least I do). I think we may have all been falsely hit by a banwave, I wonder what actually was the trigger though.


Do appeal.

Keep appealing.

You can keep doing that until they say no more and that is that.

I want to say we have seen some overturned recently. Hopefully, this was a false positive.

Unfortunately, detecting bad actors is something of a balance. Find the pattern and then get 'em. Tune that pattern search too tight you get a lot of false positives. Tune too loose and too many bad actors slip through the net and then lots of posts about how Blizz don’t care about bots/RMT/cheaters/etc. Not easy deciding where the line gets drawn I think.

Seriously, good luck.


The only thing I could think of was I just emptied out my banks on like 30 toons but it was all to the AH. Probably made like 40k over the last few days but that isn’t a lot from the amount I see others make.


Sure if you got suspended for RMT for 2 weeks they have good reason for it! Remember bliz can see every transaction in game and does tend to trace gold. They also know all the little tricks gold sellers use to move gold to people and try to hide it. Not saying you did that but keep that in mind.

You need to appeal until they tell you that they will no longer accept further appeals. Should be information with your suspension on how to appeal.

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I appealed. There isn’t any secrets unless you call running stuff for transmogs and selling it on the ah as a trick. lol

Legitimate question: What are “reagent boxes” and where does one buy them from? I have never heard of them before. Are they player created boxes that are to aid in crafting or something?

You get undercoins from doing delves and other content. For 500 undercoins, you can buy a “reagent box” with like 2k-5k worth of reagents in it. For people like me who don’t really care about transmog or the dirigible, it’s what we dump undercoin on.


I was just suspended for the same reason. Two weeks for Abuse of Economy, of which i have done none of the sort over the past 20 years of playing WOW. I have submitted an appeal but it’s extremely frustrating that I need to pause my game time because Blizzard made a mistake.

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Been there. I almost crapped my pants when it happened to me. however it wasn’t for abuse of economy tho

anyways, the best you can do is make a support ticket we can’t help you here. you can try checking your email, it’ll say something along the lines of, “abusive chat” or “abuse of economy” just anything along those lines however it wont tell you specifically what you did.

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Exact same thing happened to me midway through a +10 mists key about 4 hours ago. I have not engaged in any real money transactions at all, ever. I have been selling services FOR GOLD ONLY (M+ carries), so I’ve made a good amount of gold recently, but that is not against the TOS in any way, and in fact is supported by Blizzard (it is the literal reason the Trade (Services) channel even exists).

I’ve appealed the decision, but I feel like its unlikely to amount to anything because everything I can find online about people being suspended for suspected RMTs seems to show that Blizz instantly labels you as some kind of hardened criminal and immediately just locks you up and throws the keys away when you are even accused of RMT, even if theres absolutely no evidence to back it up.

So we will probably be forced to deal with it. Loyal customer of 18 years, spent THOUSANDS of dollars on this game and account suspended for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

This game is way too important to me to risk messing with RMTs. I know the TOS and I am very happy to operate within it, as long as they hold up their end of the bargain and deliver me the game that I’ve paid them so much money to deliver, for so many years. But I guess none of that matters now when a garbage AI decides you are guilty. Due process? HA that only existed in the pre-AI world.

If I had to guess what flagged the system, it was probably that I had been buying about 1 wow token every 3-ish weeks for several years to keep my gold stocks up with all the consumables I go through as a semi-serious M+ player. But starting in December I haven’t needed to do that anymore as I’ve been making money through the sale of my SERVICES as an M+ booster, in a way that is totally acceptable within the TOS. So now that I’ve decided to stop giving them extra OPTIONAL money, their system flagged me as suspicious and bam insta suspension with no due process or explanation or evidence.

How is this not illegal in some way?

Also I have a friend who has literally hundreds of millions to billions of gold. He is able to actually control the auction house market of nearly any good he wants because he has so much money in reserve, all acquired legally. In fact he has even reached the limit on how many WoW tokens you are allowed to transact in a single year at times in the past. He has never been banned for RMT despite the regular movement of tens of millions of gold. So I really don’t think that simply large transfers of gold are going to instantly flag a system that will instantly ban you. It seems most likely that they implemented some kind of script or AI that was far too aggressive in instantly banning suspects. They better do something about this or they are gonna lose a lot of money in the long run.

You spend long enough accusing innocent people of “illegal” RMTs and they might just be tempted to stop sending you any money at all, Blizzard.