I was going to make a Blood Elf Paladin for the new set but

Something went wrong retrieving the realm list.

Now I’m questioning if I want to go through leveling a class and race I don’t like just for a transmog set I’d never use anyway. But, in the end, I know that I will.

Is anyone else leveling blood elf paladins or dark iron dwarves to get the new transmogs/mounts in 9.2.5?

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I was a blood elf paladin before it was cool


Its a lot of work for something that will never be used.
Im not going to bother.

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Real blood elves are green eyes


I plan to try and make a character for all of the heritage armor sets and I’m about to try paladin. I might not ever play it again, but a lot of what keeps me playing wow in the completionist in me and transmog/mounts. Sure as heck isn’t the content.

I’ll never make a worgen or vulpera though.

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I can’t get over how pink the helm and belt are compared to the rest of the set. Also dislike the gem color being blue instead of green.

The mount is also lame. Would have been cool to release a blood knight themed hawkstrider.


My Main since 2008 has been my BE Paladin, and my DE Dwarf is ready to go!

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Already done and ready to go! I’ve left my DID at 50 though so I can level her with the new weapons.


Just got my Dark Iron Dwarf to 50 today and I have this character ready to go as well. I’m all set!


I aleady exist.

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I’d level a Blood Elf Paladin but that would require logging into the game.


This post is satire.

I already have a blood elf paladin and I’m considering reviving my DI dwarf from the deleted graveyard if the mount is useable by any race…

Anyone know if the mount is useable by any race? Lol

Pretty sure they were always cool.

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Been thinking on it, just not to sure, seems interesting, just when it comes to heritage and such…

Kinda still salty about the no Sapper/TNT Keg Barrel / Generic Dual Rocket pack for Goblin back piece as their heritage set, so kinda just feel blah on doing another lol.

I’m leveling one. I will just have to see if I can make it. I’m currently in the 40s. The low levels of the paladin aggravate the hell out of me. You don’t have enough procs and weapon swings to keep you busy. There are a lot of auto swings.

After hitting max level it will be off to farm rep as well.


Why hello there.

I’ll go back to leveling her as soon as I can log in :frowning_face:

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I’m 3 levels away! I’m questing in WoD right now to get him to 50

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Posting in a Shreds thread

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Why can’t you log the in?

Nobody could log in for a while. Looks like it’s fixed now.