I was going to make a Blood Elf Paladin for the new set but

Might for Blood Elf because I have a close one to 60.

No for Dark Iron. I think this quest will be done by lik… 3 people on the Alliance.

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I had one already. Even touched up her gear a bit this weekend . mostly 242 honor gear…last easy bits I got points for.

So that way if any curveballs in the quest I am hopefully covered. if 242/249 mixed can’t dot the quest well then…oh well.

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I unno what you talking about lassy. We dark iron are amazin’. We have the absolute best dwarf lore. We used to worship and evil elemental tyrant. We used to be the baddies but now we be the goodies. My only lament is that we didn’t get a lot of new appearance options.


the second you got a minute to think you started doubting :wink:

happens to me a lot lol

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i am using my dk for the mount and weapon
if we non pallys get it the armor but only pallys get the mog ill be happy

I guess I can use my DH. I hate being a blood elf, but they made me do it to be a demon, so I may as well use this curse for good.

Doing it for the Heritage armor and Paladin armor. Have to run Botanical and other Cata dungeons with the rep tabard though to get exalted because I used Chromie Time to level.

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Yeah but there are like 3 Dark Iron Dwarf Paladins out there. You need to do a better job increasing your numbers. :eyes:

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I already got that one, which demotivates me because why bother?

My BE Paladin has been sitting at 50 all expansion. I just don’t want to think about leveling yet another character through Shadowlands. My Dark Iron Dwarf is in a similar situation, though I think he’s level 51.

Don’t we know it! I keep trying to catch a brawny orc beefcake, but so far they have managed to evade my ambushes. :broken_heart: I think I’m going to have to buy some elf ears to lure them in.


Because you’re on Wyrmrest and must show how much of a superior Paladin you are to the posers in the Order Hall and throughout the Horde. If you RP of course.

Only other reason is basking in an armor other Paladins can’t get.

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My BE pally will finish getting the new set, but I’m unlikely to give up my shoddy, ugly alliance transmog. I suppose it’s better than getting fruit-ified though like I thought may have happened by now…

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Just put a rock and a post that reads “Nap here”. Hide behind a bush and wait. In around 2-3 hours, at least one or two peons will arrive.

Otherwise, I heard Male Draenei are more beefy.

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I dont care for the armor. I only care for the rework of the lvl 20 BE Pally Spear

Why does it matter what other people are doing, can you not think for yourself?

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Its chill Dark iron need to be 50 to do the quest anyway

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My Blood Elf Paladin and Dark Iron Shaman are all set for tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Just make your own blood knight set.
I get compliments on mine often.


When I think for myself, all I want to do is spam /flirt and /silly commands that were removed, play a Pandaren Warlock, level a Vulpera Demon Hunter, or do Shadowlands archaeology.

None of that stuff is possible.

I have only what Blizzard offers me, and I don’t really want any of it. I am searching for inspired perspectives that might make me view what Blizzard has offered us in a more positive light.