I want to stop working for monarchies and militaries

Give me some actual people to work with blizzard. Government armies have never fought in the best interests of the people they supposedly served, and I don’t want to serve a king or analogous dictator again.

I’d say that’s why I’m playing Horde - Even then through the council is a recent development. The number of atrocities committed by dictators leading this nation is insane. The alliance is just…years of smaller aggressions but they do build up.

Can we have the option to just - idk leave the alliance/horde? Act in the sole interest of the folks in local towns and cities? Help folks on the ground?

Like I love our leaders and the characters they’ve become but a good chunk of them are…there because of the right of succession. Which is BS.

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As adventurers a lot of what we do is outside the scope of monarchies and militaries.

The leaders regularly show up, but in the last few expansions other than BfA we were working with third parties or in Legion running our own third party.


This is true - working for folks like the argent dawn and the earthen ring before they both got destroyed was fun. We had a purpose and it was to help folks.

Idk. Maybe it’s because I’m playing remix so much lol

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You play a Pandaren; it’s funny that you would claim this, considering how the Alliance protected Pandaren villagers from the horrors of war.

The Alliance is just, the Alliance is noble, the Alliance is compassionate.

As a farmer who lives in Halfhill, I will take my rake and fight for our individuality!

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Yeah MoP went pretty heavy on the faction stuff.

From what I can tell it looks like TWW is gonna be more working with third parties and a few leaders rather than being directly involved in military actions.

It is a bit weird that more Horde leaders wont be showing up, though. They’re leaning really hard on Anduin and Alleria. I’m sure Magni will show up plenty too, but at this point I think the guy is neutral.

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I get paid to do a job not moralize.

You used us as free labor and kept us working for hours. You used children as free labor. Because of your hatred, we nearly lost one of the august celestials.

At the very best, you’re no better than the Horde.


That’s exactly what we do as adventurers. Our association to the horde/alliance is loose at best. We’re not exactly the picture of loyalty

Consider us paid mercenaries who are loosely associated with the horde or alliance. We’re mostly swayed by gold/rewards rather than loyalty to a faction


If the game allowed I’d gladly saunter into Org looking for work.

Fair point!

I would very much like to pull the ripcord entirely though :3

It would be interesting if they added an option to be neutral. Just play as someone who decided they don’t care about faction divides and go where they want.

Of course there’s still the issue of people who do care. Even if a human says they’re not associated with the alliance, I doubt they’d be let into orgrimmar

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Compared to the Horde who had warlocks enslave you, which BTW directly shows Garrosh’s “we will never rely on demons again” rhetoric hypocritical from the start, even before he doubled down by trading them for the Sha.

The Alliance screwed up there, but let’s not pretend they’re even a fraction as bad as the Two Genocidal Dictators And Counting Horde.

Tell me you dont know anything aobut the history of warcraft with out telling me you dont know about the history of warcraft…

ALL of warcraft, and I mean all of warcraft boils down to 1 singular human mage acting out side of a government bringing the attention of the Natherszime and the buring legion to draw the orcish horde to azeroth. IF the guardian had been reigned in and dealt with none of this would have happened. I will stick with dictators and governments thank you.

What other kinds of armies are there? Even mercenaries work for governments most of the time. Of course there were armies working for the Dutch and East India trading companies.

I think there is an Avatar game where you could play for the army fighting against the Na’vi. Would that be more your cup of tea?

If I remember correctly the Guardian answered to the king. Llane didn’t want to push him because Medivh was his friend who had already been through a lot so he got a lotta free rein.

It all happened because of a crappy government

Was not talking about Medivh… This all started with Aegwynn.

Everything started with her getting cocky, thinking she could take on sargares by herself. Then when she “beat” Sargares he used his essence to corrupt medihv and used him to contact the Horde which then through Manaroth and the all the Nathrizim got the horde here.

IF the Guardians had been kept in check and placed in an actual government, Azeroth and her people would been warned about the coming of the burning legion and the darkportal might not have even been built or the nations of Azeroth might have been better prepared to deal with the horde.

There might have even been a better alliance because Trolls, Tauren and the night elves would have joined the humans to repel the horde, because the Tauren and Night elves had already fought the Burning legion once, they could do it again and the Zanadalari would have not allowed the Burning legion to come and destroy again, thus a more unified Azeroth would governed by cooler minds would have stood against Sargares.

Furthermore, some races being allied with Horde or Alliance simply doesn’t make sense, and it would’ve been more practical for them to be independent or create their own faction. Really wish they would explore the idea of a third faction, or possibly neutral races. True neutral, not like the Pandaren being forced into one or the other.

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I believe that’s how Dragonflight handled the factions being part of a shared expedition. :world_map::robot:

…the War Within has us crashing. :robot::sweat_drops:

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We all work for the exclamation overlords. I mean really. All this time we have been employed by the Punctuation Department

Long live the PD! Beware of the silver. For they will ignore you. And fret not, the gray can serve you well

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab: