I want to stop working for monarchies and militaries

I want to work for a morally grey PMC.

“Lok’tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind me to the Horde. For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde.

I give my flesh and blood freely to the Warchief. I am the instrument of my Warchief’s desire. I am a weapon of my Warchief’s command.

From this moment until the end of days I live and die - For the Horde!”

(anything else is blasphemy, roll alliance)

I think it would be cool, if they ever rework the Vanilla zones, to have it when that if your character reaches lvl 10 or so, you can fully Enlist in the Horde or not and just help out occasionally. And each option can have a buff or something, or can just be there for pure RP and immersion and whatnot.

And what would also help is the game to STOP CALLING CHAMPION-

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I wasn’t forced to choose. Of course, I’m still on the Wandering Isle.

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We can always work against the establishment - tres amigos. Zoro, …

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No gods, no masters. :3 My life belongs to nobody thank you very much. A piece of paper and a spoken oath can say all they want, doesn’t mean I have to listen to them if they’re a pile of bs. Blind faith in a bad promise is stupid, here and irl.

You take what you can from those who’ve got a lot, give what you can to those who need it, and ensure that nobody - not your general or your manager, are held above the needs of the folks below you.

No Gods… No Kings…
Only Man

Do us all a favor and roll alliance. You belong with those turds.

What, you want to me swear my freedom away to some absolute ruler? I’ll fight for the people of the horde til I die but if my general decides to start killing innocents/sacrificing grunts I’m gonna be the first to turn on him.

Together, we’re strong. That means looking out for eachother. The Alliance can barely hold itself together while the Horde has survived through our collective rejection of total loyalty to any one leader.

If we had it your way the so-called “True Horde” would’ve wiped the rest of us out.

Don’t I wish. Instead we get this BS. Tell Baine. Jaina, and Calia I said helllo at your next group hug. Pathetic.

The Night Elves deserve the distinction of being deemed the single most incompetent government in all of Azeroth’s history.

They had 10,000 years to prepare for the return of the Burning Legion. They even named a time-span of about 7,000 years “the Long Vigil” in their history, which concludes with the third war.

Think about that. Thousands and thousands of years to be vigilant against the Legion’s return. Then they forgot to keep tabs on half the world. They saw the High Elves that splintered from them sail off to the other side of the world, their cousins who had a history of being into arcane magic that could accidentally attract demons, but didn’t even keep an eye on them.

They didn’t know about the Guardians, or the Sargeras avatar. They didn’t know about the First War or the Second War. When Humans and Orcs showed up, they were like, “who are these guys?” They weren’t aware when Dalaran fell (the first time) to Archimonde, though to be fair, it’s because they didn’t know Dalaran even existed. The central world power for arcane research and arcane might. The Night Elves were just stunningly not vigilant during their Long Vigil.

Tyrande wasn’t even a queen, why are they still letting her run the show? Why did no one show up to say, “10,000 years of incompetence is enough, you’re relieved of duty. Next time try to remember that there’s another half to the world.”

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To be fair half the population was asleep and the other half never left the forest.