Once upon a time, it was possible to get multiple characters raid-ready in WoW without spending so much time that it impacted the rest of my life.
But now, I can’t help but feel like not only has the grind been stretched out to the extent that I don’t feel as if I’d be able to get 2 characters raid-ready, but we even have systems in place that make bringing multiple SPECS to a raid a great deal more difficult.
Instead of feeling like I’m free to gear multiple characters, I wind up feeling like it’s going to be a challenge to get even ONE up to snuff. It seems like much of what was introduced in Legion moving forward (though it got better in Legion later on) has reduced the value of my time investment to the point where I question whether or not to continue playing (even though I truly do want to raid this xpac).
It doesn’t help that so much progression is tied to RNG with no protection. Say what you want about valor points, but they ensured you were ALWAYS working toward your next upgrade, even if you didn’t get an actual drop after numerous dungeon runs.
I want to play and enjoy this game, but I just can’t if it’s going to feel like a 2nd job and there’s no reason for that to be the case: WoW was a fun game I was happy to put time into long before borrowed power system grinds and mechanics that restrict spec/alt usage instead of encourage it (and the sub numbers from back then indicate I was far from the only one).
Just easing up on RNG progression and the stinginess of the anima grind would be a start but, again, WoW was a functioning game with an active raiding community before all of these other systems were added. Can we please go back to that?
that is reason im not raiding this xpac
i want to play other games
4-5 hours of wow a day is enough games are getting bigger and bigger wow cant be taking 12hours of my after schoo/work time just to keep up and not get benched
i dont want to hear it about ‘’ join casual guild’’ crap neither i dont want to waste my time i want to kill bosses or atleast progress not wipe 2/11 mythic 8 hours a week and smile about it
And this was definitely doable at one point: I did heroic raiding in Legion but I don’t see how I can do this in SL without throwing far too much of my free time into the grind.
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The game is tailored around the people who can play 8 hours per day aka players who get paid to play the game.
If you’re not getting the loot you want then you aren’t putting in enough hours, slacker. 
Heh, yeah that’s what I’m afraid of: I used to be able to raid with my guild and bring cauldrons even, all without detracting from the rest of my life, but it feels like that’s just not an option for WoW any longer and I hate to see it go that way. :\
WoW is definitely more of a job than a game.
I mean once upon a time people actually had mains.
Of course it’s going to require a large time investment to have like four or five characters all at an equal level of progression. Back in my day, people had a main character and maybe one or two undergeared alts in case of emergency because back then there was no such thing as catchups. You grinded or crafted for the gear and that was it.
This is what a lot of people don’t get about the power being tied to covenants .
If it was just aesthetics and they would of made say the covenant class abilities talents , people could of picked the best one for each spec or content. Instead Blizz nerf’d until they created for each class/spec the one thing they said they didn’t want ant that was a meta.
For some classes it may be the same covenant for others it is bot and for some it is a covenant that they don’t want . So if they want to raid but also have the covenant they want then people have to put a toon they like and another in one that gives them better play because it is better for end game content.
I put this my main toon in the covenant that fits him and made a new hunter for the meta covenant and I really don’t like that I had to make a choice like that just so I can raid above lfr.
They are clearly trying to divert people back into juggling less max level characters in top end content despite making it easier to level to max. It’s almost strange that it’s norm to have multiple geared toons now.
Wait, what? If you want to mythic raid in SL it takes less than half the time/effort it took in BFA. Even less if you don’t care about sockets because you can basically ignore the Maw.
This is not at all required for raiding past the 1000 quest, which you get a free 750 from a dungeon quest.
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Even 2 characters feels like a stretch right now, whereas I was able to do this in Cata through MoP and some of Legion without it being an issue.
Once upon a time, main actually meant something. I miss those days.
im a raid finder player and proud. i collect tmog not ilvl
Join a casual guild, not a hardcore guild that benches you if you miss a day.
IKR, these days i almost feel like people look down on me for still having a “main” that I play 90% of the time. (most of my alts are purely for professions)
its funny how people kept complaining that they wanted things to return to how they where in the “good ol days” and now that they (in many ways) HAVE returned to the old model, people are whining about it.
most people actually want to enjoy the game at a hardcore level i for one dont like playing on easy mode in any game which why w i rather not raid if im not going all out
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I dont feel like being forced to raid. I already have a job; I also dont feel like basing my weekly schedule around clocking in for raid times. Oh, cant go out ever on these 2-3 nights a week, gotta raid. Hell with that. Thats one of the reasons stuff like M+ became popular. Why other games with Solo Q’s and more accessible content became popular.
But Blizzard tries its best to force you into stuff, instead of just realizing what people actually enjoy and embracing it. Nah, lets ruin all this other stuff and force them to eat this Raid Pie.
I want to buy a house…but I don’t want to work for it.
I have to admit, I was guilty too. The game made it way too easy to gear up alts and have them “raid ready”. Since Legion though even though gearing up was still easy, I went back to spending most of my time on my main.
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I’m not treating wow like it’s my second job.
Nor any raid team as well.