I want to play slands so bad but

Try it out for yourself before watching people give poor reviews. A common theme in entertainment is over exaggeration. In fact most youtubers are successful because they prey on their consumers with click bait and hyperbole.

I’ve never once had a problem while playing WoW and I’ve been here since vanilla.

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MOP had wonderful PVP. Wraith was when the game started to become more inclusive which wasn’t a bad thing. The dev’s problem though was that they first started eyeballing CRZ and group finders then which was a soundly negative thing to do. CRZ helped kill server community and GF’s put the final nail into the community coffin.

Did you actually play WOTLK? Only maybe two of the zones are even somewhat similar. You can’t say they’re “samey” and then give 3 wildly different topographical features, two of which are really only in one zone each. Undeath? Really? EVERY zone in WoW has “undeath” in some regard.

They’re easy now, that all past content is nerfed. Anyone can mindless run through normals.

The only thing going for MOP was mythic dungeons. If WOTLK had a mythic system it would’ve been perfect.

Check my achievements and dungeon/raid progression and ask me that again, son.

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“Everything is not how I remember it and therefore bad!”

Literally the only two zones that were starkly different were Icecrown and Storm Peaks…all the rest felt same-y af. (I dont consider Crystalsong a zone, since it wasnt used for anything but Dalaran).

I think you are downplaying how easy PvE was in Wrath.

You’d probably have to chain grind them like the heroics.

You also didnt mention the rest of my points either.

But then again, I think WotLK is a good expansion…all you asked was to change your mind.

and you’re doing really bad at it.

You didnt argue my other points, so it seems you only disagree with the zones and 5-man content.

That’s what they did with the new models.

Those old models are ugly. These new ones actually reflect the races they portray.

Did your cloak change your playstyle at all? I mean, it was a nice proc for healers [which is what my main was], spread around over healing making me even more efficient, but I don’t remember any fantastic change to how I healed. The cloak itself was essentially a stat stick with a fairly consist helpful proc. It was still in my possession when WoD hit, worked as it normally did until I hit level 91, and when TW was introduced worked as it did in MoP during those instances.

Legendary Weapons - still exists as a leveling weapon for Legion [pretty much like hauling around an heirloom for ten levels], they changed and enhanced classes hugely during Legion, those systems totally gone. All the systems for BfA that changed and enhanced classes - soon to be just totally gone. They don’t have a retro use like in TW, they simply cease to exist at all.

That’s what people are talking about - we get a power system that greatly changes how classes play and requires an infinite grind only to have that grind be nullified by the next infinite power grind with the new expansion instead of being built on like they used to do for classes from expansion to expansion.

It changed my playstyle to lean toward creating situations to clump mobs up for both melee dps and caster.

The thing is they can’t continue adding to classes with no definite end. Classes in MoP had load of spells and then the crunch in WoD (helped but still hurt). Both systems have their upside but I can’t imagine seriously how bloated things would be now if ret had double healing divine tempest (traveling divine storm), while also having lights decree, empyrean power and avenger’s might if those were to become baselined for respectively going into bfa and then the later for shadowlands. It would genuinely be a foam of abilities going off all the time.

You didn’t already clump up a lot of stuff? I had to farm all the rep in my DPS spec and tried to take down as many as possible at once.

We somehow managed to balance class abilities for years without throwing in borrowed power. In fact, borrowed power introduces new abilities and even an OP-ness at times that wouldn’t exist in the old system.

While people tend to think Cata did away with talent trees, they didn’t. They revamped them but you could still go into other specs after a certain point, they redesigned classes a bit for better or worse and introduced new spells for the different specs. You had all of this done at 85, your class was your class, it didn’t rely on an infinite grind to get more abilities after max level and you weren’t punished if you didn’t log on to do your daily chores - your gear was the difference in power level, along with skill, not collecting a resource that would never be sated and would disappear later on.

did not nmeed a cloak to arena

BFA - Mortal Strike… Shadowlands - Improved Mortal Strike

See how easy new skills can be without changing a thing but damage? Back in vanilla we used to have ranks for our spells.

What gets me is even though people may not like the content for classic the class depth was loved, and Classic proved it still is even though the balance and content not so much via add-ons that made the old content trivial.

And what do we get now? 4-5 button classes with 5X the grinding. Ya vanilla 1-60 was a 10 days played grind. After you hit 60 the fun began, but now it’s a 40+ days played grind after level cap to maintain the ability to have fun.

And for those that did have it, even if it didn’t have pvp power or resilience how did they fair?

As a side note, I’m a firm believer that relying upon only one aspect of the game to play is not a healthy lifestyle. Players should draw upon multiple different sources of gear to maximize themselves.

Exactly. It’s changed for the better in many ways.

Class depth? What depth? Picking something you know that won’t be brought in line and then having an insufferable attitude toward others because you picked the obvious front runner?

The one saving grace about classic was the level up process and picking people for your dungeons/elite areas. You knew who had to have what in order to finish stuff. It wasn’t hard but at least I felt secure knowing where my place was in the group. Sort of like a jigsaw puzzle, putting what pieces you could grab in order to make a picture.

Now that no longer exists in classic or retail. You just pick the jack of all trades spec that covers multiple different aspects of other specs for far less effort (havoc) and then design gameplay around negligent class design that could have been toned down had the dev’s had foresight to approach scaling/tuning with a theoretical approach rather than a practical one (destro lock and fire mage). Those latter two points are extended on warrior and mage in classic. Warrior being the obvious tank and even dps (covering up other roles other specs could fill as well), while the dev’s ignoring scaling issues for fury and mage.

The items we get are part of the content to help carry it thru the expansion. It’s something to make more powerful over the course of the expansion. Yes we could get an improvement to a spell each expansion. Have the same 4 or 5 spells keep getting improved, do you have any idea how boring that would get after 4 to 5 years or longer?
I like powering up an item\items over the entire expansion than have a spell improvement handed to me at the start.

Honestly I feel most of the combat animations had an overall improvement; it’s the walking / running animations that are odd, it’s almost like the shoulders are fixed in place and with everything else being very fluid you get this odd “stick in the bum” animation.


Stop trying to change the definition of the word. I specifically said depth, I did not say balance. Vanilla has been notoriously known for its severe imbalance.

When I played warrior in vanilla I didn’t have to pick between single Target and AoE. The spec provided both. Mages had all 3 spec spells at there disposal. Rank 1 frostbolt for instance had a very short castime but still slowed the target. So a smart mage could use a rank one frostbolt and rank 10 fire ball. There was so much more you could do with the specs. A warrior could pull out his gun and pull a mob from range. The tools at your disposal was vast. How many key binds did we use in vanilla? 25? 30?

I have 23-25 keybinds right now. None are arena, modifiers or macros besides /use 13 macro. Can easily expand that to maybe up to 35 if I cared.

And depth includes balance. Having one class that has too wide or deep of depth affects balance, by stepping on the toes of other specs.