I want to play slands so bad but

i cant get past just how retail isnt wow anymore to me. like the vulpera, mechagnome, the new models, animations, sounds, i am not one of the people who like it just cause its new and shiny, or on paper looks better. it completely takes me out of the game

but besides that, i heard a video sum it up perfectly… the whole borrowed power systems… The last expansion i thoroughly enjoyed was MoP, idk if anyone remembers, but as an arena player, it was glorious… all you had to do was hit 90, and you immediately jump into arena, you needed 3750 to buy weapons, so youd buy both trinkets first for the dmg reduction bonus, then youd buy weaps, then you could literally be competitive in arena. it was sooo much fun. and we still had old models, tons of fun abilities, i cant remember a class being not fun and powerful in mop.

then when wod prepatch hit, we had goofy animations and models, but still the ability to use old face, and still able to gear through arena (aside from the god awful ashran trinket warriors needed which was totally random and rng)

i feel like the more you force players to do things they dont wanna do the more ur gonna push them away, i dont think you need to force crossover and i also hope you dont keep forcing us to have to focus on 20 different things, we just wanna arena. i tried to come back to retail and quit halfway thru the cloak quest. i am tired of these scripted quest lines where you are in an instance the whole time following some set path.

i am not good at talking about things im super passionate about as you can tell but yeah. please let us just focus on our gameplay and make that fun instead of occupying all of our play time with these systems. i dont want abilities that arent my classes.

and i beg you to go to old models and just make them look nicer.


I understand many of your concerns, especially models as the new ones are very…bouncy and don’t feel as solid as they used to, not to mention some racial combat animations are no longer used and have been replaced by …golf swings.

As for the rest, I can’t tell if I like something until I play it, some of it like PvP gearing could still end up going either way and who knows how the grinds will feel or if professions end up being good again until it releases, the best I can offer you is to wait until after release and watch videos based on how it looks…otherwise wait and see if new classic expansions are released. I wish you luck.


Seems like you’re letting videos dictate to you what wow is. I’ll just remind you those same content creators you watch are still paying the game. Why should you limit yourself to their opinions. Whatever you find fun should determine what you do with your time. WoW has evolved yes but that doesn’t mean its bad.


Dude - the game evolves. What else are we suppose to say? Did you want Classic lore for the next 20 years? I don’t understand.


I think they went a bit far with some of the model changes… but overall the game seriously needed a facelift.

Otherwise the game has to evolve or it dies.

I don’t like all of the changes. But none of them are completely game breaking for me.

I do admit… PvP is in a really bad place. :frowning:

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JFC…I swear I only see complaints like these in WoWs community. Get with the times.

If new races take you out of the game, then I don’t think you’re as passionate about this game as you think.

As for the animations and models…what did you expect? The game is 16 years old.

I agree that PvP is a joke and that borrowed power and systems bad for the game.


Classic is wow frozen in time.

Good luck.


WoW is still wow, its quite fun and I have played it since the days you are talking about yet I still enjoy it. Maybe give it a harder go and don’t trust the videos too much.

That’s because you’re an orc. I’d have to say the ones who got the bad end of the stick were Orcs, Humans, Tauren, Gnomes in terms of animation and model if we were to say that they got more cartoon-y and less menacing (save for the Gnomes).

I know what you mean though and I wish some animations were a little subtle. I hate the tauren face animations now cuz they seem a little goofy and they look more cute now than burly.

But I play a blood elf now and they kinda retain the same vibe as before if not better so I’m a happy lil clam

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why do people do this? because i said a video gave me the term borrowed systems that i am letting videos dictate what i think instead of all of the other personal examples i gave? lol dude… dont be like that your whole life


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I mean, they did change into an almost completely MMORPG formula that for some might even have forsaken the MMO part of it but even, WoW is still WoW. Lorewise while we get some silly stuff from time to time we are getting into one of the most interesting aspects of it which are the war of the cosmological forces that rule the Warcraft universe.

Besides, in Shadowlands they made so that we are a class with a spec rather than simply a spec, like in the olden days. May be one day we might yet get back some good ol’ racial animations for added flavor and so on.

But yeah, WoW isn’t necessarily bad right now, it’s just a different formula

The WoW community has been around for a long enough time that certain groups of people who refuse to change themselves, and hate all change still cling to the game. It’s really unhealthy to dislike change that much and I personally think some of those people need to do souls searching. But they’ll do what they do. They likely won’t change.


The Forums are always full of complaints. Most people never come here, they just play the game. So you don’;t often hear from the happy players.

If you don’t like what you see in game, don’t like the feel, then go find something else you’ll enjoy. Life is too short to force yourself to play a game that no longer suits you.

50 points for you. Totally get you. A good chunk of players want to hit cap after enjoying the sights and then go do some PVP. Whether it is arenas, BGs or random BGs.

The borrowed power concept is horrible and when you have to grind for the whatevers it takes the fun right out of the game. Legion and BFA were pretty but I played these 2 less than any other xpacs because they felt the least RPG out of all of them save WOD.

I agree on the theme park, over the top instanced beginning quests. “Lets go heroes”…any adult that digs this can be argued over whether they are actually an adult. Drop me off at the first zone hub and leave me alone.

Oh, and I pay for the game, not the AI followers so take that stupid mission table and toss it out the fricken window…they want adventure and quests they can go pay for their own game.


I don’t get this “borrowed power” buzzword thingy. Do people think they can just keep adding permanent powers to classes expansion after expansion? So we end up with a 20 button rotation?

Items that give us powers are part of the content. You can spend the whole expansion building that item to be more powerful. Then throw it in the dump can at the end of the expansion when you’re done with it. Then go get the latest shiny new thing and fuss over that.
I think it’s better to throw away an item than have abilities striped away do to “ability bloat”. Yes I used an older buzzword because that was a thing too.

You needed a cloak if you were going to do anything significant in 5.3 (and really 5.4). Don’t know where people get this idea that borrowed power is a meme legion made up. It’s been in the game since MoP, and had blizzard got Path of the Titans done for Cataclysm, borrowed power would have been in the game since December 2010.

And that’s not getting into the devil’s advocate point of tier sets being borrowed as well.

When people started modding skyrim and adding spells did Bethesda send in a patch to remove the older more useless spells? No. That would be silly. The same applies to WOW. If I have some spells that are useless at higher levels who cares? In fact, it is more RPG to have basic spells you never use lurking in the dusty sections of your spell book than to have to re work the classes every xpac because Blizz cannot get that into their heads.

Think about it this way. IF magic was real and you had a spell book would your basic spell “small ball of flame” leave once you added “giant fricken ball of flame” to the book? No.

This is exactly why some classes are wonky. Instead of just adding spells making some of them moot, Blizz tries to shuffle everything around. Shammies are the perfect example of this, never quite right because they try to get rid of things to add things. Think about boomkins for a second…how many time have they been reworked now???

Add a spell and a talent row every xpac and Blizz would not have to waste dev time trying to figure everything out. True story.

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Perhaps it’s more the context of its evolution that rubs people the wrong way. I have a hard time disagreeing with the OP on those grounds. I was around during the game’s growth where developers started this rolling out en masse changes that people don’t ask for or recognize as coherent. Ever since, there has been a one-sided affair of this idealized version of what people want and going to the bank with it. Evolution happens, often with open arms, but when it starts very visibly becomes abrasive, we start asking ourselves “how did I get here?”


then this game is not for you, as none of the things you want are reality and will not happen in retail.