I want to play slands so bad but

This game isn’t going to go backwards in game design. The very existence of the “classic client” proves that. Wouldn’t need Classic if the retail game were headed back to older designs.

Adapt to the changes or realize this game is no longer for you. Continuing to play the game hoping it goes back to its “Golden Age” is entirely on players.

If you don’t like that term "borrowed power"how about “temporary abilities that will disappear even though you are technically more powerful and you somehow forgot how to do it”. When looked at from this angle you can see the real lack of immersion that takes hold.

Take the villain in this story, Sylvanius whatever. She, per cinematic (dont get me started…hate those too), now has Dr. Strange / Hulk / Black Widow powers. Now some of us have been playing for awhile now and none of us have super strength, spells like hers or cat like reflexes that are on Quicksilver speeds. Do we? We have literally been leveling with her and if the story plays out we are going to attack her with swords, arrows and moonfire. LOL. Let me add LOL.

The problem, dear OP, is that Ion and the others are raiders. They probably didn’t play Dungeons and Dragons and it is very apparent that they are not into RPG in general which is why you and I are going to play SL and be critical of it. We might even hate it. You are going to take your time traveling, dimension crawling, world hopping butt and have to go around a fence and not power leap over it because the devs are there for a pay check and not to revitalize our immersion for this game.

I’ve always said I don’t mind the followers and the mission tables but instead of us sending the followers out have the mission tables send us out and we take a follower or 2 with us for the mission .


For me it’s just not borrowed power but the systems upon systems that make the game impossible to balance, and these systems suck up so much of your time that the majority of the time spent dealing with the systems and not enjoying the game.

Just look at the conduit system. 3 pages have to be balanced to across 36 specs. That’s literally impossible to do in the way it’s been implemented. Haste for 1 spec maybe the best stat possible, but for another class that maybe the worst. So when you have two Nerf a conduit slot because it’s overpowering to one spec you could be nerfing a completely different spec into the ground.

It reminds me of the old skill trees when you had the talent into at least two different trees. For example the original 31/20 warrior specs. If Yuri was overpowered and they nerfed one of the skill trees it would Nerf the other spec right into the ground.

And I think this will be the fate of Shadowlands.

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I came back to the game for classic and quickly switched back to retail. Rose colored glasses don’t fit anymore.

Imagine playing a game released in 2004, and playing that same game for 16 years. People would lose interest and that game would be long dead. A MMO needs to keep things fresh. Needs to change things up as it goes.

you want to play shadowlands so bad, but you’re letting insignificant things prevent you from doing so?

you must not want to play it all that badly.

EDIT: I didn’t read the whole post cause I stopped at the silly complaints about player models.

character models = insignificant.
not liking all the borrowed power systems - that’s not really. but it’s the game and the designers seem to really like their borrowed power. However, the game design has shifted in that direction and isn’t likely to change.

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Totally. That would require work though, mobs, quests, story, loot…adventure. What do you think you are playing an MMORPG or something??? Mission table programming is easy and Blizz can shove it down our throats claiming it as content when it is really there so altaholic addicts can fullfill rep on all their toons.

Most of the stuff we get from these borrowed power systems are passives so they can easily be put into out spell books.

If they want to add any active abilities then make a special talent level that when the expansion is over any active abilities from the from the following expac would replace them . This would add active abilities that would be the flavor of that expac and give us abilities each expansion but do so with out adding massive button bloat.

I mean, somebody does, or they wouldn’t keep ripping it off. Even SL is more or less an expy of the DnD afterlife, complete with soul brokers, hidden dealings with the daemons of the Lawless Abyss (aka Twisting Nether), literal Aasimar, etc.

Wotlk was the last great expansion. Been downhill since. Change my mind.

MoP was the last great expansion.


Nope. Mop was trash and so was cata.

don’t play them ez pz

But that aside BFA was a terrible time for PVP and arena. It would be a lot less bad if they disabled corruptions in pvp.

But they are trying to make things better for pvp in shadowlands. I suggest doing some research and seeing if that works for you.

Idk how barely anyone sees this…
The models now are soooo goofy looking when they run around. they literally bounce its TERRIBLE compared to the older style


That is marketing research. Take the cinematic for example…throwing bits of planets at each other. Hmmmm. What movie gave them that idea I wonder?

All this tells me is you have trash tastes.

And WoW started going “downhill” in wrath.

Cool…good thing I said “change my mind”. Screaming your garbage opinion at me isn’t going to convince me that garbage expansions aren’t garbage.

All the zones are boring and samey, with snow, forest and undead in varying amounts. Leveling is tedious.

Has both the worst dungeon, (Occulus) and the Worst raid (ToC) in the game.

One of the core raids is a copy and paste of an previous raid. If they did that nowadays people would be rioting. Like imagine if instead of Dazar’alor you had a slightly altered SoO, how insane would that be.

5-mans are easy and boring.

Arthas went from witty and snarky in WC3 to a faceless blob of pure edginess in WotLK. Also it’s silly how often he just shows up, does nothing and leaves.

So why have you still been playing

Not trying to be blunt, But that is why classic was made.