I want to heal

It’s about Damage and CC works for Both. MW doesn’t have That much damage, Ret is Very Weak outside of its burst Damage. MW has stun which has Diminishing Return with Ret’s Stun. Ret has Rep which has diminishing with Monk’s Paralysis. Where as if you bring a priest, it gonna help you with Damage outside of Ret’s wings and Both of them have separate CC chain which doesn’t overlap with each other. Monk only has one defensive CD and no meaningful Offensive CD . Priest has multiple Defensive CD and a very strong Offensive CD along with numerous CC.

What is priests defensive cds? tbh i was thinking like leg sweep, grapple weapon, paralysis, and ring of peace was way more stuff to get people off of you, plus you have way more mobility. But i have no idea what discs abilities are to get people off of you. TO me they have such little mobility that they should have something really strong to get melees off of you right?

Neither of them have good control

Are there any healers that do? My biggest worry is gettign trained by people and just dying xD

druid always has the best control of any healers, resto shaman is a decent healer for that, low throughput though.

However rsham ret is a decent combo honestly

Oh really? i was thinking about Rshaman. Hmmm.

Rapture, Power Word Barrier (esp with dome of light), Pain Suppression, Psychic Scream, Shining Force, etc…

You are placing too much emphasis on mobility. Monks and Druids cant take hits so they are mobile, priests and paladins can tank hits so they are not mobile, and shaman is a mushroom. The play style is different, but the way you are posting you should just play a MW and be done with this thread, it’s okay, MW is fun, but it’s strictly worse than priest in SL, but who cares… I play both =P

Hmm well that does seem like a decent amount of things, I especially like psychic scream xD

For rsham the best ones are the aggressive ones, purging, shear, totems, and doing some dps

Right right ok good to know, so aggressive for Rsham and disc priest, defensive for druid and MW monk?

Def for mw and rdruids have some flexibility on if they do defensive or aggressive, since the spec supports both play styles

Hmmm ok thanks :smiley: So in your opinion which one is the best fit for a ret?

For ret? I would say aggressive play styles, disc, rsham, and feral affinity rdruid.

And the ret needs to be observant and quick on getting you out of stuns with sanc so you can save your trinket for when you need it

My cousin isnt very good > -> lol

Practice practice practice.
There are addons that will make it easier. Ret paladin is a class that requires the ret to basically have some healer skills because of their role as support.
If you play it just like a normal melee, then you are only using half it’s potential.

Hmm ok interesting, Well thanks ^ u^ Think i might start with Disc priest.

the mobility of certain healers either and how that affects their playstyle quite a bit. Part of the reason MW is mentioned is because its the hardest to pin down healer with a few cc’s ROP and Transcendence. Druid is almost as hard with shifting out of cc’s but would argue they require a bit more effort because using their different forms is part of their kit. On the flip side healers like priest/pally aren’t quite as quick to get around, but tend to have a few more cd’s to use for increased tankiness.

Honestly just class trial each of them for like 30 min and see what you like. They will all play differently, but you should get a pretty quick idea of what feels good and fun to play vs other specs.

Yea honestly iv only been playing disc for alittle but god the lack of mobility is killing me just on a fun factor xDD so itr might have to be druid or MW for me for mobility, im use to being fast.

Resto druid owns!! Disc is good too. Both do well with ret, ret isn’t the best PvP spec but if that’s what he has a dying wish to play so be it. I’d recommend druid though fits into a lot of comps and really strong toolkit overall. Gives you room to learn a lot too. (Plus usually druid is in the meta so it’s a safe pick and you are already posting on a druid) lol

yeaaaa im actually liking it, especially now that i keybinded all the forms it makes it alot more fluid xDD And tryign to learn healbot

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