I want to heal

Honestly you don’t need healbot just have your party 1,2,3 bound and you’ll be GUCCI. Plus mouse overs imo make it harder to move your char in arena too. But having forms bound yes way better lolll

I just feel like there so many keybinds Dx especially having the forms on there lol im not good yet at shift clicking and cntrol clicking


Yo I was not good at shift and control but now idk how I could play without them takes a little to get use to modifiers. If you can get everything keybinded on druid everything else will be easy I swear druids have the most binds

But it helps for more keybindings and less you overall have to remember.

Yea thats why i started it, but idk if like starting out as a healer using healbot will give me a crutch or something xP

It did take some getting use to when I made the switch because my mmo mouse side buttons wouldn’t register with healbot, so I moved to mouseover macros and standard raid frames myself.

With using party macros for things like dispels and ironbark style cds for the quick needed things.

Maybe I’m in an old school mindset but I don’t think healbot is good for arena. PvE certainly go for it, but PvP nah

ret is love, ret is life

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I liked it because it freed up room for more offensive abilities and macros.

Also I don’t like super reliance on party macros because having to mess with who is leader and not just becomes an annoyance when pugging. I find healing in pvp like that causes me to not transition well into other forms as well.

But now I just do mouseover macros for my heals, and make specific name macros for dispel and external cd buttons.

yeah resto druid is keybind heavy. Something as simple and niche as your physical aoe ability changes based on the chosen affinity. bear form thrash for guardian affinity, bear/cat form swipe for feral affinity and lol nothing for boomkin affinity. Fun to keybind stuff like that.

On the plus side thanks to macro conditions such as stealth,nostealth,form,noform,combat,nocombat and blizzard idiot proofing abilites (as example cat/bear form wild charge won’t trigger if too close to the target) you can make some crazy nice macros that save a lot of binds.

God I tried resto in arena and did so bad lol people just trained me so hard and I just couldn’t get them off me

it takes some practice for sure. You have to be very aware of your surroundings and what mobility cds they have up, also playing near pillars is your friend