I want to heal

So i want to get serious with 2’s arena, my cousin wants to be my partner and he has chosen a ret paladin, so i figured the best way for us to climb is for me to play a healer and get good with it. I just have no idea which one to pick, im brand new at healing i know nothing about it. Im honestly down to try whatever, I dont want you to tell me “Pick this healer because this healer is the best right now” though. I dont wanna be a fotm player. SO yea any help is appreciated ill love you forever!~ ; u;

I was about to link a fairly recent thread about “which healer to pick” just to notice that you are the author of that thread lol.

If you are comfortable with druid forms and shifting stick with resto druid. Resto druids get some quality of life improvements in Shadowlands such as a ghetto version of the old power shifting (which will be huge), glyph that reduces damage of a cycloned enemy player by 25% for 4 seconds after cyclone ends, extra cc based on the chosen affinity and a more efficient mana pool.
If you want the flat out most beginner friendly healer go with mistweaver monk.

haha yea im just struggling to pick one xDD I was thinking about MW because i heard they are pretty easy and im also interested in WW.

Adopt a new cousin. One that doesn’t play ret preferably


I didnt know you could adopt cousins, ill definitely look into that. > _> lol. Preferably one that plays a resto druid or something so i can dps it up >:D

priest is traditionally the best with ret but pick what you enjoy


I just keep getting told how HORRIBLE holy priest is in arena, it seems like thats all i hear xDD. So many people hate on priest. or are you talking about disc?

I would say disc priest is the usual best fit for ret paladins in 2’s , maybe rdruid works too, not sure about hpal/rsham. Ive played some mw/ret and its really the most boring thing ever, wouldnt recommend lol

Mysticzr, vanguards and Pikachu_pala are top tier rets on twitch, you can ask them there

tbh i didnt even consider disc because iv heard its really hard xDDD

In 2v2 disc and rdruid are both the most skilled and engaging healers to play imo, but nowhere near to a point where it should deter you from playing it; quite the contrary. You have more control over the game and you can actually do a lot of dmg. MW is super defensive and kinda boring with a ret pal honestly

So one thing id like to know is do they have decent cc? its kinda important to me i like cc, or if not alot of cc do they have good tools to get ahole melees off of you?

Over the years, I’d say the only healer in 2s that doesn’t feel that great to play with would be a MW monk. Priest and Rsham have usually been the best, but I normally play with hpally or an rdruid and it still works just fine.

Honestly though, you should 100% play whatever you have the most fun with and you can make it work. Hell if you wanna join the crusade and run double ret with your cousin like I did with a friend, do it.

It kind of sounds like people are telling you priest. And priests have been without a doubt the most compatible with rets in 2s over the years because of their cc and damage.

But it also sounds like you already want to play a MW so idk why you made this thread…

Rdruid is arguably the healer with the largest amount of CCs and only next to MW mobility wise. Disc mainly has fear and MC (can spec into knockback too) and requires decent mechanics if trained by melees.

Both are the top healers as of current state of beta so you cant go wrong.

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I haven’t decided anything or i wouldnt have made this, just tryign to get the opinion of veteran healers on what they think.

People literally keep telling you priest lol.

No one knows what will be viable or OP come SL. But priest is without contention the historically best priest with ret in 2s.

Decent mechanics as in like i really need to play it perfectly or get punished and die?

Currently WW seems to be wet noodle in beta outside of the covenant ability with the vamps, however mw seems to be ok in pvp (don’t follow that one nearly as much) if not a little boring because you are basically a mana battery.
However if you play correctly mw is probably the easiest healer to self sustain

Well ok thats good and thats why im talking to someone more in depth about a priest, why are you upset? xD

I wonder who told you that because Holy right now is the strongest it’s been in awhile. Maybe not S tier but definitely viable in 2s or 3s at respectable ratings, though usually better paired with a caster. I think Mysticz (a ret main on eu) plays with an hpriest in 2s, and he’s 3k rated atm.

Disc is more consistently good though, as someone else said. Don’t let the
difficulty dissuade you, no class in modern WoW is ‘really hard’. Personally I think priest is fairly forgiving, a good number of panic buttons to press and they heal from 2 schools of magic (get kicked on penance -> cast a shadowmend).

maybe make a class trial and give it a spin