I want the game to go back to being simpler

They’ve had Classic servers running for the past 4 years just to appease the “Make WoW great again” people and they still flock here to cry about M+ and raiding. Astounding.

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Kind of where I’m at. The systems are fine, but the current implementation of combat is too extreme.

And Scenarios from MoP? Thought those were so bad they pretty much abandoned them in MoP. For most people play once can’t lose scenarios aren’t a lot of fun even the first time you do them.

Think the problem with engaging single player content is what you saw with the mage tower, torghast, and horrific visions. For it to be good and work you have to individually tailor it to every spec. And like the mage tower, if you change the game, you have to redo it. And if you do put that effort into it, it’s still complete once and forget content.

Even tho it’s off topic, the current implementation of classic is a vastly different version from how the game was back then. I mean Wrath classic is very different in a lot of ways in how it started up until now compared to when I played it. The community that plays it now seems like a totally different community I guess that came from private servers.

I don’t even know what’s going on over there. From the ‘dungeon finder bad’ to we want M+ in classic crowd it’s a weird version of its former self. Not to mention all the apparent botting and RMT going on more than likely.

They made changes at the request of the community.

Yep sadly which imo kinda ruins a lot of the nostalgia for me. I loved the dungeon finder back then it helped me enjoy the game more.

What’s even sadder is I bet those requests were mostly from people doing boosts and RMT’ing. Oh I’m sorry it’s all gold only wink wink

People who played Wrath are 15 years older than they were back then. People who were too young to play back then are old enough to play & understand the game now. People who didn’t have the time to raid back then possibly can now, and vice versa. Many people are playing purely for the nostalgia aspect. Geez, I could list so many reasons why you are perceiving the community as different. It’s been 15 years. Blizzard cannot perfectly replicate the 2008 experience because it isn’t 2008.


Your data shows that people is, in general, playing more online games. No surprise.

I don’t see how that’s a counter to what I said, though. I can totally agree with you, people is playing more online games nowadays than, say 10 years ago. A lot of people is also spending several hours a week playing them. Yet, my point remains.

I spoke about a common scenario for people my age (while my first language isn’t English, I’d assume the word “common” is similar in different languages), not about it being the norm or true for everyone, and how M+ fits better and causes less troubles for people in that situation.

I’ll try to repeat my point in a clearer way:

People with young children (not exclusively them, but I’m using them as example) will often find that M+ is more convenient for their needs in terms of time investment (specially time spent in one sitting).
It’s very likely that this applies to a lot of people in general, both younger and older, with or without kids, and to very different lifestyles.

M+ is more convenient in terms of time management than raiding.

M+ and Heroic Raid puging had me 5/5 tier @ 441 beginning of 3rd week of season.

Just run the content you get the gear, crests, stones and its ridiculously fast.

Now even at this point, with catalyst and catch up gears, and having 6 sparks of shadowflame for crafts, how much more simple can it get get?

Log in, open group tool, join group, run content, get gear, upgrade gear, rinse, repeat.

I don’t mind m+ in the game. I just never saw the point. By the time you do normal and heroic dungeon, and gear out there, you’re strong enough the open world seems like a cakewalk. Anything beyond that is for bragging right while pushing unnecessarily hard content. It’s kind of like a treadmill. Do a +1 and get gear to do a +2. Gear up there and do a +3. It’s kind of overkill. But, you know. Each to their own.

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I would argue that majority do it because the challenge is relevant to the gear level, not to brag.

Believe it or not, many people enjoy playing the game and dont just do it to min/max then play an alt or quit.

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Pretty much. I like pushing buttons and I like pushing myself.

Living in the past makes it very difficult to look forward to the future.

Most of what you want has never existed in WoW. Raids were for the longest time essentially guild only. Also, “pug-friendly” is a player thing, not a game mechanic thing.
As for M+, that was added for those who got bored with just Mythic. If you don’t like it, avoid it.

I agree that some more solo content would be welcome (the Zskera Vaults and Nifflin digs are fun if a little short) and it’s more than probable we’ll get something new in one of the up coming patches.

TL/DR: WoW is as simple as you want it to be. If you find it stressful then, perhaps, you’re playing the wrong content.


Yeah I’m in the same boat.

I used to do mythic raids but now I don’t have the time. I do some m+ and heroic and I am happy with that. You can always play classic, you can get to 424 gear with shadowflame sparks and that is perfectly fine for the new dungeon.

You can do some low level keys for veteran/champion gear and just ignore the timer. You still get the gear. Veteran gear will level to 424. Champion gear will level to 437.

There are groups that target dungeon completion and beating the timer

I don’t see why we have to change the whole game

Do either of you notice how strange it is to say about a game I don’t have the time for that anymore? I mean I have enough time to beat Elden Ring all over again if I want and that’s challenging. But a Mythic raid? OH NO!!! We need some serious scheduling over here this is a monumental task that requires olympic level coordination… it just seems so funny to me.

“Guys I have to retired from video game Mythic raiding. Yep it’s just too rough man too much time to do it.” What in the world is wrong with this game if you have to say this. Is it because it can’t be zerged like M+?

Idk I used to play in a 5 a side football league on some evenings and as time has gone on my ability to commit to something consistent like that has changed.

I don’t really see it as any different.

Yeah its true lol. Do you know how much work it takes to raid mythic in this game?

Last mythic guild I was in, they raised the ilvl requirements like every week. You have to constantly be on the bleeding edge of content, logs, and sims. We would watch recordings of our own raids to analyze mistakes.

Previously you had to be on top of all your rep-grind, and artifacts/Heart of Azeroth to make sure you have the best consumables,enchants,soulbinds,legendaries.

All that is time you must spend in game if you want to be mythic raiding successfully.

But actually I was just talking about scheduling. I have trouble making Tues-Thur 8pm central so I had to drop out lol. Work and life picked up. Elden Ring you can play whenever you have some downtime. Mythic Raids you have to commit to a set schedule you will raid mythic, plus all the additional crap to maintain your gear or skills (the treadmill)

Do you know how hard it is to get 20 people online who can play WoW at a mythic level? Roster issues are common.

Just from my experience for what its worth.

Oh yeah I’ve heard, even down to other guildmates trying to sabotage you for your raid spot doing weird stuff like ddos’ing people or whatever. Kind of insane tbh how nuts people are about it.

Thankfully I haven’t encountered this. Me and my buddies raid 3 days 3 hours and clear the raid in 2-3 months from release, been doing it for 5 years and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

they really need to scale it back a bit. it’s getting way too difficult and harcore/elitist only. i only played since bfa and even i miss simpler times.

I think it just depends on the difficulty content and the others in the group when it comes to elitism. Players want to push for THEIR goals and want to play with similar peers to accomplish that. Many players seem to want to jump too fast into the highest levels of content when they just aren’t there yet. But there is still plenty of content for everyone’s current play level.

For example, currently all the dungeons from normal to M0 are easily doable by even those that just turned 70 and got some entry level 70 gear.

LFR is there for those (like myself for many of my wow years) that just want to see the raid and get some upgrades compared to WQ gear.

Once you have some entry level epics it isnt too hard to start or join a normal raid or +5-+10.

And really, at this point, you need to figure out what you want in the game.

Usually for me, at this point or before, I was at my max gearing I wanted for going back and farming mounts and old achievements.

This expansion I decided to try and push my endgame a bit more and pugged KSM in S1&2 which was pretty fun.

That said, I’m not sour that I don’t have full 447 gear as I really don’t need it. I achieved the gear I was comfortable getting and have no issues seeing the story and whatnot.

The only thing I want to do but don’t feel comfortable enough is pugging the new mega dungeon. But I’ll get to it when it is made heroic and once comfortable, might try mythic.


There is content for many different difficulty levels depending on where players currently are. Not jumping difficulty too fast makes things smoother.