I want the game to go back to being simpler

I’d like to see M0 join LFD. But the game is pretty simple for me right now, and it feels rather rewarding for my time.

You can pick up the weekly dungeon quest, hop into LFD for your 5 dungeons, and get some neat loot. Paired with TW and I have a reason to run 10 chill dungeons this week to get decent rewards for how I play. No stress, no timers, and at my leisure generally.

Time rifts can be a little anxiety-inducing, but you lose out on very little benefit if you just mosey through em. Every other bit of world content is pretty chill, too.

The top level just doesn’t sound like it’s for you, but there’s plenty of game here below it. This patch actually feels really good to play casually. If anything I’d just request simplicity with all the currencies. There’s gotta be a way they can accomplish this vibe with like 2 or 3 different currencies, instead of like 10.

The data goes up to 2021.

What was happening, Drunne, in 2020 and 2021, that might have led to players spending more time at home and playing games, that isn’t happening now?

They did make Mythic raiding too hard. It is designed for word first raiders basically. It is no wonder people are flocking to grinding 5 mans like crazy for mythic gear. MMO players always take the path of least resistance.

I still don’t understand what Blizzard is doing with their endgame. They killed a ton of motivation to do raids, which was said the most expensive content for them to make.

If the game is going to keep going this direction, why not shift more resources into creating more dungeon content?

I just don’t understand the end game design in this game anymore. Feels like a lot of has been made to just pad metrics.

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There is 2023 data too mate, it actually shows people spending more time gaming.

Nice try though lol. You guys will do anything to try to defend your loot piñata

According to ExpressVPN’s study, there are more millennials playing video games for longer periods of time than Gen Z users doing the same thing. ExpressVPN found that more millennials admitted to playing video games for an entire day than Gen Z gamers; 6% of millennials said they’d done this, while only 3% of Gen Z gamers admitted to it.

Intriguingly, the number of gamers who have done this appears to go up as the age groups ascend; 9% of 36 to 45-year-olds said they’d gamed for a whole day, while an astonishing 18% of those aged between 46 and 55 said they’d done so. It’s not clear which games the older gamers in the study were actually playing, unfortunately, so we don’t know what folks in that age group are spending their time with.

Interestingly enough, that age group actually plays games for longer than 24 hours just as often as it does for 2-4 hours. We have to wonder exactly what the older folks are doing when they play games; 24 hours seems like an excessive amount of time to spend playing video games. Perhaps they’re enjoying marathon sessions of Civilization VI? Maybe they’re getting hopelessly addicted to Candy Crush Saga? Without further data, it’s impossible to tell, sadly.

I just get sick of WoW players saying their play schedule is the norm. I will admit that short play sessions are more favorable to everyone, like I said, MMO players will always take the path of least resistance to get rewards.

The game needs to deviate a tiny bit away from being full themepark. Time to get players more involved with the direction their server takes based on the decisions the server makes. This can be done on a small scale so it doesn’t change the overall story arc.

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People are really out here talking about how having kids messes with their time commitments, when the solution was so simple. Don’t have kids. That shouldn’t be our, or the game’s problem. You guys did it to yourselves.

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I mean nothing has really changed between 2004 and now when it comes to families and people with professional jobs like being a doctor. People managed their time two decades ago around their gaming hobby just like they can today.

Then don’t do Mythic Keystone Dungeons; no one is forcing you to do them.

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This!!! People who think vanilla was easier were clearly not there. Leveling takes hours instead of weeks, dailies, rifts, assaults are all optional. Like back in the day this stuff took forever. 3 hours in a brd run in normal. Same for ubrs and you had to take 10 people. Every pack needed cc, no lfg so you had to spam chat.

The game in it’s current state is a casuals dreams. I play about 12 hours a week and haven’t had trouble getting aotc, ksm, etc…

:point_up_2: Next to crz item level scaling open world content is the worst things they have done to this game imo. Guess they didn’t have much choice with crz in a way though with a dwindling playerbase

Look up monsternelf. Thats my other character. I dont need anything from last boss on my healer so why waste time on it.

Sorry for the late response.

Are scenarios available as 5 person content?

Are you asking for more than a single drop a week?

Also remember, what you are responding to was mostly a snarky reply to a person stating that mythic should only give you a title, maybe a mount. Maybe an achievement. Thats it.

When they were first introduced in mists they were three man content.

I also haven’t really been following most of this post because as soon as I smell elitism I get the febreeze lol. I was just giving my own commentary about the value scenarios do in fact add to this game.

As for loot, how much and often should follow the visions example.

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I enjoyed getting some useful loot from heroic scenarios back in the day. It wasn’t a lot but I think it gave heroic dungeon equivalent or something like that, but I can’t recall exactly. It was fun tho doing these little excursions.

They could evolve them into Mythic Scenarios you can perhaps solo to try out solo dungeons maybe, or do with a couple friends for fun idk. And maybe some decent loot for your time as well (esp since it wouldn’t count for the weekly chest progress).

Visions were such a squandered opportunity, honestly. :frowning:

Unfortunately, I expect they’ll remain so, because I seriously don’t expect that Blizzard will allow us to have a gearing opportunity like that unless the “how much and often” is kept just as heavily constrained - which was where Visions fell flat, everyone in the group having to have a vessel, the currency to obtain which was kept under very strict rationing.

So you couldn’t fail even once, nor go help a friend who was on an earlier cloak stage than you, or your cloak would be permanently behind on ilvl and corruption resistance in a gaming culture that expected you to perfectly keep up with the Joneses on both or else.

The gear rewards were nice, but doubtless were responsible for Blizzard being so strict with access to Visions, which IMO was far more problematic of an issue (and also helped with BFA’s out of control carry sales market, because the above more or less meant - despite “get a guild” being the usual remedy for most grouping issues - either you had to have the mettle and confidence to solo your Visions every week or, if you felt you needed help, you were almost compelled to purchase it as you actually could not reliably rely on friend/guild help with that design).

Note how they took away the albatross of needing vessels with Torghast, but at the same time they slashed it down to cosmetic gear only (was there anything in Adamant Vaults? I never did get around to poking around in AV because I figured I had better invest my Torghast points into the stuff that helps you get five star runs before blowing that many on access to AV, and not long after that I stopped doing much besides Zereth Mortis and the occasional M+ key and then drifted off from SL altogether) …

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It was just cosmetic stuff that dropped from adamant vaults even at the highest end. But sometimes you’d get a token that could upgrade your conduits as well. Or I don’t remember getting any gear from it anyway.

Torghast had no actual gear. Cosmetic gear, pets, mounts, anima and conduit upgrades.

In pve content it’s power is locked behind pvp ranks.

Yeah that was a let down for me I thought it’d be nice to at least get a weapon. Regardless I still had fun completing it even if it took me awhile.

Because if you only pvp, you don’t care about PvE.
A LOT of the top players has non-upgradeable gear (1/9), because it’s always max level inside arenas.