I want the game to go back to being simpler

again still the same thing. you had to put in more effort to raid between attunements and fire resistance gear. farthest back ill go for more casual friendly is legion.

True with attunements. Resistances were something. But I think they are talking about mechanics wise. Which that has gotten a little bit much in recent years. Just because they try to create variety and different encounters.

You finally killed Scalecommander for the first time yesterday? That was your first full-clear.
And with all due respect, get carried because you’re a healer. DPS get kicked if they do a 2% parse.

From my perspective m+ doesn’t even start to become a sufficient challenge for myself until well after it stops awarding gear. Most do m+ for gear, yes, but the difficulties that award gear are already comparable to similar ilvl sources for other content, it’s just more accessible being 5 people.


I’ve been keeping an eye on Throne and Liberty. It supposed to be releasing sometime end of the year. Hoping it turns out decently well but at very least it will be something new to explore.

yea back in vanilla we didnt realize how over the top easy raid mechanics were. we thought it was hard cause we were bad.

Or had slow connections and bad computers, lol.

My “ideal” version of M+ is literally no gear and all character templates.

I do not care about it as a source of gear — though I would be frustrated if I couldn’t push to the level I found challenging because of a lack of gear.

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To be fair the route WoW is more likely to take is basically morph into a more Souls-Like game with strict combat patterns. If there’s a MMORPG more likely to mirror Souls with it’s strictness in combat it’s WoW.

So if you like Souls games and Elden Ring you’re probably going to like WoW with how the devs view the game.

What? That doesn’t at all seem to resemble WoW’s design ethos.

That seems more similar to FFXIV to me with the rigid boss design that’s more or less just a dance.

This is one reason I think the Castle Nathria dance boss was entertaining. It kind of plays on the dance ethos of modern wow raid design.

I think a lot of M+ only players would like if they used templates and moved the rewards to cosmetics only. This would be an amazing change to the game.

This would make it truly optional, because it is current it is not.

so… you want classic?

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How would players gain ilvl outside of raiding were this to be the case? Since world content stops at 424 and doesn’t offer sufficient difficulty to go any higher.

By raiding, like the game has always been. Why would you need to gain ilevel if the content was using templates?

Edit: This would truly make M+ ladder interesting, because gear would be irelevant in there.

i had both

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So if you don’t raid your ilvl just stops at 424.

Can’t see that going down well…

It also removes the ability for players to gradually outgear raid content, making tuning significantly harder.

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Why would you need higher ilevel if you don’t raid and just run M+? PVP gear is capped in PVP, works very well.

Yep, people just want the easy gear as many have suspected over the years.

The spectrum in player performance in this game is enormous. Offering the ability for players to increase their ilvl outside of raiding is what enables a mythic raid to be engaging for players in the top 10 and top 1000 alike without needing constant tuning adjustments. Besides zskarn we only really had some very small changes literally months in.

we literally solved this 10 years ago with badge gear

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