I want new races

For a second I thought you meant races like the wheelbarrow race in Venthyr! :smiley:

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Venthyr are not vampires. Sanlayn are vampires, Venthyr are not.

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i just want more players to play with i feel lonely in 2021.

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I’ll admit, if Sylvari became playable I’d race swap in a heart beat…


I want a million dollhairs

I’d play a Tauren with bunny ears 24/7

Also, remember shadowlands races are just a new form for the souls to take, so perhaps you could just change the look of your existing character for free when reaching the max level of covenant or something. Many of these covenants during questing are saying that you would make a good soul as part of them. So maybe they can make a cinematic where your character finally dies and turns into one of them. That would be actually an interesting plot twist.

Technically everything that drain life force be it spiritual which is apparently red or physical is considered vampire, they also get hurt by daylight and look like classical nosferatu, that’s enough to call them vampires. Also apparently your character is called “maw-walker”, Blade reference much?


Murlocs first.


Nah. We just got at least 10 new races in the last expansion in which we worked very hard for. I think we shouldn’t get a new one unless it makes sense for the expansion. Next expansion better be a new class at least. I kinda want to see if my Druid will be replaced.

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Alliance - Horde
High Elfs - San’layn
Broken - Ogres
Frostborn Dwarfs - Taunka
Wildhammer Dwarf - Forest Troll (the muscular ones)
Eredar – Fel Orcs
Jinyu – Gilgoblin
Furbolg - Sethraks


And Fel Orc :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Arakkoa, Ogres, Saberon, Naga, Vrykul, Jinyu, Hozen and Botani first please!


I’d prefer we don’t get any of the races from Shadowlands. I hope we ignore pretty much everything from Shadowlands come next expansion. :sweat_smile:


Just for that… I’mma live in your garrison from now on… what’s in the fridge?


The new race is a bowl of fruit and its female gender locked


I want a whole lot of AR.

Copy of current model or not.

Wildhammer and Revantusk
High elves and Ogres
Frostborn and Taunka
Jinyu and Hozen
Half elves and mok’nathal
Ankoan and Kelfin
Sethrak and Saurok
Arrakoa and Saberon
Furbolg and Alteraci humans
Vrykul and San’layn

My list can go on and on.

Always AR not useless customization.


They should have rolled mage. Or kept their Hearthstone.

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Not a fan of these threads, but the only “new” race I ever thought would be cool would be Ethereals.


They are a favorite.

Which side would you see them going?

(I prefer them neutral with a twist. Void ones Alliance, arcane Horde.)


I’m up for mob races but most of them are just personified animals and I’m not into furries that much. So far my favorite races are Tauren, Worgen then undead, and kul tiras.
Tauren and worgens not because they are bipedal animals, only that taurens are massive and worgens because of atmosphere, claws etc, also old worgen look was more nasty and witchy too.
So the current equivalent of more human like for taurens would be maldraxxi and for werewolves, vampires.
Undeads are another favourite because they are very metal like (taurens kinda too E.T.C) so maldraxxi are and kul-tiras massive pirates although I haven’t played Alliance for a long time now just don’t like Anduin and their background story, as well as i don’t like Sylvanas but is slightly better… the Shadowlands races have better rulers than Alliance and Horde altogether imo.

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