I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

I actually call it LGBTQI+ these days

That’s the Q section or B section of LGBTQ.

She may have been questioning or Bi and that’s ok. Bi folks pick whoever they want to and if she is happy that’s the big take away from everything.

Mom instincts can kick in regardless. My mom instincts kicked in with Harley (my kitten) when he was just an itty bitty baby when I found him in the driveway. Heck I still get anxious making sure my kitties have everything and toys etc. It just

(edited to fix the quoted section)

Is it just me, or does something about this, sound
not quite right

Don’t get me wrong, I went on a CIS date the other night, but something about what you are saying, while on the surface it doesn’t sound wrong or anything but at the same point

I can’t help but feel that there could be some very subtle bigoted homophobic undertones in what you are saying for some reason. Or maybe I am looking too much into it.

Nothing wrong with being a ‘proud mother’ but in the same sentence as heterosexual relationship, did that really need to be pointed out?

Also this statement “it was a part of those formative years she will probably carry some of those ideas with her” what does this mean exactly? What ideas? Clarify.

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I identify as a fish.

How dare you say nobody wants to be a fish, I have spent years of my life trying to become a fish and the best blizzard can produce is dragons and now people call me a scalie.

I’m sick of this discrimination. This game needs more fish representation.


Playable Murlocs.

PLEASE I want playable Murlocs.

It seems more than subtle. As if only cis can have motherly instincts.


People being Bi or Bi-curious is a bit more common than one would think, not very surprising. For many however such a choice is not present.

No it was more the T section, she used to yell at her little brother when he referred to her as her, etc., etc. Some days she didn’t care, it was clearly a confusing time for her. But it never got serious enough that she wanted to transition or identify differently, well at least not permanently. Mostly it seemed to be used as a source to pull a victim card. I know no one in the T section wants to believe that happens, but it does.

Not that playing around with trans ideas made her that way, her mother and nana were over the top dramatic about everything, the whole world was always against them type attitude. She defiantly followed that same path. Heck, even as a baby, I never heard a baby cry that much, and I have 4 kids. Now I think she is more the classic tom boy, but the modern terms can make it cross over with LGBTQ.

That’s possible. We all live in our own bias little bubbles, and yours may understand it differently. Take from it what you will, but I do go into a bit more detail above in response to another post.


Times change.

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Yes, they do, which I allready pointed out if you’d been following the discussion.
But let me requote it for you.

There are still countries with slavery, child labor, child soldiers, sex trafficking, and mass killings. Stop pretending this minor inclusion of LGBT is going to change the world cause it’s just simply not. It is a ego thing nothing more.

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Which I’m also agaisnt and people are also fighting against. What’s your point here? you think there can only be one issue at a time that can be adressed?

Yet by your own words
 “Times change” Why do you think gay people are more accepted now than 15 years ago? Think about it.

Exactly. Thats why ppl really need to just stop caring. Someone asking for gay stuff doesnt need 1392 replies lol


But then we wouldn’t have these fun threads

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You’re not wrong about that.

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Fairly large number of reasons. Different generations, different points of views. Same reason why segregation went away had nothing to do with being included in movies and games it had to do with peaceful protest and growing generations having a different point of view than the previous. More people accept homosexuality today because they have a different view of it than there parents or grandparents, they simply don’t care that people are gay as it has no direct affect in there personal lives. You also have a downfall in people following christian religions today which helps push this view as well.

But, with the way LGBT people are acting it is slowly backlashing at them because again it is slowly starting to have direct affect in peoples personal lives, and people are just getting sick of hearing about it in general. Go on be gay but keep it to yourself stop forcing everyone to care that you are gay in countries where you are free to be gay.

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