I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Everything fiction is just that… a thought.


But Blizzard dose and they usually end up listening what Twitter has to say. Afterall, Twitter is ground zero for cancel culture.


I feel most people within the context of wow are happy with vague and infrequent nuances of sexuality and romance of any type. To this day the malfurion thing in legion makes want to gag and want to leave the zone.


Wait… food for thought…Wouldn’t you be cancelling people who are asking for LGBTQ+ rep right now?


Oh man… not another one… :roll_eyes:

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Where tyrande goes searching for her husband!?!?

I loved that!

Yup. Here we go again.

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Blecchhhhhh nauserating it’s like when the lifetime network tries to do romance. It was just overdone. It was bad. It could have been differently and been good.

Oh so your going to chain down my entire sexuality to a single questline??? :rofl: :rofl:

I need you Tyrande!


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Can you imagine what would happen if we got even a single LGBT romance that in-your-face and soap opera’y as a mainline zone quest?

Bigotry tantrums for remainder of the expansion. Guaranteed.


I think we’ve established that a very small number of people won’t be happy until every commercial product looks like it would fit right in at a Drag show.


No, they vote with their wallet and find a content that is suitable for their needs like any normal personal with do.

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Asking for more LGBT characters isn’t asking for anything having to do with drag

This forum is filled with people complaining about various aspects of the game and requesting changes, and that’s fine in my opinion, whether it’s about Shadowlands PvP gear or solo shuffle or the lack of LGBT characters!


Why do people have this need to validate their sexuality in a make-believe world with make believe characters?.. when I’m fighting next to someone in ZM, I don’t think… ooooh I wonder if they’re gay? or I wonder if they’re into puppets?.. because NON if it matters, the person behind the character makes absolutely no difference to me who they are in real life, because they are strangers, they will run off into ZM and I will probably never encounter them again. I had a long conversation with someone in Azuna last night about how they needed to do the quest for the long forgotten hyppo. and NOT ONCE did I wonder are they LGBTQ+ or into BdSm or any other se*ual preference. what is wrong mentally with people who can’t separate the real world from a make believe one? If you can’t separate yourself from the two and demand to feel safe in a make-believe world when the real world isn’t safe for ANYONE these days… you have some seriously bigger problems.


I like spicy ramen but I dont like it too spicy


Oooh spicy Raman

“Blizzard is shoving their agenda down my throat!”


No thanks. Keep your gay agenda in your actual life. This is a video game nobody cares.