Please Blizzard , the majority of players are kinda bored of Shadowlands dungeons . Make it up for all of 9.2 , not only 1 week .
Probably not gonna happen till. 10.0 or 11.0
Prosident made a Community Council thread all about scaling old dungeons and Raids, including Mythic+ dungeins for other old expansions besides Legion. He’s off the Council now, but this idea is great.
They should add 2 from legion and 2 from bfa to the normal rotation of keys then cycle them out for each major patch.
If they then did the work to m+ify older ones then they could cycle them through too.
It would be great
Loot can just be tokens for loot of the appropriate slot from current expac so there are not bis items from dungeons that are no longer available etc.
I’d love to do underrot and atal dazar again. But yeah this is prolly gonna wait until 10.1 or later.
Eff your M+, give me the Panda TW raid.
I’m ready for timewalking Freehold spam.
they need to up the dungeons each patch bring some new ones out and be done with it. if they ain’t got the staff hire some maybe. i so hope microsoft puts a foot in their rear and we get more consistent new bg’s and dungeons thru an expansion.
I dont think I’m ready to do TD and SoB yet
how upset do you think people that destroyed corrupted items are gonna be when they add BFA M+ into the timewalking rotation?
(yes, people posted that they did that for some reason)
yea but what about freehold and atal dazar? I miss those places and its an easy way for us to have more dungeons to do.