I want an option to dps as blood

Another reason Demon Hunters are be far better than Death Knights. But seriously this concept were to come true, it’s going to be a huge embarrassment for Death Knights.

0/10 as a troll.

If you are going to completely ignore the similarities and find one little difference between the abilities like you did, and other than Rune Strike, this is exactly what you did.

Heart Strike didnt heal you either, it was just a cleave. Im surprised you didnt say “Heart Strike is read, Cleave is green 0/10”.

Dots back in wrath increased the damage and/or healing of certain abilities and were an important part of the class. These dots didnt heal the dk either. You only got a few things right which makes me thing you didnt play then either and have no right to say if someone played before a certain time period.

The class back then had a different rune system and each spec played pretty much the same at its core. Dots up to increase the damage of certain abilities or have Death Strike heal for more which is the reason why Unholy could solo things for says since it also had a perma pet to tank certain abilities. Then you had your rune conversion for each spec, and then a little flavor sprinkled on top with some different dps cooldowns. Overall it was all the same concept and Blood was the physical damage spec of the DK class.


Truth be told, I already knew this was a Flat Earth society thread, I was going playing along with this gentleman’s stubbornness; Knowing how pragmatic and calculated the class developers are.

Of course they would not remove Death Knight tanks because one person demands it.

It’s going to cause a huge backlash from the dedicated Death Knight tanks. It would also be a huge slap to the face for Death Knight Tanks who completed the Mage Tower Challenge as well as gaining the title Proven Defender.

It’s not really worth the risk.

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Stack stamina essences and talents, max ilvl, then stack as much twilight devastation as you can.

I have 3 pieces of twilight devastation, (18%, 6%, 12%) all adding up to 36% of my health in damage. With vampiric blood, 10 stacks of anima, 10 stacks of bone shield (w/foul bulwark), I sit at around 1.3 mil hp. That is around 450k damage per hit, non-crit. Granted, this is completely unusable in most dungeon, non-world pve content because it puts me at 98 total corruption with my rank 13 cloak and +10 corruption resistance essence, but still… The damage is insane.

They wouldn’t have to remove anything though, they can just add a toggle for it. Of course checks would have to be put in place where people who queue as tanks would be such.

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As one who plays a Blood Death Knight for over a decade that is something I would really like.

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Didn’t Method or Limit have a blood DK dps with full corruption?

I like to play Blood as a tank spec. I would not personally like to see DKs without a tank spec.

However, if Blizz brought back presences and unloaded all of Blood’s threat generation to Blood Presence, you could DPS in Blood spec while in Frost/UH presence. We could do this as recently as WoD.

This would allow people to do both without compromising our tanking ability.

I don’t expect Blizz will do this, though.

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No, excuse you.

I’m not here talking about removing something current for what could be.

Stay spiteful though.

I looked and apparently they had that. but it was removed in legion.

Honestly, we just need a 2h DPS spec that doesn’t have a pet, so frustrating to see 2h weapons up from WQ but due this current Dev teams ideas, if you want to use a 2h either tank or deal with a pet. I would even take an Unholy setup without the pet. Anything that would allow me to at least make use of the influx of 2h while I am stuck with crap 1handers.

I wish and hope Blizz brings back the customization and CHOICE to allow us to choose what we want to do with our classes like they used to. I still want 2h Frost back!


If they made blood dps they’d have to remove our hps to account for a buff to dps. Or they would have to do what they did for feral. I’m glad that we have a tank spec and blood mechanics are refreshing compared to just straight mitigation. Draining the life from everything around me is cool. I understand why people would want a blood dps spec, but it would have to be seriously gimped otherwise it would be so massively OP. I don’t think that would be worth it.

If there is a tank bloat I don’t see it. Since swapping to tank my ques became instantaneous, people want to help me gear up, and I get the bonus loot from DF all the time. I chose blood because I wanted to use a 2h weapon and not have a zombie named grundlesniffer following me around. Other than the pet imo unholy is great but needs more survivability in pvp. I heard about the 50% nerf /sadness.

Anyways thinking about tanking seems to be more nerve wracking than actually doing it. This is coming from someone who hasn’t seen any of the 120 content until this week. Idk why so many people loath it. I basically live forever and gankers don’t get to just delete me as a fairly fresh 120.

I hadn’t played since cata and I went in blind to every heroic dungeon and did the first 3 lfr tiers since coming back last week. The loot guide has boss descriptions and says “for tank: do this” pretty much. Don’t believe the old mantra of you gotta zoom zoom and know everything all the time and no mistakes EVER. Honestly blood feels just like being a dps but I’m in the front and I yell at stuff. Maybe I’m an outlier but I really enjoy blood as is. Just wish we had a slight dps buff but overall it’s my favorite of the 3.

I’d love to dps as blood, it’s fun and I like the theme. they could do it like glad spec, just have a talent option that buffs damage and lowers hp and threat.


That would be great!

You would have to do a lot more than just buff damage and lower hp and threat.

What do you do with the rest of the kit that boosts other things like armor? Survivability like Marrowrend? How OP Dancing Rune Weapon would be with a damage increase while retaining the 40% parry. The mastery?

What do you do with all the talents? Purgatory on a dps? Will of the Necropolis?

The spec isnt designed with dps in mind at all. Its to tank, reducing the damage you take. If that isnt addressed then its just and overpowered tank with no threat generation and the health pool of a dps.

No, you’re lauding the removal of what was for what is, equally spiteful. I said you had a good argument and ment it because you, like I are being honest about being selfish.

When I said tank bloat I was speaking in context of how many classes can perform the role, not the amount of players playing it. Tanks in LFG are prized because most won’t play with pugs because-wait for it- pug groups are generally not as good as co ordinated groups of friends playing in discord.

There are a total of 36 specs, 6 are tanks, 6 are healers and the other 24 are dps specs.

Blood, vengeance, guardian, brewmaster, prot pally and prot warrior.

There isn’t tank bloat.


I would be fine with a 4th spec, might make them consider it for more classes, including ones where they had 1 spec essentially deleted in favor of a completely different playstyle and neither of the other specs are a good substitute.

Yeah me too, I prefer the bigger hits on 2h weps so when frost became dw only I wasn’t thrilled, and I’ve never been a huge fan of pet specs. Even when I played lock I mostly had my pet sacrificed for the stat increases except in pvp when I’d need the extra cc. Actually wouldn’t mind seeing an unholy talent change that did something similar and only apoc/army or abom spawned the ghouls temporarily.

And to the guy above there are just not that many ppl in them is what I meant. I love dk so I only became a tank to use my favorite spec of the 3. The life steal and sustain appeals to me the most although I have to say all 3 specs fulfill the feeling of being a DK well, but in different ways.