I want an option to dps as blood

If you don’t mind, that would be awesome.

The two monk tanks say they never have an issue but the warrior tank says he he has to taunt and cc like crazy as he loses agro allot. Also asked our dk about it he said he said its generally only trash he might steal agro on boss fights not so much

Oh well that’s not what I expected, thanks anyway though. :slight_smile:

It was very different in Wrath from Arms, the themes were totally seperate. Blood was far more similar to Ret than anything else. That’s coming from someone who played all 3 in Wrath.

I wouldn’t mind if Blood were made dps tomorrow, it would solve a few issues people have with Frost currently in a better way. Blood was always the best for 2h physical damage, so people who want the big meaty hits could go Blood and it would save Frost the balancing issue nightmare that comes with trying to put 2h/dw in the same spec.

It would also give Dk’s the unique spot of being a pure dps class in plate. Take this with a grain of salt but I think there actually is tank bloat in the game atm, and not enough pure dps melee. Another reason to take this with a grain of salt; ARP Blood was my favorite and I played it the most in Wrath, so naturally I want it back lol.

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Use all twilight decimation corruption.
Get your health as high as possible.



When I fight elites as UH, I use Death Strike instead of Death Coil to keep myself alive. It’s like I’m Blood or something.

If you want a Blood Death Knight DPS, Arms Warriors are there waiting for you, Death Knights are weak as they are right now, it’s best not to make them anymore weaker.

Arms and Blood are/were totally different except that they both did well with ArP back in Wrath, and I don’t understand the rest of your post. Half thoughts don’t translate well.

Pedantic. Just because you swallowed the Kool-Aid doesn’t mean I’m going to. Enjoy your Arms warrior, I’ll continue to post that I think Blood should be a dps spec. Hopefully it’s better than Arms/Fury if they ever bring it back.

Why would they bring it back? I dont think the dk is in a great spot design wise but I dont see the point in bringing a lot of things that are wanted. I can see changing KM back to how it was because the design of KM is just horrid now. Having a guaranteed crit proc based on crits is like having Hot Streak give you a guaranteed crit on pyro. To get it you have to have crit meaning it makes the proc less valuable since you are already doing the thing that the proc is supposed to provide.

But seriously, why would they or should they bring back Blood DPS or 2h Frost. Or make unholy DW all because of a bug on sudden doom that allowed it to also proc off of off-hand autos when it wasnt supposed to.

If people want it, then fine. But the design philosophy of Blizzard right now doesnt promote that type of design. I know this because you can look at their design changes from way back in Cata to now. They want an easier time of balance even though they have just continually made it harder through snapshotting removal, adding systems on top of systems and so on. While class balance right now is technically more simple, everything combined is far from it.


I mean it wouldn’t be hard, add an aura that gives a damage buff and reduces threat generated. It would be simple to add.

Also i’m leveling a warrior and arms just feels meh, maybe at 120 it’ll be better.

I really like the idea of a spec being able to do more than one combat role. I don’t think they will do it, though, because it might be too hard to balance. The devs are probably not up to the challenge- and understandably so. No doubt it would be more fun, though, if you could.
Priest is another class that sort of has this issue- where people want to DPS as holy, because they don’t like shadow’s themes/ gameplay. I could think of and justify plenty of spec-role combinations, but I doubt I will ever see them.

I agree, it would be nice. Shame blizzard won’t go for it though.

What about the mastery? What about marrowrend and the armor boost? With the increased damage and no increased threat modifier you are just asking for an overpowered dps role where they take less damage than everyone else.

In pvp, well, we all know what that would end up like. Who wants to guess a thread title? Blood is too overpowered, nerf now! Sounds pretty accurate.

It isn’t that simple.

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Excuse you…

Are you suggesting they should’ve got rid of a spec many love all because of your own selfish reason??

Couple of things, Pruning abilities and specs didn’t help balance it is just as bad as it was with those things in. Secondly I wasn’t talking about DW Unholy or 2h Frost and by this I know 100% you didn’t read my first post. Because I said wep types should stay the same as now.

I was saying that DK should become a pure dps class again, not saying that Blood should Tank/DPS.

Final point, the design direction they’ve taken the game in has lost nearly 10 million players, or more depending on who’s ‘numbers’ you believe after WoD. So show me where/how DK being a pure dps would be harmful in the current game which actually has demonstrated tank bloat and we can have a discussion.

Your Arms warrior eariler? That simplistic and shallow reasoning is somewhat of a trademark of yours but it could be a few others I know here as well. More often than not simple generalized thoughts that lack critical thought end up being more harmful than helpful again I’ll cite player numbers and their corresponding drops with horrid decisions from the studio regarding design and systems.

There is no tank bloat, I didn’t bring up 2h or DW unholy because you mentioned it, and the base classes are easy to balance and it’s actually the other systems that is creating the balance nightmare.

It seems the one who failed to read is you.

Regardless of the pure DPS change, eventually the healing and absorbs will be heavily reduced; removing what remaining uniqueness Blood Death Knights have.

They may be quite different when it comes to game mechanics, but when it comes to class Fantasy there’s nothing which makes Blood Death Knights different from Arms Warriors.

Perhaps rune strike would be made baseline as a resource build up for Death Strike’s increased damage and heart strike being reworked as a talent.

Death Strike = Mortal Strike

Rune Strike = Overpower

Bonestorm = Bladestorm

Heart Strike = Cleave

Blood Boil = Thunder clap

Blood Plague = Deep wounds.

There’s absolutely nothing unique about Blood Death Knigthts, they are as Unoriginal as it could be, when I say the term “Weak”, vaguely say they’re limited and lacking when it comes to utility, viability, or potential, Death Knight would be a completely useless class without a tank specialty, unlike the most of the pure dps which have something useful, such as summons, crowd controls, and portals, Death Knights would have nothing to bring.

This would lead to Death Knights have no reason to participate in pve.
What you are recommending is a disaster which would result in a lot of people being very unhappy.


You are talking about deleting a tank for a Damage Dealer with an original Class Fantasy. Think about it, What makes a Blood Death Knight DPS different from let’s say, an Arm Warriors, a Feral Druid, a Pre-Legion Sub Rogue, a Survival Hunter, and a Hunter’s Pet?

Of Course Blood Death Knights currently share class fantasy with arms warriors and Unholy Death Knights, yet the gameplay of Blood Death Knights is gaurenteed to be something Unoriginal.

No thanks.

One if the reasons I’ve chosen to main mine is CAUSE it’s a hybrid.

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Blood DPS was the dullest of the dps specs. It was basically a pure physical damage dealer, with boring rotation. Convert unholy/frost runes to death runes, then 6x heart strike. The tank makes way more sense, a sort of vampire that feeds off the life force of others to stay alive. Not a glorified arms warrior that was Blood Dps.

Except for the fact that one is a magic using vampire and one is a non magic using warrior with totally different tool kits. Blood dots and Blood Boil were a good chunk of our damage.

I could make a general list about any spec the same as you did with arms, and in some cases (WW monk) it would be a lot closer.

They function totally different, then and now. DS never applied a mortal strike effect and had no cd other than runes. MS didn’t heal the warrior. 0/10.

Totally different, you needed to dodge an attack to use RS, not so with OP . Again 0/10.

Wasn’t in Wrath, Bonestorm doesn’t break roots or prevent CC, Bladestorm doesn’t heal the Warrior. 0/10.

This one is close. don’t remember cleave healing though.

BB just did damage, no secondary effects like clap had. 0/10.

Reaching, could list any class with a dot currently and put that where Blood Plague is now. Oh wait /s off Deep wounds didn’t cause any of the warriors strikes to do more damage or heal the warrior. 0/10.

What makes those specs/classes any different from each other without blood being a dps spec?

No they wouldn’t.

Point and sputter, I could make the argument that our dps specs aren’t viable because we can tank and I’d win the argument because it hurts two specs of the class for the viability of one. Not well thought out, like your entire post.

Not an actual argument because they were totally different, and the actual blood rotation was a little more involved than that. If you would have started playing the game earlier than 2014 you’d have a better idea what your talking about, the warrior is just trolling.

The only one who actually had a good argument:

And also, excuse you because a lot of people liked Blood DPS. There would have been more people playing Blood in Wrath than all three combined now. Which you could probably say about any of the specs, especially after the Frost/Unholy changes early on.

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