I want a choice to follow Tyrande/Genn

Exactly. :smiling_imp:

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Her stated plan to Nathanos, perhaps the only person she trusts in the entire world, is to sack Stormwind and raise all its citizens as Forsaken.

Ask yourself which action gets her closer to this goal: capturing Teldrassil and holding it hostage to force a peace with the Alliance, or burning it and sending the world spiraling further into war?


And I’m telling you her stated plan for Teldrassil was capture and occupy and kill Mal and Tyrande. You can make up whatever you want but that is what was actually said.

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Yes, her stated goal to Saurfang. Someone she doesnt trust. I’m not sure why its such a stretch to imagine that maybe she lied to him to get him on board with the invasion.

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If they’re going to go factionless it might be more interesting to switch to 5 “factions” that are about the story and flavor you get but you can group with anyone.

Ever since I rolled druid in vanilla, I always thought nelfs and tauren seemed like they had more in common with each other than they did with their allies. Something about that early experience in Moonglade and being the underdog class together.

Nature faction - nelfs, tauren, worgen
Old Alliance - IF dwarves, some humans, gnomes
Old Horde - orcs, goblins, some others
Team Evil - undead, belfs
Team tooGoodforeveryoneelse - Draenei, some humans, high elves

or something like that

Fine they will give you the choice to not accept the peace but you will be ask to ‘‘play along’’ only to end up force to be on the peace side and see Tyrand and Genn being reprimand by Anduin…

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I would really like all my druids to be on the same “side.” :grin:

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Dont like the horde or the alliance, Nzoth has a spot for you. :eye:

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If Genn’s character arcs are to be believed in BTS and his actions throughout the war campaign, Genn isn’t out for blood as much as he was. While he elected to assist the night elves, and likely would again, he was also there with the intent of putting down Sylvanas who is his primary goal. Sylvanas is gone. I don’t think Genn’s gonna care much about the Horde anymore considering she’s no longer a part of it.

He never did in first place… Infact he was ok with forsaken trying to rejoin their families. Syls head was the only thing he wanted.

It always made me wonder why all those Tauren druids were fighting for chopping down the trees in wsg. Now that I think of it, shouldn’t dk’s be on team evil with the undead regardless of their original race?


I always had a hard time putting tauren in with the horde. They so peacefull in comparison to other races for faction.

We have custom T-shirts.


Did we decide on :eye: or :octopus:
:octopus: is cooler i guess…

Nzoth will unite everyone…trust in Nzoth…

honestly, killing forsaken is doing the world good, letting them exist is kinda a big thorn in the side of most living things.

This 100%. Genn is only after sylvanas to avenge his home and son.

So these orcs and humans presume to run rampant through our lands? They will regret ever stepping foot into Ashenvale. We will establish a base and deal with these outlanders as they deserve.” - Warcraft 3.

Do you think Tyrande is a peace-loving hippy?

She’s a savage defender of her people. She will do what needs to be done, and if Blizzard make her a beacon of vengeance, they are being true to her original character.


Well Genn’s hatred is mainly directed at Sylvanas rather than the Horde

Tyrande’s is directed at the Horde in general

There need not be a conflict between them. The Night Elves have helped Worgen greatly and if anything strengthened thier bond with the Alliance.

Grateful for Tyrande to have protected her homeland too. Hopefully this will be easier now that there is some division in the Horde. Break them while they are weak.

P.S: On a side note happy to see more ‘vengeful’ side to the Alliance this campaign that makes a lot more sense plot wise; notice that on Invasion. In invasions - As soon as they touch Tiragarde though, NO mercy and slaying wounded Horde is a part of the objective.

Oh how quickly the whole Legion expansion is forgotten. Learn to take turns, buddy. Not everything needs to revolve around your team.