I waited 3 days for a GM to not read my ticket

That is a feeling that we share, Bobby, but unfortunately, in this situation, we are unable to assist. Hopefully, the lock on the realm won’t be on there for too long and he can create the Alliance character.


He was there before the lock it sounds, he is not an additional player trying to get in.

He is neither adding or detracting from the server but replacing.

If you feel the rules should be changed for this situation, you’re best reaching out using the suggestion tool, or perhaps directly via Twitter per Ekon’s suggestion.

You’re asking the support agents to bend the rules in a substantial way and to set a precedent.


Or faction hopping to the more populated faction for ease. We don’t know

GMs have policies they must follow. Just like you or I do at work. I don’t agree with them all either. But I am not disgustingly filthy rich to where I can say I don’t care so I abide by them.

The GMs don’t have to like the policy. They do however have to go by the rules set forth to them.


I understand that, and I’m not referring to people wanting to transfer. OP is not the only person in this situation, whether they’re the only one making a thread in Customer Support or not.


I did not think about that.

Was just looking at his server and if ironforge pro has any credibility in their faction statistics then I would agree with Blizzard locking players from playing on the more favorable faction to create better balance and ratios between factions.

I’m not sure what you think I’m missing in that bolded part since before it he request the Horde toon of his to be deleted if he can’t delete it himself.

Unless you’re implying that creating a character for him is impossible.

The implication was that OP wanted a GM to manually create the character for him, thereby bypassing the realm lock that was preventing him from doing it himself. Whether by lacking the tools to do so, or because policy forbade them from doing so in this instance, it is considered impossible.

The answers that needed to be given have been given, I do not believe there’s any more reason to keep it going.


Agreed, was just looking for clarity.

I’m certain what section seems to claim that they are unable to delete the character themselves. As far as I can see, given the context of the statement, the crux of the situation is that they are unable to create an Alliance character themselves, once the Horde character is deleted. Thus they wish us to do it… something we’ve already covered.

Yes, that was the gist the OP was making, since it is a locked realm. I felt based on your other responses you understood that, so I’m not really understanding your counters here. Nor what horse you have in this race, since the OP stopped posting over 12 hours ago.

I would agree. I believe what answers that needed to be given were provided long ago. I’m going to lock this one up.