I waa banned falsely please help

The name of toon is vegetabankai . Mage. Server nightslayer

I was permbanned and it said in email the reason is because I was directly or indirectly involved with selling in-game items for real world currency

I opened a ticket but please blizzard someone look into this because I swear to God I have never purchased gold … and the only time I ever traded gold was giving a few gold to a warlock that summons . and I paid gold for a few strath boosts just to try it out

There’s no way buying a strath boost is bannable this is insane … someone please look into my account getting banned

​AT this point ive purchased a new account but PLEASE CAN a real human tell me what i did that actually got me banned

All i can think of is i purchased a few strath boosts and paid a few gold for warlock summons

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This is your only recourse for corrective action, all you can do is sit and wait for a game master to respond.

A different real human game master will look at your appeals until they tell you no more will be entertained.


Also, this is not a place to plead your case as to why you should have a ban/suspension withdrawn. A GM will look at the logs and only the logs, no input from anyone else is going to sway their decision.



Let’s just add that bit to the conversation. Repeating over and over that you’ve never participated in RMT isn’t the full story - by your own admission.

Now as to your newer account that got hit? Most of the people who get hit with the part about trading gold are the ones on the receiving end. You paying legitimately earned gold to someone else for a summons or a boost will not get you sanctioned in and of itself.

You’re spouting off a lot of tin-foil-hat theories in your posting history that I perused.

  • Blizzard does not do IP bans. They ban game licenses. They don’t even typically shutter Battle.net accounts as a whole unless there is a lot of egregious mess going on, but they have never banned IPs.

  • Banning is not automated. Period. Players report you or Warden does it’s thing. These then go to real live people to handle. Real live people investigate. Real live people make the decision on how to sanction - be it suspension or a ban.

  • Even in Classic iterations, boosting is allowed, but unsupported. GDKP runs, now those are against the rules if you’re talking SoD (I don’t think I’ve missed them being outlawed in any other iterations as yet?) But just level boosting where you’re actually playing your character and you’re paying with legitimately earned gold - not against the rules. Unless some hacks are involved, but that’s a whole other brand of sanction outside of RMT.

All of that now said, you will have to keep appealing through the ticketing system. Making multiple posts across the forums will not garner you the attention of any GMs, as they do not have anything to do with monitoring the forums. GMs are ONLY accessible through tickets. You may appeal, and continue to appeal until you’re told no more will be accepted. Unfortunately, it does often take more than one appeal, but be mindful of the same I mentioned above. Real live people do handle appeals, even if they only send you back a templated response. The appeal system does work, even though it’s not without it’s flaws.

Good luck to you.


GDKP runs are not allowed on the anniversary realms.


I have never purchased gold on the banned account. which is what should matter

I also don’t really care and I already made a new account … but I would love to know why my account actually got banned… because I was trying pretty hard to make sure I do nothing bannable. I thought buying a boost was totally okay . Now im sumply never ever going to trade gold ever on my new account

That should keep me safe . if I still get banned then I’ll just quit the game

You made a new account and are buying summons, buying boosts. I wonder where that gold came from.

Buying gold on one account and then sending it to another is something a lot of swipers do.

But whatever. Blizz will investigate and make a decision.


I didnt buy gold on the new account. I was level 55 and didn’t spend gold on anything I had 200 extra gold and decided to buy some boosts with it cuz why not . I paid 40 gold and I got banned… I know people won’t believe me I don’t really care but I would love it if blizzard could actually tell me why I got banned … I’m assuming it’s the boosts but I don’t know

On my new account I had never purchased gold or ever attained any gold from gold buying . every gold I got on the account was from me farming while levelling

I don’t really care because I already have a new account and it was only 3 weeks that got banned … but whatever I just would really really love blizz to just tell me why I actually got banned because all I can think of is buying the boost

My assumption is I think my computer is flagged and so my computer being flagged got me banned when I gave a little bit of gold to boosters

It’s whatever . now I know on my new account to just never trade gold ever. And that should keep me safe

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Did u send the gold to a max lvl toon or a lvl 1 toon.

Not something they do. If they did, there would be a lot more people with total and complete bans from all of Blizzard’s properties.

As I stated above - they ban game licenses. If there is some repeated or egregious behavior, then the Battle.net account is banned.

Blizzard does not and has never flagged or banned someone’s computer or IP.


If you got the strath boost from characters with dirty accounts. Well they might think you paid real world money for it


In addition to this, doing it on a new account just after getting banned for it on a different account is a suspicious pattern, as well.


They won’t do that because it would give information to the gold sellers.

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The only way to have this reviewed is through an appeal ticket.

From the notes I see here - doesn’t look like this was associated with gold.