I think the people complaining at this point are just refusing to admit they were wrong to worry. I added myself to the finder, and two minutes later I was in an excellent group that knocked it out in one try.
I haven’t seen a single homeless person in my area, so homelessness must not really be a problem.
I havnt got robbed, so no crime in my city
It sucks, blizz made a bad decision and their goal of it improving the social experience isn’t happening.
All this does is make things take longer. That’s literally it.
If given the choice, I bet most people would use it regardless of their stance. Just a bunch of hypocrites
I’ve never been murdered so murdering must be fake.
Consider this!
Its garbage, but i do like the paid review posts lol
Agree 100%. AFAIK penalizing RDF i would suggest just making for all normal dungeons 1-80 … after that leave it to lfg.
Sure, this is the goal and should be the goal FOR RAIDING. RDF hurts nothing to do with the social aspect of the game because it is only for trivial content.
I flew to Iran and stayed a week wearing a T-shirt that said “Proud to be American” with “I hate Lentils” in subscript and everyone was nice to me! Highly recommend, everyone agrees.
Ive had no problems with the tool as well and found groups fast. People need to give it chance.
Heroics arent trivial in P1. Once im not forced to do heroics as a step in gearing id absolutely agree. If i could move directly into raids without getting pre-bis, then sure as well!
Of course, we’re in pre-patch joyous journeys. I would expect you could find a group without any tool whatsoever.
Tell me, how does using RDF for pre raid gearing HURT the social aspect of the game?
It takes like a week to do this
Sorry to burst your bubble but wrath heroics are faceroll

Tell me, how does using RDF for pre raid gearing HURT the social aspect of the game?
Because a large portion of your time in p1 is spamming queus into dungeons as many and fast as you can with a bunch of randoms, and that sounds like a terrible time to me personally. So im glad i wont have to! because i enjoy doing dungeons, and increasing the size of my friends list, removing the tedium from the dungeons i enjoy.

but wrath heroics are faceroll
absolutely but will constitute 40-50% of your time gearing in the first few weeks of p1. which is not a trivial amount of time.
I used it (on a full server) and had no problems picking who I wanted to be in my group that wouldn’t roll need on what I hoped to get. I imagine this issue of unwanted dps is exasperated by smaller populations.
Because this issue doesn’t really affect me, I’m still for it and would use it almost exclusively vs starting my own group where I’ll get all the drops I want.
Tell me how walking to a dungeon and picking random people from a list HELPS the social interaction.
It’s basically just RDF with extra steps…literally

HELP the social interaction.
Like ive said a bunch of times in these forums, Manual grouping doesnt provide “social interaction” it provides TEDIUM. which in turn encourages social interaction
so ive answered this.