The Torghast Mount can be used in the Maw… and the Followers help with the Mission table… How on earth does that not help you progress other content?
Except if you run multiple specs or do multiple different forms of content, IE; Raiding, M+, PvP, you will need to farm multiple different legendary items. In addition to that just crafting you legendary isn’t the end of it as you need to upgrade it which will take something like 5-6 weeks of Torghast for one legendary.
A book is not only made by it’s first chapter, nor movies are only made their first five minutes… Sure can grab your attention or not, but that doesn’t automatically make it the worst. It really sounds like a tantrum (the same of every single new expansion btw) and that’s irritant.
It’s not a tantrum, it’s just simply the way things work. You need to prove your game, movie, book, tv series. Is worth the time and in some cases money. Maybe you don’t value your time enough to make quick judgments but most people do. And will not bother with a bad tv show, book, or game if they are showing in the first parts of it, it isn’t worth your time.
I would argue that as far as tv series goes, I didn’t care for the first 2 or 3 episodes of GoT but I kept watching because my girlfriend really liked it. It ended up being one of my favorite series of all time(I pretend season 8 didn’t happen)
A long time ago when you unsubbed it used to give you a place to give feedback on why you quit so they can improve the game. Now days it tells you to post that feedback on the forums.
OP did give feedback. They said specifically everything they have a issue with. Or do you mean they are suppose to complain before they even experience the content?
That’s not true. I don’t see anything specific in the post. I mean… Maybe the Torghast thing, but…
“Bad writing”
Why is it bad writing? What didn’t they like about it? It might as well be a personal thing with something that happened in the story. Who knows. Same with
“Boring quests”
I mean, I imagine myself being one of the developers and reading this and…
“Okay, this one says we’ve done boring quests. Boring quests… Okay! Let’s make funny quests, then, how didn’t we think about it!”
Maybe you’re right and this somehow works but I still can’t see the point behind this kind of threads…
That is all feedback, some feedback is more specific and better then others I do agree however. Just saying something is boring or bad writing if said often enough by enough people would be cause for them to do a focus group to try and figure out what is wrong. I mean yeah I’m with you it’s better to just tell them. However sometimes you don’t know exactly what makes the writing feel bad or the quests feel boring. You just know it does. That is why they get paid the money to figure those things out and you pay them the money to play. You are a player not an employee, it is their job to make it good.
In some universe saying ‘This is bad I quit!’ may be considered feedback, but that is not constructive nor is it actionable. OP is just ranting and creating drama.
The OP went more indepth then just this is bad though. They said the specific areas they felt there was problems. Maybe they don’t know exactly why they find those things boring or bad, but at least they said the specific area they are not liking. And Torghast they gave direct feedback because it was obvious what they hated about it.
Yeah so do I but when you spend 40 minutes in a Torghast run and then get smashed by the last boss and come out with absolutely nothing it doesn’t feel good. Especially since the currency for legendaries is only a reward if you complete the whole thing
Yikes not sure why you said bad writing. there really hasn’t been any writing in any other expansion that compares to this one. The only one really would be Wrath of the Lich King but the good writing was Warcraft 3 not the actual quests in Wrath.
Honestly just being forced to listen to it made me hate it. Don’t get me wrong I love voice acting, but I also like the option to skip if I am in a hurry. There was a TON of areas in this expansion where you had to just sit there and listen to a NPC gab while you waited for the next quest to appear.