I unsubscribed in less than a week


I feel like this is being blown out of proportion, although I will admit that I wish Torghast had more bosses. However, it’s worth remembering we’re only in week one, and that as it stands, things will not be perfect.

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Well, bye.


Yet you’re still wasting your time posting on the forums. Get a new hobby

Lol, I was thinking of this as I posted.

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This ain’t your blog.


You people are such drama queens. This expansion is GREAT.

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I disagree entirely, but then again I have a bias as I LOVE Roguelike and Roguelite games.

However, considering that you need to do Torghast for Legendaries I have to flat out disagree about the “not rewarding” point. In fact, there are other rewards like mounts, followers, etc. from Torghast.


tbh i am getting there, this has been easily the worst launch expansion period 50-60 was not fun at all, by the end it felt like a massive grind even after all this level squishing they did, story is overall uninteresting, the forced cov choice clearly doesn’t need to be forced, and all this " we care about your time " is total BS, zone traveling is absolute nightmare outside your cov zone thanks to awful limited flight paths, tons of grind systems they claim you don’t need to do but doesn’t feel like it, and gearing up has been a chore and so far RNG feels as bad as ever, idk everything just feels like an absolute grind now and Torghast yeah i agree massive grind for garbage rewards, yeah the legendary crafting is cool to bad there locked behind tons of bs RNG and grinds elseware


Those things don’t matter. They won’t help you do torghast or other content.

You only get to equip one legendary so that isn’t huge incentive. Likely will have that legendary next week.

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Why does everyone keep saying “bad quest, horrible storylines”?

Firstly we’ve barely seen ANY of the story because we haven’t been able to even finsih our quest lines yet since they’re locked behind renown. Secondly, have you SEEN the convents? They all look AMAZING - each zone is its own beautifully laid out area with quests to do, things to find and people to meet. Third, each convent has its own unique personality and story that explains what they’re all about and what’s going wrong. Its so interesting and so well done I’m loving it, and i’m actually excited to do the next set of quests for each of my convents.

Personally I think this is already shaping up to be one of THE BEST Xpacs in terms of story/world building because each of the convents is just so unique each one has an amazing amount of depth to them that I can only applaud. Stop getting mad you actually need to listen to some dialog while you level your FIRST character.


The mount you get lets you mount up in the maw so yes it will help
silly silly worgen. :slight_smile:

Tell me again, why we care about the maw?

It’s just apexis crystal grind that literally nobody liked in WoD. and just like Apexis crystals they don’t offer very much of anything worth while.


Ditto. (10characters)

Thanks for letting us know.

Nooo, we need you. Come back!

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1 week of expansion.


See you when you inevitably resub.


And it’s magically going to get better before the next content patch?

BTW First week is the most important week
 it is when they should be trying to grab your attention. IT’s like reading a book or watching a new tv series if the first chapter, or episode don’t grab your attention you are going to move on.


Except games these days can update and improve with patches. This same kind of shallow outrage happened the first week of MoP, Wotlk, and Legion too.