I TRUSTED You, Blizzard. Fix WoW Or See It Die

How you equate any worthwhile complaint about this game to automatically being a karen poster is beyond me.

Your posts are insulting and degrading when I’m not female.

Grow a pair and a spine and then actually make some substantive posts.


How am I a karen for wanting to call for improvements for the game?

Not at all like old Blizzard maybe, but tainted hires have no vision on what they create and what’s the definition of leadership on running a company means.

I don’t think they were this bad back them. If anything very hype on their success and the atmosphere was different. It all changed with the Activision partnership. It didn’t start hard, but over the years it gotten worst and here we are.

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The problem is that WoW has lost its soul. It’s currently trapped in the Maw, except there’s no mall walker and the body has a fatal DoT.

It needs to hire a real writer


The inability of Blizzard to keep relevant the story throughout the life of this game is the single biggest issue I’m aware of thus far.

I’d like to see whoever came up with Arthas/Lich king come back

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Retreading old story ground is also a constant issue for Blizzard in WoW…

Most games:

Trees of lore.


Tree of lore, bent, broken, badly troden over roots, and also badly in need of new supports as it’s nearly falling over due to root rot.

Imho,I love this game and don’t want the artists that make it suffer any more than they are right now. I will not if I can stop playing this game .

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WoW could use some new blood, that’s for sure.

Actually creative and innovative and inventive new Developers, at that!

The new blood is doing all this censoring.

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Hi Karen!

That’s the issue, the “new” blood is still bad blood thanks to how Blizzard does stuff!

At this point the game requires a lot more work than they are willing to put into it. They are trying too hard to be inline to be super competitive game to just be a fun one. Just quit. This is an old cash cow that they won’t work on. I hope they prove me wrong but it is what it is.

It would seem reinvigorating the IP and its franchise would be wiser.

Still, it’s Blizzard, those rocks and rocky shoals ahead look ominous…

Like they’d even think about turning.

To them reinvigorating would most likely be making it an eSport. To milk a lot of money while putting as little work as they can into it is what I’m saying. They aren’t the ‘make the game fun’ kind of company any more.

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And it’s so sad.

They’d make more money if they’d actually, y’know, TRIED?