I treated BFA to harshly

While i still hate BFA because the endless AP grind the expansion still had great Warcraft vibes and the War campaign is the best expansion campaign we’ve gotten only topped by Legion.

My expansion list is now



I feel like they did a better job with BFA on the Horde side than they did on the Alliance side. Even when I played through it as horde when it was active it felt like it had more of a cohesive story that was involved.

What I don’t get about BFA is that you can play through the Battle for Lordaeron still but you can’t play through War of the Thorns. Both were pre-patch events.


I didn’t mind the AP, but I play open world, not endgame, so it just stacked up nicely without thought.

I loved it - thought it was best since Mop. The sheer detail, zones, options, and individual storylines were great.

Not many agree, but one of my faves. Just going back and exploring all the nooks and crannies is sheer enjoyment. Even came around to Mechagon. There were rares a solo could eventually solo… idk I think the art team wasn’t given enough credit either. :woman_shrugging:

Idk, that pyramind was a witch to deal with, but the area’s were down right beatiful!


I loved the pyramids and Zandalar in general… it was nice to get a focus on a race that wasn’t just blood elves and i finally got my first Horde Paladin through Zandalari


Nostalgia is a helluva drug


I mean my hate for BFA is from the systems. The story content, raids and dungeons were fun.


Before I did the pathfinding to get flying, I would fling my body down. Die, resurrect and then do it again just to get down to the ground.

I broke my gear so many times but I had fun doing that. It was the quickest way to get off of the pyramid.


It happened by accident the first time - you know,“the dh forgets it’s on another toon” syndrome, lol, but after that little light bulb accident I did the same :wink:

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TBC was amazing. I disagree with anyone that thinks it’s bad, they must have just been late to the party and didn’t play when it was current. It’s the closest thing we still have to real Vanilla.

Blood Elves are still like, the most played race in the game.

Still no zones that resemble Netherstorm as well.

It was a more unique expansion than the others, except maybe the end of Legion with Argus, had the same vibes.


Because BFA was a good expansion at the end of the day. If they had released the Azerite vendor earlier than they had people would have considered it nearly the same tier as Legion. When you break down Legion is pretty funny too because most of the systems at the time were just worse.

You were locked to one single spec, if you didn’t hit cap on day 1 release you were perma behind, if you fell behind a day on artifact knowledge you were perma behind, RNG legendaries with some being an upwards of 40% dps gains, Blizzard lying about legendaries saying they weren’t bi weekly capped, the bug at the start of the expansion where if somebody got an early legendary it dramatically increased their chances of more and some people had the cap of 3 at the time where most still had zero. Legion wasn’t good until the last patch but everybody pretends the rest of the expansion never happened for some reason. Legion was chalked until they added the lego vendor and just fully unlocked weapon trees for everybody. Yet with all that people still consider it the best expansion because it had purple man I guess.


Horde had worst city ever created and a storyline where nothing got accomplished other than feeding the Alliance wins

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Tbc is wows morrowind.

Maybe a bit of an exaggeration but i love tbc.


Wow it climbed all the way up to 6th out of 9! (Vanilla isnt an expansion)


After re playing it in classic i didn’t like it as much…i still love wotlk

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For the soloist, WPvPer, and gentleman goldfarmer.


I haven’t played DF but it may go in amongst Leg, Wrath, or BFA.

The only reason BFA didn’t get the worst was because you could solo it(just not well), you made the worst gold from WQ’s and the mission table, and it had better WPvP action than Tol Barad.


The crime of AP and it basically derailing the story in its .2 and .3 patch is why it’s so low.

It’s like a fever dream

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I didn’t even have a dh lol. It was more of “alright screw it only way down is by jumping.”


Zuldazar is the best city.

Better than lifeless oribos or ugly kultiras


Actually I liked Zuldazar. Then again I always liked the architecture of the Aztec Temples which was what the Zandalari were kind of based off of. Boralus was good too.


To look at maybe.

Not to actually interact with in a practical way.

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