I told yall phase 3 raid would be Sunken Temple

^ The only assumption you’re making with a basis

Time will tell, but there’s no reason to assume that because something was changed in SoM that it’ll be changed in SoD.

ST has a number of important class quests, however.

I can’t see them making that into a raid. ZF makes more sense.

This is a blatant lie.

Lower levels of ST are needed for several class quest chains, and is where the epic sword - Dragon’s Call, drops.

Other than all the instances of SOM popular changes that have stuck around or being re-implemented.

That’s just the same source as OP.

Of which there is no consistency.

I’m looking forward to the hundred threads where people debate how the raid choice favors Horde or Alliance.

They could make it so you have to split up and bring them all down at the same time.

That’s a fair point, though I think they could either update the quests easily enough to go somewhere else or just scale up the reward.