I told yall phase 3 raid would be Sunken Temple

All you people going on about Mara or ZF and completely ignoring them saying they want to turn the least popular dungeons into raids.


Sunken Temple was pretty cool imo.


It’s datamined to have a 3 day lockout

I think ST is/was pretty popular actually. I’d consider both Mara and ZF worse dungeons.

I want the raid to be ST but I’m still thinking it’ll be ZF unfortunately. There’s more room for 20 man people in there. Whereas in ST it can get a bit cramped in the hallways/around the platforms where the trolls are you have to kill to bring down barrier. Moreover, you can’t enter ZF which is exactly how Gnomer was in P1.

It’s datamined already.

It’s not the SUPER popular ZF or Mara.


It’s the least popular dungeons.

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Hadn’t heard about that. If true, that’s excellent news.


Maraudon is the best candidate to receive a 20 man raid.
The whole dungeon is wide and bigger and looks like it can hold 10 or even 20 players.

ST is mostly small and not even bigger enough for a 20 man raid, or to even allow mechanics that they’re likely going to implement.

Source? You’re stating as it is confirmed to be ST while it is not, nowhere any reliable source.

And we were told it would be a 3 day lockout for 20 mans anyway.

Why sorry? We like ST…


Sucks to suck.

TIL Sunken Temple is less popular than Mara.

It’ll be really cool to see what the update to Dragon’s Call will be.

Edit: Provided a link for clarity.


Didn’t you post in here that you were quitting the game like a month ago?


Whether or not its confirmed it makes the most sense to me. Mara is popular for leveling and gearing even if I personally think it stinks from start to finish and ZF is just a popular instance for a lot of reasons. ST is at least as long as mara but more remote for alliance and has a big arsed dragon as well as a god and a giant potty monster, while being less popular for gear grinding as I can remember it.

Not a fan just because the little platforms are going to be so cluttered, and it is such a grindy dungeon, but we will see what they do with it

Great thing about ST is that it feels like an actual dungeon and not just an open air zone that happens to be instanced, like a ZF.

Its ambience and ‘feel’ ranks up there with BRD imo.


Unless they redesign the entire thing so ST is no longer ST, I am going to skip phase 3 raiding.

I would bet money on Tanaris being the pvp zone with some type of cool sand event.

Why do we think all raids will be 20 from now on? I know blizz talked about adding 20 man and MC being 20 man. I’m just not sure that means ST will be 20 man. Did blizz clarify that all will be, or just a difference of interpretation?

This isn’t meant hostile btw. Genuinely asking.

That gives me flashbacks to the Silithus pvp sand event which was utter garbage. Please no.


My moneys on un goro being the next pvp zone.

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I could see the next PvP area being Hinterlands, with the Wildhammer and Revantusk.