I think this could be the end of WOW

You all keep talking like an offer is a sale.
They are still in the offer stage… and when The Largest cash transaction in recorded human history is being discussed, you can count on one thing. Every single entity that can put a finger in that pie will.
The more entities that take an interest in that money, the slower this deal will move.
To be honest the offer may have a motive other than the actual purchase or sale, in the big world of bigger money, a public offer of this type will change things . those changes may be more the goal than an actual purchase.
So again, un-bunch all you all’s panties and take deep breaths, until the money changes homes ain’t nothin happening .

Such certainty. As if nothing has changed. As if a pending sale that huge wouldn’t have any effect on current plans and direction.

Guess we will see. Nostradamus arise!

Once Microsoft finds a stable exchange rate between USD and in game gold and starts monetizing every single square inch of property and every single object in World of Warcraft its conversion to a “Metaverse” will be complete (I hate that term btw…virtual world is a better term). After that, money over fun will prevail and it will cease to be the game we once knew.

RIP WOW…it was a fun 14 year run.

as noted in my post … I’m sure things will change, whenever that amount of money move’s or is even suggested that it might move… things change. I’m just saying speaking of and thinking of an Offer being the same as the final sale is at best premature.

What a dumb thing to say, of course they will.

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